Linking verbs are special verbs that do not show action but connect the subject to more information about it. They help describe a state, condition, or identity of the subject. Common linking verbs include “is,” “are,” “was,” “were,” “seem,” “become,” and “feel.” These verbs help form meaningful sentences by linking the subject to an adjective, noun, or phrase that describes it. For example, in the sentence “She is happy,” the word “is” connects “She” to “happy.” In this article, we will learn 500 Linking Verbs List A to Z with examples to help you understand and use them correctly.
Table of Contents
ToggleLearn Linking Verbs List A to Z
A words list Linking Verbs
- Am
- Appear
- Arrive
- Assume
- Act
- Approach
- Apply
- Arose
- Awake
- Abide
- Accord
- Associate
- Accept
- Adopt
- Adhere
- Aim
- Allow
- Achieve
- Adapt
- Approve
B words list Linking Verbs
- Be
- Become
- Behave
- Belong
- Bloom
- Blush
- Balance
- Believe
- Blend
- Build
- Bring
- Bear
- Begin
- Bend
- Bounce
- Blossom
- Burn
- Buzz
- Bind
- Breathe
C words list Linking Verbs
- Can
- Come
- Continue
- Change
- Collapse
- Clarify
- Consider
- Choose
- Cling
- Compare
- Converse
- Compose
- Confirm
- Conform
- Connect
- Communicate
- Combine
- Conceal
- Concede
- Cooperate
D words list Linking Verbs
- Do
- Develop
- Demonstrate
- Describe
- Decide
- Depend
- Decline
- Drift
- Differ
- Diminish
- Dream
- Dress
- Dwell
- Display
- Disclose
- Discuss
- Devote
- Divide
- Determine
- Direct
E words list Linking Verbs
- Exist
- Emerge
- Endure
- Enhance
- Encompass
- Express
- Exert
- Engage
- Ensure
- Enrich
- Examine
- Expose
- Explain
- Expand
- Establish
- Enable
- Embody
- Encounter
- Elapse
- Escape
F words list Linking Verbs
- Feel
- Flourish
- Finish
- Focus
- Foster
- Form
- Face
- Fill
- Fall
- Flow
- Flee
- Flip
- Filter
- Feed
- Find
- Formulate
- Fascinate
- Familiarize
- Fortify
- Freeze
G words list Linking Verbs
- Go
- Grow
- Glide
- Gather
- Guide
- Generate
- Glance
- Grip
- Glow
- Govern
- Grieve
- Gain
- Grasp
- Guess
- Glimmer
- Grant
- Glide
- Guard
- Glorify
- Ground
H words list Linking Verbs
- Have
- Hear
- Hold
- Hover
- Help
- Hint
- Harmonize
- Heal
- Haunt
- Hinder
- Host
- Halt
- Honor
- Hug
- Hum
- Humble
- Hasten
- Hunt
- Harness
- Herald
I words list Linking Verbs
- Is
- Imagine
- Include
- Inspire
- Inform
- Indicate
- Interact
- Increase
- Imply
- Impact
- Invest
- Invite
- Identify
- Introduce
- Involve
- Improve
- Influence
- Integrate
- Investigate
- Illustrate
J words list Linking Verbs
- Join
- Jump
- Judge
- Justify
- Juggle
- Jam
- Joke
- Jive
- Jolt
- Journey
- Jiggle
- Jab
- Jostle
- Jumpstart
- Jot
- Jazz
- Jeopardize
- Joy
- Judge
K words list
- Keep
- Kneel
- Know
- Knit
- Knock
- Kindle
- Kick
- Knead
- Knowingly
- Kink
- Key
- Kid
- Kiss
- Knockout
- Kneecap
- Knockover
- Kickstart
- Knot
- Kick-off
- Kindle-up
L words list
- Look
- Lay
- Last
- Lie
- Listen
- Lead
- Live
- Learn
- Link
- Lock
- Leap
- Linger
- Level
- Laugh
- Locate
- Lean
- Lend
- Lose
- Light
- Limit
M words list
- Make
- Mean
- Move
- Merge
- Mix
- Maintain
- Manifest
- Mature
- Match
- Measure
- Mark
- Mend
- Mention
- Mimic
- Monitor
- Modify
- Mold
- Mobilize
- Multiply
- Melt
N words list
- Need
- Notice
- Name
- Navigate
- Negotiate
- Nourish
- Note
- Narrow
- Noticeably
- Neutralize
- Neglect
- Nurture
- Nod
- Nullify
- Name-drop
- Noticeably
- Nominate
- Nullify
- Nurse
- Notify
O words list
- Observe
- Obtain
- Offer
- Overcome
- Operate
- Occupy
- Order
- Originate
- Open
- Overlap
- Organize
- Outline
- Outlast
- Omit
- Outshine
- Oversee
- Overpower
- Outperform
- Own
- Offset
P words list
- Prove
- Process
- Provide
- Proceed
- Plan
- Position
- Perceive
- Play
- Perform
- Promote
- Predict
- Participate
- Pass
- Push
- Pull
- Produce
- Pursue
- Possess
- Prevent
- Permit
Q words list
- Qualify
- Quantify
- Question
- Quicken
- Quench
- Queue
- Quibble
- Quote
- Quiet
- Query
- Quarantine
- Quilt
- Quash
- Quadruple
- Quiver
- Quarter
- Quote-up
- Quiet-down
- Quip
- Quest
R words list
- Remain
- Reflect
- Relate
- Reach
- React
- Rise
- Return
- Run
- Realize
- Remember
- Restore
- Regret
- Recognize
- Reside
- Rejoice
- Result
- Recollect
- Rejoin
- Regain
- Rest
S words list
- Seem
- Stay
- Sound
- Smell
- Stand
- Start
- Show
- Speak
- Stop
- Serve
- Signal
- Suggest
- Shine
- Suit
- Share
- Strive
- Support
- Stress
- Symbolize
- Secure
T words list
- Taste
- Touch
- Turn
- Tend
- Test
- Thrive
- Transform
- Travel
- Trigger
- Treat
- Transfer
- Trust
- Trade
- Transmit
- Track
- Talk
- Teach
- Train
- Try
- Tend-to
U words list
- Understand
- Unfold
- Unite
- Uncover
- Uphold
- Utilize
- Upgrade
- Update
- Urge
- Undergo
- Unify
- Undertake
- Uphold
- Unlock
- Unveil
- Uplift
- Use
- Usher
- Unleash
- Unwind
V words list
- View
- Value
- Verify
- Visit
- Venture
- Voice
- Visualize
- Venture
- Vacate
- Volunteer
- Vow
- Vanish
- Visit
- Venture
- Vacillate
- Verify
- Value
- Vary
- Vocalize
- Vouch
W words list
- Was
- Were
- Wait
- Walk
- Watch
- Wander
- Welcome
- Wonder
- Wish
- Work
- Write
- Worry
- Whisper
- Warn
- Worsen
- Weigh
- Waver
- Win
- Widen
- Withdraw
X words list
- Xerox
- X-ray
- Xenialize (show hospitality)
- X-out (cross out)
- Xeriscape (create low-water landscape)
- X-amine (examine closely)
- X-ert (apply effort)
- X-pose (expose)
- X-pand (expand)
- X-ceed (exceed)
- X-hale (exhale)
- X-press (express clearly)
- X-plore (explore in detail)
- X-alt (exalt)
- X-change (exchange)
- X-clude (exclude)
- X-tend (extend)
- X-emplify (exemplify)
- X-pedite (expedite)
- X-act (exact or demand precisely)
Y words list
- Yield
- Yearn
- Yawn
- Yank
- Yoke
- Yell
- Yodel
- Yearlong
- Yellow
- Yearn
- Youthify (make youthful)
- Yoke-up
- Yonder
- Yield-up
- Yes (affirm)
- Yip
- Yippee
- Yow
- Yelp
- Year-end
Z words list
- Zoom
- Zap
- Zigzag
- Zip
- Zero
- Zone-in
- Zip-up
- Zap-up
- Zest
- Zing
- Zero-in
- Zoom-in
- Zigzag-around
- Zip-around
- Zoom-out
- Zap-back
- Zero-out
- Zipper
- Zone
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