Learning Antonyms words in English is a good way to improve your daily use of English vocabulary. Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings, helping us understand and describe things in a more detailed way. For example, “hot” has the antonym “cold,” and “fast” has the opposite “slow. Some common Antonyms words are, “Add, Subtract,” “Advance, Retreat,” “Agree, Disagree,” “Alive, Dead,” and “Always, Never. In this article, I have covered 500 Antonyms words list A to Z in English and Pictures that can help you in your daily English speaking. All are given below lets learn…
Table of Contents
Togglewhat are Antonyms words?
Antonyms are words that mean the opposite of each other. They are useful in language to show the differences between two ideas or things. By using antonyms, we can describe something by comparing it to its opposite. Learn more about Synonyms words
Antonyms words list A to Z in English
A words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Absent | Present |
Accept | Reject |
Active | Passive |
Add | Subtract |
Advance | Retreat |
Agree | Disagree |
Alive | Dead |
Always | Never |
Ancient | Modern |
Angel | Devil |
Animal | Plant |
Answer | Question |
Appear | Disappear |
Approve | Disapprove |
Arrive | Depart |
Asleep | Awake |
Attack | Defend |
Attract | Repel |
Awake | Asleep |
Awful | Wonderful |
B words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Back | Front |
Bad | Good |
Begin | End |
Big | Small |
Bitter | Sweet |
Black | White |
Bless | Curse |
Bold | Timid |
Bottom | Top |
Boy | Girl |
Brave | Cowardly |
Break | Fix |
Bright | Dull |
Build | Destroy |
Buy | Sell |
Busy | Idle |
Bygone | Recent |
Blunt | Sharp |
Broad | Narrow |
Borrow | Lend |
C words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Calm | Agitated |
Capture | Release |
Careful | Careless |
Catch | Miss |
Ceiling | Floor |
Certain | Uncertain |
Cheap | Expensive |
Clean | Dirty |
Clever | Stupid |
Close | Open |
Cold | Hot |
Come | Go |
Complicated | Simple |
Cool | Warm |
Create | Destroy |
Cruel | Kind |
Cry | Laugh |
Curious | Uninterested |
Clear | Vague |
Connect | Disconnect |
D words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Dark | Light |
Day | Night |
Deep | Shallow |
Demand | Supply |
Deny | Admit |
Despair | Hope |
Different | Same |
Dirty | Clean |
Distant | Near |
Divide | Unite |
Doubt | Believe |
Down | Up |
Dull | Bright |
Dry | Wet |
Dynamic | Static |
Decrease | Increase |
Defend | Attack |
Direct | Indirect |
Drunk | Sober |
Dangerous | Safe |
E words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Early | Late |
East | West |
Easy | Difficult |
Empty | Full |
Enter | Exit |
Equal | Unequal |
Even | Odd |
Exact | Approximate |
Exclude | Include |
Expand | Contract |
Export | Import |
Exterior | Interior |
Expensive | Cheap |
Expose | Hide |
Extreme | Moderate |
Evil | Good |
Exciting | Boring |
Expand | Shrink |
Exit | Entrance |
Exempt | Liable |
F words list Antonyms
G words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Gain | Lose |
Generous | Stingy |
Gentle | Rough |
Giant | Tiny |
Give | Take |
Glad | Sad |
Go | Stop |
Good | Bad |
Graceful | Clumsy |
Grand | Humble |
Grant | Refuse |
Great | Small |
Grow | Shrink |
Guilty | Innocent |
Guest | Host |
Guide | Mislead |
Guilty | Blameless |
Gladness | Sorrow |
Generous | Greedy |
Gentle | Harsh |
H words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Happy | Sad |
Hard | Soft |
Harm | Protect |
Hate | Love |
Healthy | Sick |
Heaven | Hell |
Heavy | Light |
Help | Hinder |
Hero | Villain |
High | Low |
Hinder | Assist |
Honest | Dishonest |
Hope | Despair |
Host | Guest |
Hot | Cold |
Humble | Proud |
Huge | Tiny |
Humid | Dry |
Hurry | Delay |
Hurt | Heal |
I words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Idle | Active |
Include | Exclude |
Increase | Decrease |
Inferior | Superior |
Innocent | Guilty |
Inside | Outside |
Inspire | Discourage |
Intelligent | Dumb |
Intentional | Accidental |
Interesting | Boring |
Internal | External |
Introvert | Extrovert |
Inhale | Exhale |
Inhale | Exhale |
Improve | Worsen |
Instant | Delayed |
Informal | Formal |
Interior | Exterior |
Innocent | Culpable |
Ignore | Notice |
J words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Joy | Sorrow |
Join | Separate |
Just | Unjust |
Justice | Injustice |
Jump | Fall |
Juvenile | Adult |
Jolly | Sad |
Jeopardy | Safety |
Jubilant | Depressed |
Judge | Bystander |
Jittery | Calm |
Jaded | Energized |
Jab | Pat |
Journey | Stay |
Jumble | Organize |
Junior | Senior |
Jealous | Trusting |
Joke | Seriousness |
Joiner | Divider |
Juvenile | Mature |
K words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Kind | Cruel |
Keep | Discard |
Known | Unknown |
Keen | Uninterested |
King | Commoner |
Knock | Lift |
Knowledge | Ignorance |
Kneel | Stand |
Kindness | Harshness |
Knotty | Smooth |
Kid | Adult |
Kill | Save |
Knave | Gentleman |
Knowingly | Unintentionally |
Kick | Catch |
Kindhearted | Mean |
Kooky | Sensible |
Kindle | Extinguish |
Keenly | Dully |
Kept | Lost |
L words list Antonyms
Words | Antonyms |
Large | Small |
Last | First |
Laugh | Cry |
Lazy | Active |
Lead | Follow |
Learn | Ignore |
Left | Right |
Light | Heavy |
Like | Dislike |
Live | Die |
Lose | Win |
Long | Short |
Loud | Quiet |
Love | Hate |
Lower | Raise |
Loyal | Disloyal |
Lucky | Unlucky |
Loudly | Softly |
Limited | Unlimited |
Legal | Illegal |
M words list Antonyms A to Z in English
Words | Antonyms |
Major | Minor |
Mature | Immature |
Many | Few |
Marvelous | Terrible |
Mean | Kind |
Menace | Protect |
Messy | Neat |
Modern | Ancient |
Modest | Boastful |
Morning | Evening |
Move | Stay |
Multiply | Divide |
Murky | Clear |
Mourn | Celebrate |
Minimum | Maximum |
Minor | Major |
Mystery | Solution |
Minute | Vast |
Magnify | Reduce |
Massive | Small |
N words list Antonyms A to Z in English
Words | Antonyms |
Narrow | Wide |
Near | Far |
Negative | Positive |
New | Old |
Night | Day |
Noise | Silence |
None | All |
Normal | Abnormal |
North | South |
Notice | Ignore |
Nourish | Starve |
Nurture | Neglect |
Numerous | Few |
Natural | Artificial |
Nominal | Significant |
Neutral | Biased |
Native | Foreign |
Nasty | Nice |
Neat | Untidy |
Noble | Common |
O words list Antonyms A to Z in English
Words | Antonyms |
Obey | Disobey |
Offer | Refuse |
Open | Close |
Oppose | Support |
Ordinary | Extraordinary |
Out | In |
Outside | Inside |
Over | Under |
Optimistic | Pessimistic |
Opponent | Ally |
Obtain | Lose |
Occupy | Vacate |
Old | New |
Overcast | Clear |
Obvious | Hidden |
Overcome | Surrender |
Odd | Even |
Obstacle | Advantage |
Order | Chaos |
On | Off |
P words list Antonyms A to Z in English
Words | Antonyms |
Passive | Active |
Peace | War |
Plenty | Scarcity |
Polite | Rude |
Poor | Rich |
Positive | Negative |
Powerful | Weak |
Praise | Criticize |
Present | Absent |
Private | Public |
Profit | Loss |
Push | Pull |
Pure | Impure |
Public | Private |
Pull | Push |
Patient | Impatient |
Progress | Regress |
Permit | Forbid |
Pleasure | Pain |
Proud | Humble |
Q words list Antonyms A to Z in English
Words | Antonyms |
Quick | Slow |
Quiet | Loud |
Question | Answer |
Qualify | Disqualify |
Quit | Continue |
Quality | Inferiority |
Quarrel | Agreement |
Quest | Retreat |
Quickness | Slowness |
Quantity | Quality |
Quench | Ignite |
Qualified | Unqualified |
Quaint | Modern |
Quote | Ignore |
Qualified | Untrained |
Quell | Encourage |
Quarter | Whole |
Quiescent | Active |
Questioning | Certainty |
Quietude | Commotion |
R words list
Words | Antonyms |
Raise | Lower |
Rapid | Slow |
Real | Fake |
Refuse | Accept |
Regular | Irregular |
Remember | Forget |
Rough | Smooth |
Right | Wrong |
Risky | Safe |
Rude | Polite |
Release | Capture |
Rich | Poor |
Rise | Fall |
Rigid | Flexible |
Repair | Damage |
Reward | Punish |
Rural | Urban |
Retreat | Advance |
Reveal | Conceal |
Relax | Tense |
S words list
Words | Antonyms |
Sad | Happy |
Safe | Dangerous |
Sell | Buy |
Separate | Join |
Short | Long |
Simple | Complex |
Sink | Float |
Slow | Fast |
Soft | Hard |
Start | Stop |
Success | Failure |
Support | Oppose |
Sweet | Bitter |
Succeed | Fail |
Subtract | Add |
Strength | Weakness |
Shallow | Deep |
Silent | Noisy |
Strong | Weak |
Stale | Fresh |
T words list
Words | Antonyms |
Tall | Short |
Take | Give |
Tight | Loose |
Tiny | Huge |
Tough | Gentle |
True | False |
Tame | Wild |
Temporary | Permanent |
Transparent | Opaque |
Trust | Doubt |
Thick | Thin |
Triumph | Defeat |
Tender | Rough |
Terminate | Initiate |
Teach | Learn |
Thirsty | Quenched |
Top | Bottom |
Transparent | Cloudy |
Triumph | Failure |
Tranquil | Agitated |
U words list
Words | Antonyms |
Ugly | Beautiful |
Under | Over |
Uncommon | Common |
Unite | Divide |
Useful | Useless |
Uphill | Downhill |
Upset | Calm |
Urban | Rural |
Used | New |
Upright | Crooked |
Usual | Rare |
Unique | Ordinary |
Unsafe | Safe |
Unlock | Lock |
Unlikely | Likely |
Unload | Load |
Untidy | Tidy |
Upright | Dishonest |
Unveil | Conceal |
Upward | Downward |
V words list
Words | Antonyms |
Victory | Defeat |
Visible | Invisible |
Valuable | Worthless |
Vertical | Horizontal |
Vivid | Dull |
Void | Full |
Vacant | Occupied |
Vanish | Appear |
Vast | Limited |
Voluntary | Compulsory |
Vulnerable | Protected |
Verbose | Concise |
Victory | Loss |
Valiant | Cowardly |
Vanquish | Surrender |
Visitor | Resident |
Vocation | Hobby |
Valid | Invalid |
Vigorous | Weak |
Virtue | Vice |
W words list
Words | Antonyms |
War | Peace |
Weak | Strong |
Win | Lose |
Warm | Cold |
Wealthy | Poor |
Wet | Dry |
Wide | Narrow |
Wisdom | Foolishness |
Wild | Tame |
Willing | Reluctant |
Withdraw | Deposit |
Wonderful | Terrible |
Worse | Better |
Waste | Save |
Whole | Part |
Wrong | Right |
Wane | Wax |
Withhold | Release |
Work | Rest |
Well | Ill |
X words list
Words | Antonyms |
Xenial | Unfriendly |
Xeric | Moist |
Xenogeny | Similarity |
Xiphoid | Round |
Xyloid | Non-woody |
Xylophonic | Silent |
Xenophobic | Open-minded |
Xanthic | Colorless |
Xerotic | Moist |
X-axis | Y-axis |
Xenophilic | Xenophobic |
Xerophyte | Hydrophyte |
X-linked | Autosomal |
X-ray | Shield |
Xerarch | Mesarch |
Xerosis | Hydration |
Xenogeneic | Allogeneic |
Xenogeny | Endogeny |
Xylograph | Typography |
Xylene | Water |
Y words list
Words | Antonyms |
Yes | No |
Young | Old |
Yield | Resist |
Yell | Whisper |
Yoke | Unyoke |
Yawn | Alert |
Yearn | Satisfied |
Yonder | Nearby |
Yummy | Tasteless |
Yoke | Free |
Youth | Age |
Yesteryear | Tomorrow |
Yielding | Firm |
Yearly | Rarely |
Yin | Yang |
Yellow | Blue |
Yell | Silence |
Yawning | Focused |
Youthful | Aged |
Yankee | Southerner |
Z words list
Words | Antonyms |
Zenith | Nadir |
Zero | Plenty |
Zigzag | Straight |
Zeal | Apathy |
Zest | Dullness |
Zany | Serious |
Zip | Unzip |
Zone | Borderless |
Zillion | Few |
Zesty | Bland |
Zap | Fix |
Zoom | Pause |
Zestful | Lifeless |
Zealous | Indifferent |
Zipline | Walk |
Zonal | Global |
Zonal | Non-zonal |
Zany | Sensible |
Zealot | Moderate |
Zippered | Unzipped |
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