A to Z Lists in English

500 Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

Learning Masculine and feminine words is an amazing way to talk about male and female genders in English. Masculine and Feminine words are used in English to show the gender of people, animals, or certain roles. Masculine words refer to male figures, like “king” or “actor,” while feminine words refer to female figures, like “queen” or “actress. in this article, I have covered 500 Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English. All are given below, let’s learn…

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

This article has covered more than 500 Masculine and Feminine words in the table and Pictures which can help you in your daily life English speaking.  Learn more about the Masculine and Feminine genders of Animals

A words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Actor Actress
Author Authoress
Abbot Abbess
Aviator Aviatrix
Administrator Administratrix
Archer Archess
Adventurer Adventuress
Assistant Assistress
Advisor Advisoress
Ambassador Ambassadress
Arbitrator Arbitress
Alchemist Alchemistess
Announcer Announceress
Appointee Appointress
Artist Artistess
Auditor Auditress
Actor Actrix
Administrator Administratrix
Analyzer Analyzress
Appraiser Appraissress
Masculine and Feminine words ( A )

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

B words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Bachelor Bachelorette
Baron Baroness
Benefactor Benefactress
Butler Maid
Brewer Brewster
Bishop Bishopess
Boxer Boxess
Baker Bakeress
Banker Bankeress
Builder Builderess
Businessman Businesswoman
Botanist Botanistess
Bricklayer Bricklayress
Burglar Burglaress
Buyer Buyeress
Bus Driver Bus Driveress
Barber Barberess
Broker Brokeress
Businessman Businesswoman
Bicyclist Bicyclistess
Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English | B

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

C words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Conductor Conductress
Commander Commandress
Count Countess
Craftsman Craftswoman
Captain Captainess
Clerk Clerkess
Chemist Chemistess
Carpenter Carpenteress
Composer Composeress
Critic Criticess
Customer Customeress
Cyclist Cyclistess
Counselor Counseloress
Consultant Consultress
Cook Cookess
Commander Commanderess
Contractor Contractress
Choreographer Choreographeress
Curator Curatrix
Colonel Coloneless
Masculine and Feminine words ( C )

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

D words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Duke Duchess
Driver Driveress
Director Directress
Doorman Doorwoman
Doctor Doctress
Dancer Danceress
Designer Designeress
Diplomat Diplomatess
Dean Deaness
Disciple Discipleess
Detective Detectress
Draftsman Draftswoman
Diver Diveress
Dealer Dealeress
Decorator Decoratress
Developer Developeress
Deputy Deputess
Disc Jockey Disc Jockeyess
Deputy Deputess
Dustman Dustwoman
Masculine and Feminine words D

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

E words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Economist Economistess
Examiner Examineress
Expert Expertess
Explorer Exploratrix
Electrician Electricianess
Entrepreneur Entrepreneuress
Executive Executress
Embalmer Embalmeress
Essayist Essayistess
Engraver Engravess
Entertainer Entertaineress
Executor Executrix
Emissary Emissress
Editor Editress
Engineer Engineeress
Examiner Examinatrix
Expert Expertess
Explorer Exploreress
Electrician Electricianess
Entrepreneur Entrepreneuress
Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English | Start with E

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

F words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Father Mother
Fisherman Fisherwoman
Farmer Farmeress
Fireman Firewoman
Foreman Forewoman
Financier Financieress
Founder Foundress
Forester Forestress
Filmmaker Filmmakeress
Forger Forgeress
Fencer Fenceress
Follower Followeress
Flyer Flyeress
Forerunner Forerunneress
Fugitive Fugitress
Filer Fileress
Furrier Furrieress
Fighter Fighteress
Forecaster Forecastress
Forager Forageress
Masculine and Feminine words ( F )

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

G words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Godfather Godmother
Governor Governess
Grandfather Grandmother
Gentleman Lady
Groom Bride
Gardener Gardeneress
Guardian Guardianess
General Generaless
Guide Guidess
Geologist Geologistess
Governor Governress
Glazier Glazieress
Gambler Gambleress
Goldsmith Goldsmithess
Glider Glideress
Gunner Gunneress
Gatekeeper Gatekeeperess
Groomer Groomeress
Gambler Gambleress
Gamekeeper Gamekeeperess
Masculine and Feminine words ( G )

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

H words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Husband Wife
Hero Heroine
Headmaster Headmistress
Host Hostess
Heir Heiress
Horseman Horsewoman
Hunter Huntress
Hairdresser Hairdresseress
Hiker Hikeress
Historian Historianess
Hawker Hawkeress
Herbalist Herbalistess
Hypnotist Hypnotistess
Horseman Horsewoman
Housekeeper Housekeeperess
Hurdler Hurdleress
Helper Helperess
Handyman Handywoman
Humorist Humoristess
Harpist Harpistess
Masculine and Feminine words ( H )

Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English

I words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Instructor Instructress
Inspector Inspectress
Inventor Inventress
Illustrator Illustratress
Investigator Investigatrix
Interpreter Interpreteuse
Instructor Instructress
Interviewer Intervieweress
Intern Interness
Influencer Influenceress
Impersonator Impersonatrix
Installer Installess
Illustrator Illustratrix
Investor Investress
Interpreter Interpreteuse
Innovator Innovatrix
Imitator Imitatrix
Instructor Instructress
Incumbent Incumbentess
Interpreter Interpretress
Masculine and Feminine words ( I )

I words list

J words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Jeweller Jewelleress
Judge Judgess
Journalist Journalistess
Janitor Janitress
Jockey Jockeyess
Juror Juroress
Jailor Jailoress
Justice Justicess
Jeweler Jewelress
Joiner Joineress
Juvenile Juveness
Jumpmaster Jumpmistress
Jester Jestress
Jury Foreman Jury Forewoman
Juggler Juggleress
Joyrider Joyrideress
Jack Jill
Journalist Journalistess
Judge Judgess
Jailkeeper Jailkeeperess
Masculine and Feminine words ( J )

J words list

K words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
King Queen
Knight Damsel
Kinsman Kinswoman
Keeper Keeperess
Kidnapper Kidnapperess
Keyholder Keyholdress
Killer Killeress
Karateka Karatekaess
Kingpin Queenpin
Kickboxer Kickboxeress
Knitter Knitteress
Kite-flyer Kite-flyeress
Keeper Keeperess
Kayaker Kayakeress
Knighthood Ladyship
Knowledge Bearer Knowledge Beareress
Kinsman Kinswoman
Knight Knightess
Kingmaker Queenmaker
Kitten Carer Kitten Careress
Masculine and Feminine words ( K )

K words list

L words Masculine and Feminine 

Masculine Feminine
Lord Lady
Landlord Landlady
Leader Leaderess
Lecturer Lecturess
Librarian Librarianess
Lawyer Lawyeress
Laborer Laboreress
Locksmith Locksmithess
Lifter Lifteress
Lifeguard Lifeguardess
Landowner Landowneress
Legislator Legislatress
Logger Loggeress
Lieutenant Lieutenantess
Lender Lendress
Lobbyist Lobbyistess
Litter-picker Litter-pickress
Longshoreman Longshorewoman
Land Surveyor Land Surveyress
Lawman Lawwoman
Masculine and Feminine words from L in English

L words list

M words list

Masculine Feminine
Man Woman
Mayor Mayoress
Master Mistress
Monk Nun
Magician Magicianess
Manager Manageress
Musician Musicianess
Merchant Merchantess
Mechanic Mechanicess
Mathematician Mathematicianess
Minister Ministeress
Messenger Messengeress
Motorist Motoristess
Manufacturer Manufactureress
Mason Masoness
Marksman Markswoman
Model Modeless
Mountaineer Mountaineeress
Magician Magicienne
Mover Moveress
Masculine and Feminine words ( M )

M words list

N words list

Masculine Feminine
Nephew Niece
Nobleman Noblewoman
Navigator Navigatrix
Novelist Novelista
Newsman Newswoman
Nightwatchman Nightwatchwoman
Nurturer Nurtureress
Negotiator Negotiatress
Nomad Nomadess
Notary Notarissa
Nanny (male) Nanny (female)
Naturalist Naturalista
Newcomer Newcomeress
Nurse (male) Nurse (female)
Nun (male) Nun (female)
Noble Nobless
Narrator Narratress
Neighbor Neighboress
Nightwatchman Nightwatchwoman
Notorist Notorista
Masculine and Feminine words ( N )

N words list

O words list

Masculine Feminine
Officer Officess
Organizer Organizeress
Optician Opticianess
Operator Operatrix
Orator Oratrix
Observer Observress
Offender Offendress
Owner Owneress
Oculist Oculista
Overlord Overlady
Overseer Overseeress
Officer Officess
Outlaw Outlawess
Orthodontist Orthodontistess
Opener Openeress
Oncologist Oncologistess
Orchestrator Orchestratress
Organizer Organizatress
Occultist Occultista
Ophthalmologist Ophthalmologistess
Masculine and Feminine words ( O )

O words list

P words list

Masculine Feminine
Prince Princess
Priest Priestess
Poet Poetess
Policeman Policewoman
Patriarch Matriarch
Painter Painteress
Professor Professora
Pilot Pilotess
Porter Portress
Philosopher Philosopheress
Photographer Photographess
Player Playeress
Publisher Publishress
Plumber Plumbress
Performer Performress
Physician Physicianness
Prosecutor Prosecutress
Presenter Presentress
Pirate Piratess
Preacher Preacheress

P words list

Q words list

Masculine Feminine
Queenmaker Kingmakeress
Quartermaster Quartermistress
Questmaster Questmistress
Quarreler Quarreleress
Quilter Quilteress
Quester Questress
Quick-thinker Quick-thinkeress
Quizmaster Quizmistress
Questioner Questioneress
Qualifier Qualifieress
Quoter Quoteress
Quizzler Quizzleress
Quarryman Quarrywoman
Quaymaster Quaymistress
Quoter Quoteress
Quarrier Quarrieress
Quarterback Quarterbackess
Quietman Quietwoman
Quilter Quilteress
Questionmaster Questionmistress

Q words list

R words list

Masculine Feminine
Rabbi Rabbess
Racer Raceress
Ruler Ruleress
Rescuer Rescuress
Runner Runneress
Researcher Researcheress
Rider Rideress
Rancher Rancheress
Reader Readeress
Recruiter Recruitress
Reporter Reportress
Representative Representative
Retiree Retireess
Rower Roweress
Radiologist Radiologistess
Realist Realistess
Raconteur Raconteuse
Raiser Raiseress
Recycler Recycleress

R words list

S words list

Masculine Feminine
Son Daughter
Soldier Soldieress
Sailor Sailoress
Supervisor Supervisress
Singer Singeress
Servant Servantess
Steward Stewardess
Senator Senatress
Scientist Scientistess
Salesman Saleswoman
Scholar Scholaress
Shepherd Shepherdess
Sculptor Sculptress
Spy Spyeress
Secretary Secretaryess
Supervisor Supervisoress
Sprinter Sprinteress
Surgeon Surgeoness
Supporter Supportress
Strategist Strategistess

S words list

T words list

Masculine Feminine
Teacher Teachress
Tailor Tailoress
Technician Technicianess
Trader Traderess
Traveler Traveleress
Treasurer Treasuress
Typist Typistess
Translator Translatress
Tamer Tameress
Taxidermist Taxidermistess
Trainer Traineress
Tiller Tilleress
Taxi Driver Taxi Drivress
Thief Thievess
Trader Traderess
Translator Translatorix
Treasurer Treasureress
Traveler Travelress
Theorist Theoristess
Tailor Tailoress

T words list

U words list

Masculine Feminine
Uncle Aunt
Usher Usherette
Undertaker Undertakeress
Urbanist Urbanista
Urologist Urologistess
Underwriter Underwritress
User Useress
Utterer Utterress
Upholder Upholdress
Upholsterer Upholsteress
Unionist Unionista
Usher Usherette
Umpire Umpireess
Unifier Unifieress
Utilizer Utilizress
Upper Upperess
Undertaker Undertakress
Urban Planner Urbanistress
Usher Usheress
Urologist Urologista
Masculine and Feminine words ( U )

U words list

V words list

Masculine Feminine
Vicar Vicaress
Visitor Visitress
Villager Villageress
Veteran Veteraness
Vendor Vendoress
Voice Actor Voice Actress
Volunteerer Volunteress
Visionary Visionaryess
Vintner Vintneress
Vintner Vintress
Volunteer Volunteeress
Valet Valetess
Viceroy Viceroyess
Virtuoso Virtuosa
Violinist Violinistess
Vigneron Vigneroness
Vagabond Vagabondess
Vigilante Vigilantess
Vocalist Vocalistess
Venture Capitalist Venture Capitalistess

V words list

W words list

Masculine Feminine
Waiter Waitress
Warrior Warrioress
Writer Writeress
Watchmaker Watchmakeress
Warden Wardeness
Weaver Weaveress
Wanderer Wanderess
Winemaker Winemakeress
Welder Welderess
Woodworker Woodworkeress
Worker Workeress
Windmill Operator Windmill Operatoress
Watchman Watchwoman
Waitstaff Waitstaffess
Wholesaler Wholesaless
Winemaker Winemakeress
Wizard Witch
Writer Writeress
Warden Wardeness
Web Developer Web Developeress

X words list

X words list

Masculine Feminine
Xenologist Xenologistess
Xylophonist Xylophonistess
X-ray Technician X-ray Technicianess
Xylophonist Xylophonistess
Xenagogue Xenagoguess
Xerographer Xerographeress
Xerophyticist Xerophyticistess
Xenobotanist Xenobotanistess
Xerotherapist Xerotherapistess
Xenoscientist Xenoscientistess
Xylothemist Xylothemistess
Xenobiologist Xenobiologistess
Xenogeneticist Xenogeneticistess
Xenoecologist Xenoecologistess
Xylotrapist Xylotrapistess
Xylographer Xylographeress
Xylomancer Xylomanceress
Xylogenist Xylogenistess
Xerotist Xerotistess
Xenoculturist Xenoculturistess

X words list

Y words list

Masculine Feminine
Yachtsman Yachtswoman
Yogi Yogini
Youngster Youngsteress
Yeoman Yeowoman
Yodeler Yodeleress
Yachtsman Yachtswoman
Youth Leader Youth Leaderess
Yogi Yogini
Yardman Yardwoman
Yarnspinner Yarnspinnress
Youngster Youngsteress
Yeller Yelleress
Yodeler Yodeleress
Yellowjacketeer Yellowjacketess
Yogi Yogini
Yeoman Yeowoman
Yachtsman Yachtswoman
Young Pioneer Young Pioneress
Yapper Yapperess
Yodeler Yodeleress
Picture of genders

Y words list form 500 Masculine and Feminine words

Z words List 

Masculine Feminine
Zookeeper Zookeeperess
Zealot Zealotess
Zen Master Zen Mistress
Zoologist Zoologistess
Zeppelin Pilot Zeppelin Pilotess
Zitherist Zitheristess
Zephyr Pilot Zephyr Pilotess
Zodiacalist Zodiacalistess
Zygote Specialist Zygote Specialistess
Zookeeper Zookeeperess
Zone Director Zone Directoress
Zeroist Zeroistess
Zenithologist Zenithologistess
Zookeeper Zookeeperess
Zonal Manager Zonal Manageress
Zestful Leader Zestful Leaderess
Zumba Instructor Zumba Instructress
Zen Teacher Zen Teachress
Zebra Keeper Zebra Keepress
Zen Coach Zen Coachess
Masculine and Feminine words ( Z )

500 Masculine and Feminine words

Learn Also:

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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