Learning Masculine and feminine words is an amazing way to talk about male and female genders in English. Masculine and Feminine words are used in English to show the gender of people, animals, or certain roles. Masculine words refer to male figures, like “king” or “actor,” while feminine words refer to female figures, like “queen” or “actress. in this article, I have covered 500 Masculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English. All are given below, let’s learn…
Table of Contents
ToggleMasculine and Feminine words from A to Z in English
This article has covered more than 500 Masculine and Feminine words in the table and Pictures which can help you in your daily life English speaking. Learn more about the Masculine and Feminine genders of Animals
A words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Actor | Actress |
Author | Authoress |
Abbot | Abbess |
Aviator | Aviatrix |
Administrator | Administratrix |
Archer | Archess |
Adventurer | Adventuress |
Assistant | Assistress |
Advisor | Advisoress |
Ambassador | Ambassadress |
Arbitrator | Arbitress |
Alchemist | Alchemistess |
Announcer | Announceress |
Appointee | Appointress |
Artist | Artistess |
Auditor | Auditress |
Actor | Actrix |
Administrator | Administratrix |
Analyzer | Analyzress |
Appraiser | Appraissress |
B words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Bachelor | Bachelorette |
Baron | Baroness |
Benefactor | Benefactress |
Butler | Maid |
Brewer | Brewster |
Bishop | Bishopess |
Boxer | Boxess |
Baker | Bakeress |
Banker | Bankeress |
Builder | Builderess |
Businessman | Businesswoman |
Botanist | Botanistess |
Bricklayer | Bricklayress |
Burglar | Burglaress |
Buyer | Buyeress |
Bus Driver | Bus Driveress |
Barber | Barberess |
Broker | Brokeress |
Businessman | Businesswoman |
Bicyclist | Bicyclistess |
C words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Conductor | Conductress |
Commander | Commandress |
Count | Countess |
Craftsman | Craftswoman |
Captain | Captainess |
Clerk | Clerkess |
Chemist | Chemistess |
Carpenter | Carpenteress |
Composer | Composeress |
Critic | Criticess |
Customer | Customeress |
Cyclist | Cyclistess |
Counselor | Counseloress |
Consultant | Consultress |
Cook | Cookess |
Commander | Commanderess |
Contractor | Contractress |
Choreographer | Choreographeress |
Curator | Curatrix |
Colonel | Coloneless |
D words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Duke | Duchess |
Driver | Driveress |
Director | Directress |
Doorman | Doorwoman |
Doctor | Doctress |
Dancer | Danceress |
Designer | Designeress |
Diplomat | Diplomatess |
Dean | Deaness |
Disciple | Discipleess |
Detective | Detectress |
Draftsman | Draftswoman |
Diver | Diveress |
Dealer | Dealeress |
Decorator | Decoratress |
Developer | Developeress |
Deputy | Deputess |
Disc Jockey | Disc Jockeyess |
Deputy | Deputess |
Dustman | Dustwoman |
E words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Economist | Economistess |
Examiner | Examineress |
Expert | Expertess |
Explorer | Exploratrix |
Electrician | Electricianess |
Entrepreneur | Entrepreneuress |
Executive | Executress |
Embalmer | Embalmeress |
Essayist | Essayistess |
Engraver | Engravess |
Entertainer | Entertaineress |
Executor | Executrix |
Emissary | Emissress |
Editor | Editress |
Engineer | Engineeress |
Examiner | Examinatrix |
Expert | Expertess |
Explorer | Exploreress |
Electrician | Electricianess |
Entrepreneur | Entrepreneuress |
F words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Father | Mother |
Fisherman | Fisherwoman |
Farmer | Farmeress |
Fireman | Firewoman |
Foreman | Forewoman |
Financier | Financieress |
Founder | Foundress |
Forester | Forestress |
Filmmaker | Filmmakeress |
Forger | Forgeress |
Fencer | Fenceress |
Follower | Followeress |
Flyer | Flyeress |
Forerunner | Forerunneress |
Fugitive | Fugitress |
Filer | Fileress |
Furrier | Furrieress |
Fighter | Fighteress |
Forecaster | Forecastress |
Forager | Forageress |
G words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Godfather | Godmother |
Governor | Governess |
Grandfather | Grandmother |
Gentleman | Lady |
Groom | Bride |
Gardener | Gardeneress |
Guardian | Guardianess |
General | Generaless |
Guide | Guidess |
Geologist | Geologistess |
Governor | Governress |
Glazier | Glazieress |
Gambler | Gambleress |
Goldsmith | Goldsmithess |
Glider | Glideress |
Gunner | Gunneress |
Gatekeeper | Gatekeeperess |
Groomer | Groomeress |
Gambler | Gambleress |
Gamekeeper | Gamekeeperess |
H words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Husband | Wife |
Hero | Heroine |
Headmaster | Headmistress |
Host | Hostess |
Heir | Heiress |
Horseman | Horsewoman |
Hunter | Huntress |
Hairdresser | Hairdresseress |
Hiker | Hikeress |
Historian | Historianess |
Hawker | Hawkeress |
Herbalist | Herbalistess |
Hypnotist | Hypnotistess |
Horseman | Horsewoman |
Housekeeper | Housekeeperess |
Hurdler | Hurdleress |
Helper | Helperess |
Handyman | Handywoman |
Humorist | Humoristess |
Harpist | Harpistess |
I words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Instructor | Instructress |
Inspector | Inspectress |
Inventor | Inventress |
Illustrator | Illustratress |
Investigator | Investigatrix |
Interpreter | Interpreteuse |
Instructor | Instructress |
Interviewer | Intervieweress |
Intern | Interness |
Influencer | Influenceress |
Impersonator | Impersonatrix |
Installer | Installess |
Illustrator | Illustratrix |
Investor | Investress |
Interpreter | Interpreteuse |
Innovator | Innovatrix |
Imitator | Imitatrix |
Instructor | Instructress |
Incumbent | Incumbentess |
Interpreter | Interpretress |
J words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Jeweller | Jewelleress |
Judge | Judgess |
Journalist | Journalistess |
Janitor | Janitress |
Jockey | Jockeyess |
Juror | Juroress |
Jailor | Jailoress |
Justice | Justicess |
Jeweler | Jewelress |
Joiner | Joineress |
Juvenile | Juveness |
Jumpmaster | Jumpmistress |
Jester | Jestress |
Jury Foreman | Jury Forewoman |
Juggler | Juggleress |
Joyrider | Joyrideress |
Jack | Jill |
Journalist | Journalistess |
Judge | Judgess |
Jailkeeper | Jailkeeperess |
K words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
King | Queen |
Knight | Damsel |
Kinsman | Kinswoman |
Keeper | Keeperess |
Kidnapper | Kidnapperess |
Keyholder | Keyholdress |
Killer | Killeress |
Karateka | Karatekaess |
Kingpin | Queenpin |
Kickboxer | Kickboxeress |
Knitter | Knitteress |
Kite-flyer | Kite-flyeress |
Keeper | Keeperess |
Kayaker | Kayakeress |
Knighthood | Ladyship |
Knowledge Bearer | Knowledge Beareress |
Kinsman | Kinswoman |
Knight | Knightess |
Kingmaker | Queenmaker |
Kitten Carer | Kitten Careress |
L words Masculine and Feminine
Masculine | Feminine |
Lord | Lady |
Landlord | Landlady |
Leader | Leaderess |
Lecturer | Lecturess |
Librarian | Librarianess |
Lawyer | Lawyeress |
Laborer | Laboreress |
Locksmith | Locksmithess |
Lifter | Lifteress |
Lifeguard | Lifeguardess |
Landowner | Landowneress |
Legislator | Legislatress |
Logger | Loggeress |
Lieutenant | Lieutenantess |
Lender | Lendress |
Lobbyist | Lobbyistess |
Litter-picker | Litter-pickress |
Longshoreman | Longshorewoman |
Land Surveyor | Land Surveyress |
Lawman | Lawwoman |
M words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Man | Woman |
Mayor | Mayoress |
Master | Mistress |
Monk | Nun |
Magician | Magicianess |
Manager | Manageress |
Musician | Musicianess |
Merchant | Merchantess |
Mechanic | Mechanicess |
Mathematician | Mathematicianess |
Minister | Ministeress |
Messenger | Messengeress |
Motorist | Motoristess |
Manufacturer | Manufactureress |
Mason | Masoness |
Marksman | Markswoman |
Model | Modeless |
Mountaineer | Mountaineeress |
Magician | Magicienne |
Mover | Moveress |
N words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Nephew | Niece |
Nobleman | Noblewoman |
Navigator | Navigatrix |
Novelist | Novelista |
Newsman | Newswoman |
Nightwatchman | Nightwatchwoman |
Nurturer | Nurtureress |
Negotiator | Negotiatress |
Nomad | Nomadess |
Notary | Notarissa |
Nanny (male) | Nanny (female) |
Naturalist | Naturalista |
Newcomer | Newcomeress |
Nurse (male) | Nurse (female) |
Nun (male) | Nun (female) |
Noble | Nobless |
Narrator | Narratress |
Neighbor | Neighboress |
Nightwatchman | Nightwatchwoman |
Notorist | Notorista |
O words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Officer | Officess |
Organizer | Organizeress |
Optician | Opticianess |
Operator | Operatrix |
Orator | Oratrix |
Observer | Observress |
Offender | Offendress |
Owner | Owneress |
Oculist | Oculista |
Overlord | Overlady |
Overseer | Overseeress |
Officer | Officess |
Outlaw | Outlawess |
Orthodontist | Orthodontistess |
Opener | Openeress |
Oncologist | Oncologistess |
Orchestrator | Orchestratress |
Organizer | Organizatress |
Occultist | Occultista |
Ophthalmologist | Ophthalmologistess |
P words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Prince | Princess |
Priest | Priestess |
Poet | Poetess |
Policeman | Policewoman |
Patriarch | Matriarch |
Painter | Painteress |
Professor | Professora |
Pilot | Pilotess |
Porter | Portress |
Philosopher | Philosopheress |
Photographer | Photographess |
Player | Playeress |
Publisher | Publishress |
Plumber | Plumbress |
Performer | Performress |
Physician | Physicianness |
Prosecutor | Prosecutress |
Presenter | Presentress |
Pirate | Piratess |
Preacher | Preacheress |
Q words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Queenmaker | Kingmakeress |
Quartermaster | Quartermistress |
Questmaster | Questmistress |
Quarreler | Quarreleress |
Quilter | Quilteress |
Quester | Questress |
Quick-thinker | Quick-thinkeress |
Quizmaster | Quizmistress |
Questioner | Questioneress |
Qualifier | Qualifieress |
Quoter | Quoteress |
Quizzler | Quizzleress |
Quarryman | Quarrywoman |
Quaymaster | Quaymistress |
Quoter | Quoteress |
Quarrier | Quarrieress |
Quarterback | Quarterbackess |
Quietman | Quietwoman |
Quilter | Quilteress |
Questionmaster | Questionmistress |
R words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Rabbi | Rabbess |
Racer | Raceress |
Ruler | Ruleress |
Rescuer | Rescuress |
Runner | Runneress |
Researcher | Researcheress |
Rider | Rideress |
Rancher | Rancheress |
Reader | Readeress |
Recruiter | Recruitress |
Reporter | Reportress |
Representative | Representative |
Retiree | Retireess |
Rower | Roweress |
Radiologist | Radiologistess |
Realist | Realistess |
Raconteur | Raconteuse |
Raiser | Raiseress |
Recycler | Recycleress |
S words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Son | Daughter |
Soldier | Soldieress |
Sailor | Sailoress |
Supervisor | Supervisress |
Singer | Singeress |
Servant | Servantess |
Steward | Stewardess |
Senator | Senatress |
Scientist | Scientistess |
Salesman | Saleswoman |
Scholar | Scholaress |
Shepherd | Shepherdess |
Sculptor | Sculptress |
Spy | Spyeress |
Secretary | Secretaryess |
Supervisor | Supervisoress |
Sprinter | Sprinteress |
Surgeon | Surgeoness |
Supporter | Supportress |
Strategist | Strategistess |
T words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Teacher | Teachress |
Tailor | Tailoress |
Technician | Technicianess |
Trader | Traderess |
Traveler | Traveleress |
Treasurer | Treasuress |
Typist | Typistess |
Translator | Translatress |
Tamer | Tameress |
Taxidermist | Taxidermistess |
Trainer | Traineress |
Tiller | Tilleress |
Taxi Driver | Taxi Drivress |
Thief | Thievess |
Trader | Traderess |
Translator | Translatorix |
Treasurer | Treasureress |
Traveler | Travelress |
Theorist | Theoristess |
Tailor | Tailoress |
U words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Uncle | Aunt |
Usher | Usherette |
Undertaker | Undertakeress |
Urbanist | Urbanista |
Urologist | Urologistess |
Underwriter | Underwritress |
User | Useress |
Utterer | Utterress |
Upholder | Upholdress |
Upholsterer | Upholsteress |
Unionist | Unionista |
Usher | Usherette |
Umpire | Umpireess |
Unifier | Unifieress |
Utilizer | Utilizress |
Upper | Upperess |
Undertaker | Undertakress |
Urban Planner | Urbanistress |
Usher | Usheress |
Urologist | Urologista |
V words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Vicar | Vicaress |
Visitor | Visitress |
Villager | Villageress |
Veteran | Veteraness |
Vendor | Vendoress |
Voice Actor | Voice Actress |
Volunteerer | Volunteress |
Visionary | Visionaryess |
Vintner | Vintneress |
Vintner | Vintress |
Volunteer | Volunteeress |
Valet | Valetess |
Viceroy | Viceroyess |
Virtuoso | Virtuosa |
Violinist | Violinistess |
Vigneron | Vigneroness |
Vagabond | Vagabondess |
Vigilante | Vigilantess |
Vocalist | Vocalistess |
Venture Capitalist | Venture Capitalistess |
W words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Waiter | Waitress |
Warrior | Warrioress |
Writer | Writeress |
Watchmaker | Watchmakeress |
Warden | Wardeness |
Weaver | Weaveress |
Wanderer | Wanderess |
Winemaker | Winemakeress |
Welder | Welderess |
Woodworker | Woodworkeress |
Worker | Workeress |
Windmill Operator | Windmill Operatoress |
Watchman | Watchwoman |
Waitstaff | Waitstaffess |
Wholesaler | Wholesaless |
Winemaker | Winemakeress |
Wizard | Witch |
Writer | Writeress |
Warden | Wardeness |
Web Developer | Web Developeress |
X words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Xenologist | Xenologistess |
Xylophonist | Xylophonistess |
X-ray Technician | X-ray Technicianess |
Xylophonist | Xylophonistess |
Xenagogue | Xenagoguess |
Xerographer | Xerographeress |
Xerophyticist | Xerophyticistess |
Xenobotanist | Xenobotanistess |
Xerotherapist | Xerotherapistess |
Xenoscientist | Xenoscientistess |
Xylothemist | Xylothemistess |
Xenobiologist | Xenobiologistess |
Xenogeneticist | Xenogeneticistess |
Xenoecologist | Xenoecologistess |
Xylotrapist | Xylotrapistess |
Xylographer | Xylographeress |
Xylomancer | Xylomanceress |
Xylogenist | Xylogenistess |
Xerotist | Xerotistess |
Xenoculturist | Xenoculturistess |
Y words list
Masculine | Feminine |
Yachtsman | Yachtswoman |
Yogi | Yogini |
Youngster | Youngsteress |
Yeoman | Yeowoman |
Yodeler | Yodeleress |
Yachtsman | Yachtswoman |
Youth Leader | Youth Leaderess |
Yogi | Yogini |
Yardman | Yardwoman |
Yarnspinner | Yarnspinnress |
Youngster | Youngsteress |
Yeller | Yelleress |
Yodeler | Yodeleress |
Yellowjacketeer | Yellowjacketess |
Yogi | Yogini |
Yeoman | Yeowoman |
Yachtsman | Yachtswoman |
Young Pioneer | Young Pioneress |
Yapper | Yapperess |
Yodeler | Yodeleress |
Z words List
Masculine | Feminine |
Zookeeper | Zookeeperess |
Zealot | Zealotess |
Zen Master | Zen Mistress |
Zoologist | Zoologistess |
Zeppelin Pilot | Zeppelin Pilotess |
Zitherist | Zitheristess |
Zephyr Pilot | Zephyr Pilotess |
Zodiacalist | Zodiacalistess |
Zygote Specialist | Zygote Specialistess |
Zookeeper | Zookeeperess |
Zone Director | Zone Directoress |
Zeroist | Zeroistess |
Zenithologist | Zenithologistess |
Zookeeper | Zookeeperess |
Zonal Manager | Zonal Manageress |
Zestful Leader | Zestful Leaderess |
Zumba Instructor | Zumba Instructress |
Zen Teacher | Zen Teachress |
Zebra Keeper | Zebra Keepress |
Zen Coach | Zen Coachess |
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