Phrasal verbs are important in English because they make sentences sound more natural and conversational. A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition or adverb that creates a new meaning different from the original verb. For example, “give up” means to quit, and “look after” means to take care of. Learning phrasal verbs helps in understanding everyday English, whether in speaking, writing, or listening. In this article, we will learn 500 phrasal verbs from A to Z, along with their meanings and examples, to help you improve your English skills.
Table of Contents
TogglePhrasal Verbs list A to Z in English
Here is a list of phrasal verbs from A to Z in English that are commonly used in daily conversation. These phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a preposition or adverb, making them useful for English speaking Practice.
A – Phrasal Verbs list
- Add up
- Act on
- Aim at
- Ask for
- Allow for
- Account for
- Act out
- Answer for
- Ask out
- Agree on
- Angle for
- Apply for
- Argue over
- Adhere to
- Aim for
- Ask around
- Attend to
- Allow of
- Answer back
- Act up
B – Phrasal Verbs list
- Back up
- Break down
- Bring up
- Blow up
- Buy out
- Branch out
- Bail out
- Break into
- Bear with
- Bring about
- Beat up
- Back off
- Bottle up
- Brush off
- Burn out
- Bank on
- Boil down
- Break away
- Butt in
- Bump into
C – Phrasal Verbs list
- Call off
- Carry on
- Check out
- Come across
- Cut off
- Catch up
- Calm down
- Cheer up
- Chip in
- Come up
- Count on
- Cross out
- Clear up
- Close down
- Come in
- Crack down
- Crop up
- Cut back
- Call up
- Chase down
D – Phrasal Verbs list
- Die down
- Do up
- Dress up
- Drop out
- Deal with
- Drag on
- Draw back
- Dry up
- Dig up
- Double up
- Drive out
- Dwell on
- Dash off
- Dish out
- Disagree with
- Dip into
- Doze off
- Die out
- Drop in
- Drum up
E – Phrasal Verbs list
- Eat up
- End up
- Ease off
- Egg on
- Explain away
- Expand on
- Edge out
- Even out
- Empty out
- Enter into
- Eat away
- Embark on
- Eye up
- Eke out
- Ease up
- Escape from
- Elaborate on
- Engage in
- Emerge from
- Enlarge upon
F – Phrasal Verbs list
- Fall apart
- Figure out
- Fill in
- Find out
- Fix up
- Follow up
- Frown upon
- Freeze up
- Face up to
- Fall back on
- Fire up
- Finish off
- Fade away
- Fall behind
- Freak out
- Feed off
- Fall through
- Fight off
- Fool around
- Forge ahead
G – Phrasal Verbs list
- Give up
- Go on
- Get along
- Get over
- Go through
- Grow up
- Gather up
- Go off
- Get in
- Give away
- Go along
- Gear up
- Get by
- Gloss over
- Gobble up
- Grind down
- Go after
- Get through
- Give in
- Go back
H – Phrasal Verbs list
- Hold on
- Hang up
- Hand out
- Heat up
- Help out
- Hold back
- Hurry up
- Hunt down
- Hang on
- Hook up
- Hide away
- Hit on
- Hold off
- Head out
- Hinge on
- Hammer out
- Hold up
- Hang around
- Heap on
- Hold forth
I – Phrasal Verbs list
- Iron out
- Invite over
- Inch along
- Invest in
- Insist on
- Inform on
- Indulge in
- Impress upon
- Include in
- Interfere with
- Improve on
- Itch for
- Identify with
- Instill in
- Iron in
- Insure against
- Impose on
- Intend for
- Ink in
- Inquire into
J – Phrasal Verbs list
- Jump in
- Join up
- Jot down
- Judge by
- Joke around
- Juggle with
- Jerk around
- Jolt down
- Jump at
- Jumble up
- Jam in
- Jut out
- Jazz up
- Jerk up
- Jump off
- Jog along
- Jockey for
- Jack up
- Jaw on
- Jump out
K – Phrasal Verbs list
- Keep up
- Kick off
- Knock out
- Keep out
- Kneel down
- Knock off
- Keep away
- Kick in
- Knock back
- Keep on
- Kick around
- Knock up
- Keep in
- Kick back
- Knock down
- Keep off
- Kill off
- Knock over
- Keep down
- Knock around
L – Phrasal Verbs list
- Look up
- Lay off
- Light up
- Let down
- Latch onto
- Live up to
- Lock in
- Lap up
- Lean on
- Leave out
- Link up
- Laze around
- Level up
- Let off
- Line up
- Log in
- Lump together
- Lay into
- Look out
- Listen up
M – words list
- Make up
- Mix up
- Move on
- Mess up
- Mark down
- Mop up
- Mull over
- Measure up
- Move in
- Miss out
- Melt away
- Match up
- Mount up
- Move up
- Make for
- Meet up
- Map out
- Move along
- Mark up
- Mask over
N – words list
- Name after
- Nail down
- Nod off
- Narrow down
- Nose around
- Notch up
- Note down
- Nudge ahead
- Nip off
- Nurse along
- Nibble at
- Notice out
- Nip in
- Nuzzle into
- Nod along
- Nail up
- Nip away
- Name out
- Need for
- Nullify out
O – words list
- Opt for
- Order in
- Own up
- Open up
- Operate on
- Overflow with
- Offer up
- Omit out
- Outgrow of
- Outshine in
- Overcome with
- Overlook on
- Outthink in
- Outweigh in
- Overrule by
- Offset with
- Outnumber in
- Overwork on
- Outdo in
- Overlap with
P – words list
- Pick up
- Pass out
- Pull over
- Put off
- Pay back
- Play down
- Point out
- Pull through
- Put up with
- Pack up
- Pair up
- Pass up
- Patch up
- Pay off
- Plan out
- Plug in
- Pop up
- Pull ahead
- Punch in
- Push through
Q – words list
- Queue up
- Quicken up
- Quash out
- Quarrel over
- Quote back
- Quiet down
- Quench out
- Qualify for
- Question out
- Quit on
- Queue along
- Quirk up
- Quiver with
- Quell down
- Quote in
- Quest after
- Quench in
- Quarter off
- Quiver up
- Query over
R – words list
- Run out
- Roll over
- Rise up
- Read up on
- Reach out
- Rule out
- Rub in
- Rush through
- Reel in
- Rip off
- Ride out
- Ring up
- Root out
- Round up
- Run into
- Roll back
- Rack up
- Reflect on
- Rope in
- Rush out
S – words list
- Set up
- Stand by
- Show up
- Shut down
- Sort out
- Speak up
- Stay out
- Step down
- Sell off
- Sign in
- Sit out
- Slow down
- Stick to
- Send off
- Sign up
- Sweep up
- Snap up
- Shake off
- Sink in
- Squeeze out
T – words list
- Take off
- Turn up
- Try out
- Talk over
- Team up
- Think through
- Throw away
- Tie up
- Take back
- Tune in
- Trade off
- Tidy up
- Touch on
- Talk back
- Toss out
- Trip over
- Track down
- Test out
- Turn down
- Tear apart
U – words list
- Use up
- Urge on
- Upend with
- Unload on
- Unplug from
- Uproot from
- Unwind after
- Upgrade to
- Unpack from
- Unfold over
- Underline in
- Unleash on
- Undo with
- Unravel out
- Unite with
- Unmask before
- Uphold in
- Utilize in
- Upset with
- Undertake in
V – words list
- Vouch for
- Venture into
- Vote out
- Verify with
- View on
- Vanish into
- Voice out
- Vary with
- Visit over
- Veer off
- Volunteer for
- Vote against
- Vacuum up
- Value in
- Venture out
- Visualize in
- Vibrate with
- Venture about
- Verify out
- Vanquish over
W – words list
- Wake up
- Work out
- Wipe out
- Wind up
- Watch out
- Weigh in
- Write down
- Wear out
- Walk away
- Wipe off
- Wish for
- Win over
- Water down
- Walk through
- Warm up
- Waver on
- Wean off
- Wait on
- Whip up
- Wander off
X – words list
- X-ray for
- X out
- Xerox off
- Xylophone over
- Xchange up
- X-out from
- Xplore through
- Xtract out
- Xpose to
- Xert on
- Xamine over
- Xpand with
- Xceed in
- Xplain over
- Xhibit in
- Xpect from
- Xplain out
- Xact from
- Xpress over
- Xterminate out
Y – words list
- Yawn over
- Yank off
- Yearn for
- Yell out
- Yoke to
- Yuck up
- Yield to
- Yodel out
- Yank up
- Yell at
- Yap about
- Yawn through
- Yoke in
- Yowl out
- Yelp at
- Yearn after
- Yell over
- Yank along
- Yatter on
- Yell across
Z – words list
- Zoom in
- Zap out
- Zone off
- Zip through
- Zero in on
- Zap away
- Zigzag through
- Zip up
- Zone in
- Zero out
- Zap into
- Zero away
- Zoom away
- Zap across
- Zoom out
- Zip along
- Zero back
- Zap down
- Zigzag over
- Zone through
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