Adverbs of purpose are words that explain the reason for an action or why something happens. They help make sentences clearer and more meaningful. For example, in “She worked hard to achieve her goal,” the phrase “to achieve her goal” shows the purpose of her hard work. Similarly, in “He ran fast so that he could win,” the words “so that” explain why he ran fast. In this article, we will learn Adverbs of Purpose list A to Z…
Table of Contents
ToggleAdverbs of Purpose List A to Z in English
This list of 500+ adverbs of purpose, arranged from A to Z, will help you understand how to use them in your writing and speaking. Learn more about the Adverbs degree list
A words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Abidingly
- Accurately
- Accordingly
- Advisably
- Affectionately
- Allegedly
- Amazingly
- Ambitiously
- Amiably
- Analytically
- Anxiously
- Apologetically
- Appropriately
- Assuredly
- Astonishingly
- Authentically
- Automatically
- Awkwardly
- Avidly
- Altruistically
B words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Beautifully
- Beneficially
- Boldly
- Bravely
- Briefly
- Brightly
- Blissfully
- Broadly
- Busily
- Bitterly
- Begrudgingly
- Bashfully
- Boastfully
- Brilliantly
- Bountifully
- Boisterously
- Blindly
- Brazenly
- Begrudgingly
- Bemusedly
C words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Calmly
- Carefully
- Cautiously
- Clearly
- Cleverly
- Comfortably
- Completely
- Compassionately
- Competently
- Comprehensibly
- Concisely
- Concurrently
- Confidently
- Consciously
- Consequently
- Consistently
- Constructively
- Contrarily
- Correctly
- Creatively
D words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Decisively
- Deftly
- Deliberately
- Delightfully
- Desperately
- Diligently
- Directly
- Discreetly
- Distinctly
- Dramatically
- Dutifully
- Dangerously
- Dearly
- Decidedly
- Deeply
- Determinedly
- Distressingly
- Derivatively
- Dreamily
- Dearly
E words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Easily
- Efficiently
- Elegantly
- Endlessly
- Equally
- Essentially
- Ethically
- Eternally
- Evidently
- Exactly
- Excellently
- Exclusively
- Explicitly
- Expressively
- Exquisitely
- Externally
- Exuberantly
- Effectively
- Effortlessly
- Earnestly
F words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Faithfully
- Famously
- Fastidiously
- Fearlessly
- Fervently
- Fiercely
- Firmly
- Flexibly
- Fluently
- Foolishly
- Formally
- Frankly
- Freely
- Frequently
- Frightfully
- Fully
- Fundamentally
- Futuristically
- Fabulously
- Ferociously
G words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Gently
- Generously
- Gladly
- Gracefully
- Graciously
- Grandly
- Gravely
- Greatly
- Greedily
- Grimly
- Guardedly
- Gullibly
- Gainfully
- Gallantly
- Geometrically
- Globally
- Gratefully
- Grotesquely
- Glaringly
- Gorgeously
H words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Habitually
- Happily
- Harmfully
- Harshly
- Hastily
- Healthily
- Heartily
- Heavily
- Helpfully
- Heroically
- Hesitantly
- Honestly
- Honorably
- Humbly
- Humanely
- Humorously
- Hurriedly
- Hypothetically
- Harmoniously
- Historically
I words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Ideally
- Imaginatively
- Immensely
- Impeccably
- Imperatively
- Implicitly
- Impressively
- Inclusively
- Independently
- Indifferently
- Indirectly
- Inevitably
- Infinitely
- Informally
- Ingeniously
- Initially
- Innocently
- Instantly
- Intelligently
- Intentionally
J words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Jointly
- Jovially
- Judiciously
- Justly
- Joyfully
- Jokingly
- Jubilantly
- Jealously
- Jovially
- Jarringly
- Jauntily
- Jubilantly
- Juvenilely
- Jadedly
- Jestingly
- Jaggedly
- Judicially
- Joltingly
- Juridically
- Jocosely
K words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Keenly
- Kindly
- Knowingly
- Knowledgeably
- Keenheartedly
- Kinetically
- Kingly
- Karmically
- Knavishly
- Kid-glovingly
- Kindly-heartedly
- Kickingly
- Kookily
- Kaleidoscopically
- Kneelingly
- Knockingly
- Knottedly
- Keepingly
- Keyedly
- Knackily
L words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Lawfully
- Lightly
- Lovingly
- Lazily
- Loosely
- Loftily
- Lethargically
- Longingly
- Logically
- Lucidly
- Luminously
- Lamentably
- Lushly
- Lively
- Lastingly
- Loyally
- Laconically
- Laughingly
- Lingeringly
- Laudably
M words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Meaningfully
- Meekly
- Merrily
- Morally
- Mutely
- Madly
- Masterfully
- Methodically
- Mystically
- Mindfully
- Magnanimously
- Miserably
- Magically
- Modestly
- Mechanically
- Motivationally
- Momentarily
- Menacingly
- Monumentally
- Majestically
N words list Adverbs of Purpose
- Naturally
- Neatly
- Nervously
- Notably
- Nobly
- Narrowly
- Nicely
- Normally
- Necessarily
- Neutrally
- Noticeably
- Nonchalantly
- Nuancedly
- Nimbly
- Nurturingly
- Negatively
- Newly
- Nonstop
- Neutralistically
- Nourishingly
O words list
- Obviously
- Openly
- Optimistically
- Officially
- Obligingly
- Outstandingly
- Obediently
- Occasionally
- Overwhelmingly
- Objectively
- Offensively
- Opaquely
- Ostensibly
- Oppressively
- Oddly
- Openheartedly
- Overarchingly
- Observantly
- Opportunistically
- Offhandedly
P words list
- Peacefully
- Patiently
- Passionately
- Politely
- Purposefully
- Positively
- Practically
- Powerfully
- Persistently
- Plainly
- Predictably
- Punctually
- Painfully
- Professionally
- Presumably
- Persuasively
- Permanently
- Productively
- Promptly
- Prophetically
Q words list
- Quietly
- Quickly
- Quaintly
- Queasily
- Quirkily
- Quintessentially
- Questioningly
- Qualitatively
- Quizzically
- Quaintheartedly
- Quadrantly
- Qualifyingly
- Quarrelsomely
- Quotably
- Quaffingly
- Quantumly
- Querulously
- Quenchingly
- Quaveringly
- Quakingly
R words list
- Rapidly
- Reasonably
- Respectfully
- Reluctantly
- Rigorously
- Repeatedly
- Randomly
- Reliably
- Responsibly
- Recklessly
- Rarely
- Readily
- Radically
- Routinely
- Reassuringly
- Resolutely
- Rightfully
- Restlessly
- Rowdily
- Regretfully
S words list
- Slowly
- Steadily
- Smartly
- Selflessly
- Strangely
- Sweetly
- Specifically
- Silently
- Subtly
- Securely
- Sharply
- Suddenly
- Suspiciously
- Simplistically
- Smoothly
- Sincerely
- Successfully
- Surprisingly
- Symbolically
- Sympathetically
T words list
- Truthfully
- Tactfully
- Temporarily
- Thoroughly
- Technically
- Thankfully
- Thoughtfully
- Transparently
- Tenderly
- Traditionally
- Tolerantly
- Tremendously
- Thematically
- Tenaciously
- Trustfully
- Timelessly
- Tersely
- Triumphantly
- Tragically
- Timidly
U words list
- Urgently
- Ultimately
- Unselfishly
- Uprightly
- Undeniably
- Uniquely
- Unhesitatingly
- Understandably
- Unfailingly
- Unreasonably
- Undoubtedly
- Universally
- Uneasily
- Unusually
- Unabashedly
- Unconditionally
- Unwillingly
- Unforgettably
- Unequivocally
- Undoubtedly
V words list
- Vividly
- Victoriously
- Virtuously
- Voluntarily
- Vibrantly
- Visibly
- Voraciously
- Vigorously
- Valuably
- Vainly
- Vehemently
- Verbally
- Versatilely
- Vindictively
- Virtuosically
- Viscerally
- Vulnerably
- Validly
- Venomously
- Vigilantly
W words list
- Willingly
- Warmly
- Wisely
- Wholly
- Wonderfully
- Wrongly
- Watchfully
- Wistfully
- Wrathfully
- Wholeheartedly
- Waveringly
- Wearily
- Weakly
- Wildly
- Waggishly
- Wranglingly
- Willfully
- Wonderingly
- Whimsically
- Worshipfully
X words list
- Xenophobically
- Xerographically
- Xerophytically
- Xenogenetically
- Xerotically
- Xenocratically
- Xenopathically
- Xenaciously
- Xenomonarchically
- Xenonically
- Xenotopically
- Xenogenically
- Xenocratically
- Xenofreely
- Xenolytically
- Xeroptically
- Xenolinguistically
- Xenotropically
- Xenonomically
- Xerotimically
Y words list
- Yearningly
- Youthfully
- Yieldingly
- Yawningly
- Yesterday
- Yonderly
- Yellingly
- Yellowishly
- Yearnedly
- Yo-yoingly
- Yet
- Youniquely
- Yeomanly
- Yappingly
- Yieldlessly
- Yodelingly
- Yawningly
- Yarnfully
- Yummily
- Yearnedly
Z words list
- Zealously
- Zestfully
- Zipper-like
- Zippily
- Zingily
- Zigzaggingly
- Zoomingly
- Zone-wise
- Zonally
- Zoologically
- Zephyr-like
- Zap-like
- Zillionfoldly
- Zappily
- Zeitgeistfully
- Zigzaggedly
- Zero-mindedly
- Zirconically
- Zappingly
- Zestlessly
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