Adverbs of degree are words that tell us how much or to what extent something happens. They make sentences more clear and more detailed. For example, in “She is very tired,” the word “very” shows the level of tiredness. Similarly, in “He is almost ready,” the word “almost” tells us how close he is to being ready. In this article, I have covered Adverbs of Degree List A to Z which are 500 and help you in your daily life conversation. All are given below, let’s learn…
Adverbs of Degree List A to Z in English
This list contains 500 adverbs of different degrees, arranged from A to Z, to help you learn and use them easily in your writing and speaking. Learn more about Simple Adverbs
A words list Adverbs of Degree
- Absolutely
- Almost
- Altogether
- Amazingly
- Abundantly
- Actually
- Awfully
- Arguably
- Astonishingly
- A bit
- As well
- A little
- Alarmingly
- Aggressively
- Adorably
- All
- About
- Affirmatively
- Acceptably
- Amicably
B words list Adverbs of Degree
- Barely
- Basically
- Beautifully
- Bitterly
- Brilliantly
- Boldly
- Briefly
- Blindly
- Bravely
- Breathtakingly
- Broadly
- Blissfully
- Bold-facedly
- Brightly
- Bluntly
- Begrudgingly
- Boisterously
- Bountifully
- Blissedly
- Brazenly
C words list Adverbs of Degree
- Completely
- Certainly
- Clearly
- Chiefly
- Comfortably
- Closely
- Considerably
- Curiously
- Conclusively
- Creatively
- Constantly
- Convincingly
- Comparatively
- Crucially
- Cutely
- Confidently
- Continuously
- Critically
- Cautiously
- Charmingly
D words list Adverbs of Degree
- Definitely
- Drastically
- Dramatically
- Decidedly
- Delightfully
- Desperately
- Distinctly
- Densely
- Dutifully
- Dangerously
- Deeply
- Daily
- Disastrously
- Distantly
- Dearly
- Deliberately
- Domestically
- Distressingly
- Desirably
- Doubtfully
E words list Adverbs of Degree
- Extremely
- Entirely
- Especially
- Evidently
- Exceptionally
- Elegantly
- Essentially
- Eternally
- Enormously
- Explicitly
- Effortlessly
- Extraordinarily
- Explicitly
- Endlessly
- Earnestly
- Exceedingly
- Elaborately
- Eloquently
- Easily
- Equally
F words list Adverbs of Degree
- Fully
- Frequently
- Fairly
- Firmly
- Fabulously
- Fiercely
- Finely
- Foolishly
- Formally
- Flexibly
- Fervently
- Frighteningly
- Famously
- Flawlessly
- Forcefully
- Funly
- Fearlessly
- Fantastically
- Feebly
- Figuratively
G words list Adverbs of Degree
- Greatly
- Gradually
- Graciously
- Gorgeously
- Generally
- Generously
- Gently
- Gigantically
- Grandly
- Grotesquely
- Gravely
- Gloriously
- Geometrically
- Gladly
- Gratefully
- Gleefully
- Glumly
- Glaringly
- Groundlessly
- Gawkily
H words list Adverbs of Degree
- Highly
- Heavily
- Hardly
- Happily
- Harshly
- Hastily
- Hopefully
- Helplessly
- Honestly
- Harmoniously
- Humorously
- Hugely
- Heartfully
- Haphazardly
- Hysterically
- Hurtfully
- Handily
- Hypothetically
- Humbly
- Hazardously
I words list Adverbs of Degree
- Intensely
- Incredibly
- Impossibly
- Instantly
- Importantly
- Imaginatively
- Immensely
- Immediately
- Interestingly
- Intuitively
- Infinitely
- Infrequently
- Independently
- Invitingly
- Ideally
- Indisputably
- Insightfully
- Internally
- Inconspicuously
- Indifferently
J words list Adverbs of Degree A to Z
- Justly
- Jokingly
- Jovially
- Jauntily
- Joyfully
- Judiciously
- Jealously
- Jubilantly
- Jarringly
- Jestingly
- Jovially honest
- Jubilantly so
- Jocularly
- Juicily
- Judgmatically
- Jaggedly
- Jubilantly forward
- Jovially but critically
- Jazzy-ishly
- Jumbledly
K words list Adverbs of Degree A to Z
- Kindly
- Knowingly
- Keenly
- Kingly
- Kinetically
- Knowledgeably
- Knockingly
- Keenly aware
- Kindly upfront
- Knottily
- Keen-eyed
- Kind-heartedly
- Kindly humorous
- Keen-stated
- Knowledgeably bold
- Keyfully aware
- Kickingly clear
- Knackily forward
- Kindly obscure
- Kindly yielding
L words list Adverbs of Degree A to Z
- Largely
- Lightly
- Loudly
- Likely
- Lazily
- Lovingly
- Luckily
- Loftily
- Logically
- Lingeringly
- Lamentably
- Lushly
- Longingly
- Lowly
- Limitlessly
- Legibly
- Lastingly
- Loftily bright
- Legitimately
- Lovingly truthful
M words list Adverbs of Degree A to Z
- Moderately
- Massively
- Meaningfully
- Memorably
- Miserably
- Magnificently
- Mystically
- Musically
- Meticulously
- Majestically
- Morbidly
- Madly
- Mirthfully
- Mildly
- Modernly
- Muddily
- Magically
- Momentarily
- Meekly
- Merrily
N words list Adverbs of Degree A to Z
- Nearly
- Negligibly
- Nicely
- Neatly
- Notably
- Noticeably
- Nervously
- Nonchalantly
- Newly
- Naturally
- Nastily
- Nakedly
- Naively
- Narrowly
- Negatively
- Normally
- Nimbly
- Noisily
- Nobly
- Needless to say
O words list
- Obviously
- Occasionally
- Offensively
- Officially
- Openly
- Optimally
- Optimistically
- Overwhelmingly
- Overly
- Oppositely
- Outstandingly
- Ostensibly
- Outwardly
- Obnoxiously
- Objectively
- Obligingly
- Obscurely
- Ornamentally
- Overabundantly
- Outlandishly
P words list
- Partially
- Perfectly
- Profoundly
- Plainly
- Powerfully
- Pleasantly
- Practically
- Politely
- Playfully
- Painfully
- Particularly
- Potentially
- Permanently
- Persistently
- Proportionally
- Promptly
- Patiently
- Purposefully
- Privately
- Publicly
Q words list
- Quietly
- Quickly
- Quaintly
- Qualitatively
- Quirkily
- Questioningly
- Quizzically
- Quiet truthfully
- Quantitatively
- Quaint yet keenly
- Questionably clear
- Quietly ongoing
- Qualitatively forward
- Quakingly
- Quizzically thorough
- Quantitatively right
- Quiet but bold
- Questionably soft
- Quickly openly
- Quiet utmostly
R words list
- Rarely
- Readily
- Rapidly
- Relatively
- Really
- Roughly
- Regularly
- Rigorously
- Repeatedly
- Remarkably
- Respectfully
- Reasonably
- Responsibly
- Radiantly
- Rhetorically
- Randomly
- Rightly
- Robustly
- Ruinously
- Regretfully
S words list
- Slightly
- Surprisingly
- Strongly
- Substantially
- Solely
- Sufficiently
- Steadily
- Sweetly
- Softly
- Sparingly
- Sadly
- Similarly
- Smartly
- Seriously
- Skillfully
- Smoothly
- Stubbornly
- Stylishly
- Silently
- Spontaneously
T words list
- Totally
- Thoroughly
- Tremendously
- Truly
- Terribly
- Truthfully
- Tactfully
- Tenderly
- Typically
- Tastelessly
- Timidly
- Triumphantly
- Trustfully
- Tolerantly
- Thoughtfully
- Tirelessly
- Thankfully
- Tenaciously
- Tightly
- Theoretically
U words list
- Utterly
- Unbelievably
- Uniquely
- Undoubtedly
- Universally
- Unequally
- Unquestionably
- Unkindly
- Unluckily
- Uncommonly
- Unfailingly
- Unusually
- Uprightly
- Unexpectedly
- Unnecessarily
- Unashamedly
- Unequivocally
- Unintentionally
- Undesirably
- Unfavorably
V words list
- Very
- Visibly
- Vastly
- Vividly
- Virtually
- Verbally
- Vigilantly
- Vainly
- Valuably
- Voraciously
- Variedly
- Victoriously
- Voluntarily
- Vocally
- Violently
- Vibrantly
- Verbosely
- Vindictively
- Voluminously
- Vehemently
W words list
- Widely
- Weakly
- Wonderfully
- Warmly
- Wholly
- Willingly
- Wildly
- Wisely
- Wastefully
- Wealthily
- Wistfully
- Weirdly
- Weightily
- Winningly
- Wantonly
- Wrongly
- Woefully
- Watchfully
- Withholdingly
- Wondrously
X words list
- Xceedingly (informal)
- Xerographically
- Xactly (slang)
- Xenophilically
- Xenogenetically
- Xuberantly (imaginative use)
- Xplosively (stylized slang)
- Xceeding truthfully
- Xenophonically added
- Xly phrased
- Xylophonically softly
- Xenogenetically clear
- Xenobiotically true
- Xenocratically again
- Xenographically forward
- Xenologically firm
- Xenogenically noted
- Xacting precision
- Xenophilically appreciated
- Xtraordinarily (informal)
Y words list
- Yearly
- Yieldingly
- Youthfully
- Yawningly
- Yesterwise phrased
- Yonderly
- Yawningly subtle
- Youthfully bright
- Yieldingly stated
- Yesteryear clear
- Yes openly
- Yet softly
- Yearlongly said
- Yieldingly joyful
- Youthfully bound
- Yieldedly approved
- Yonderly clear
- Year-long solid
- Yearningly subtle
- Yieldingly crisp
Z words list
- Zealously
- Zestfully
- Zeroedly clear
- Zippily nuanced
- Zestily phrased
- Zenfully thought
- Zappily clear
- Zephyr-softly said
- Zealfully noted
- Zenly subtle
- Zestily truthful
- Zero-based
- Zealously addressed
- Zilliously expansive
- Zenned out
- Zipping forward
- Zealfully centered
- Zestfully again
- Zillionfold nuance
- Zephyr-like note
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