English Grammar

Adverbs of Sequence Definition and Example Sentences

Adverbs of Sequence Definition and Example Sentences

Adverbs of sequence are words that help us show the order of actions or events in a sentence. They tell us what happens first, next, and last. These words are very useful when giving instructions or telling a story because they help make everything clear and easy to follow. By using adverbs of sequence, we can guide people step by step through a process.

What Are Adverbs of Sequence?

Adverbs of sequence are words or phrases that show the order in which actions or events occur. These adverbs are especially useful in writing instructions, giving directions, or telling a story where the correct order of events is important. Some common adverbs of sequence include:

  • First
  • Next
  • Then
  • After that
  • Finally
  • Beforehand
  • Initially
  • Subsequently
Adverbs of Sequence Definition and Example Sentences

Adverbs of Sequence Definition and Example Sentences

Importance of Adverbs of Sequence

In everyday conversations, adverbs of sequence help make communication clear and structured. Imagine giving instructions for a recipe, explaining how to fix a device, or telling a story—without proper sequence, your message could become confusing. Adverbs of sequence make the progression of ideas logical and easy to follow.

Common Adverbs of Sequence

Adverbs Use
First To indicate the first action in a sequence
Next To show the action following the first one
Then To continue the progression of actions
Afterward To indicate something that happens later
Beforehand To indicate an action that should be done earlier
Later To refer to an action happening after a point in time
Finally To indicate the last action in a sequence
Initially To show something that happens at the beginning
Subsequently To describe something that follows an action

How to Use Adverbs of Sequence in Sentences

When using adverbs of sequence in a sentence, it is crucial to place them at the beginning or in the appropriate part of the sentence to ensure the order of events is clear. Here are some examples:

  • First, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Next, chop the vegetables into small pieces.
  • Then, heat the oil in a pan.
  • After that, sauté the onions until they turn golden.
  • Finally, add the spices and let it simmer.

These adverbs are essential for presenting steps in an orderly manner.

Example Sentences Using Adverbs of Sequence

  • Initially, the project seemed overwhelming, but we made progress quickly.
  • I’ll see you at the meeting, but beforehand, I need to finish some work.
  • She packed her bags, and afterward, she called a cab.
  • Next, you will need to add the sugar and stir gently.
  • Finally, we reached our destination after a long day of travel.
  • Subsequently, they realized the error in the report and made corrections.
  • Later, we went out for dinner after finishing our assignments.
  • First, you must install the software on your computer.
  • Then, they decided to launch the product in multiple regions.
  • Beforehand, make sure you have all the necessary materials for the presentation.

Using Adverbs of Sequence in Writing

When writing essays, instructions, or even stories, adverbs of sequence act as signposts that guide the reader from one point to the next. Let’s look at how they are used in a short story:

First, Alice woke up and checked the time. She realized she was late for her meeting. Next, she quickly got dressed and rushed out of the door. Then, she grabbed her keys and headed for the car. Afterward, she realized she forgot her presentation slides at home. Finally, she returned, collected her slides, and made it just in time for the meeting.

Advanced Usage

In more formal writing or advanced English, you may encounter complex adverbs of sequence such as “subsequently,” “thereafter,” and “initially.” These words serve the same purpose but are often used in more academic or professional contexts. Here are some examples:

  • Subsequently, the team reviewed the data and made a decision.
  • The weather was sunny in the morning; thereafter, it started to rain heavily.
  • Initially, the research indicated positive results, but further analysis was required.

Adverbs of Sequence Example Sentences

# Sentence
1 First, we will eat breakfast.
2 Next, she walks to school.
3 Then, he starts his homework.
4 After that, we play in the park.
5 Finally, we go to bed.
6 First, I open my book.
7 Next, she turns on the TV.
8 Then, they went shopping.
9 After that, we watched a movie.
10 Finally, they left the house.
11 First, he checked his emails.
12 Next, we went to the market.
13 Then, she wrote the letter.
14 After that, he made a call.
15 Finally, we finished the project.
16 First, I cleaned my room.
17 Next, we went for a walk.
18 Then, she cooked dinner.
19 After that, I read a book.
20 Finally, we had dessert.
Adverbs of Sequence Examples

Adverbs of Sequence Example Sentences

Adverbs of Sequence list

  • First
  • Second
  • Third
  • Next
  • Then
  • After
  • Afterward
  • Before
  • Earlier
  • Later
  • Finally
  • Eventually
  • Subsequently
  • Previously
  • Meanwhile
  • Simultaneously
  • First of all
  • In the beginning
  • At first
  • Immediately
  • Following that
  • At last
  • Initially
  • In conclusion
  • Last
  • Ultimately
  • Afterwards
  • Thereafter
  • In the end
  • To begin with

Adverbs of Sequence list

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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