English Vocabulary

Body Parts Name in English with Their Pictures

Body Parts Names of Humans in English with Pictures

Are you attempting to locate a list of every person’s English-named body part? This is an exhaustive list of all the English names for body parts. This is a unique blog post about body component names in English or names that include pictures. Acquiring knowledge of these bodily parts aids in proper English speech, as these words are frequently used. Body Parts Name in English with Their Picture.

Human Body Parts Name

The hair-covered body, the presence of mammary glands, and the fully developed sensory organs of the human body are its essential features. The multiple portions and compartments that make up the body’s organ systems are assigned to different roles.

List of human Body Parts Name

  • Ear
  • Nose
  • Shoulder
  • Arm
  • Elbow
  • Thigh
  • Head
  • Hair
  • Face
  • Forehead
  • Eyebrow
  • Eyelash
  • Eyes
  • Cheek
  • Leg
  • White blood cell
  • Mouth
  • Lip
  • Teeth
  • Tongue

Human Body Parts Name in English

  • Ear:
    The organ responsible for hearing and balance.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Ear in English
  • Nose:
    The facial organ used for smelling and breathing.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Nose in English
  • Shoulder:
    The joint connecting the upper arm to the torso, providing mobility.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Shoulder in English
  • Arm:
    The upper limb extends from the shoulder to the elbow.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Arm in English
  • Elbow:
    The joint between the upper and lower arm.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Elbow in English
  • Thigh:
    The region of the leg above the knee and hip.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Thigh in English
  • Head:
    The topmost region of the body, which houses the sense organs and brain.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Head in English
  • Hair:
    The strands covering the scalp and body.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Hair in English
  • Face:
    The front part of the head, including features like eyes, nose, and mouth.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Face in English
  • Forehead:
    The area of the face above the eyes and between the hairline and eyebrows.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Forehead in English
  • Eyebrow:
    The strip of hair above the eye socket.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Eyebrow in English
  • Eyelash:
    Short hairs along the edge of the eyelid.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Eyelash in English
  • Eyes:
    Organs of vision.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | in English
  • Cheek:
    The area of skin beneath the eyes on the face.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Cheek in English
  • Leg:
    The lower limb of the body.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Leg in English
  • White blood cell:
    Cells involved in the immune system’s defense against pathogens.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | White blood cell in English
  • Mouth:
    The opening in the face is used for eating, speaking, and breathing.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Mouth in English
  • Lip:
    The soft, movable part of the mouth.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Lip in English
  • Teeth:
    Hard structures used for biting and chewing food.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Teeth in English
  • Tongue:
    The muscular organ in the mouth.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Tongue in English
Body Parts Names of Humans in English

Body Parts Names of Humans in English

Body Parts Name in English

  • Chin
  • Neck
  • Throat
  • Red blood cells
  • Mouth
  • Hand
  • Kidney
  • Bladder
  • Chest
  • Rib
  • Heart
  • Lungs
  • Spine
  • Stomach
  • Blood
  • Thyroid gland
  • Navel
  • Leg
  • Thigh
  • Gallbladder

List of Human Body Parts Pictures with Names

  • Chin:
    The lowermost part of the face.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Chin in English
  • Neck:
    The bodily portion that joins the head to the torso.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Neck in English
  • Throat:
    The passage at the back of the mouth leads to the digestive and respiratory systems.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Throat in English
  • Red blood cells:
    Cells carrying oxygen from the lungs to the body tissues.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Red blood cells in English
  • Hand:
    The portion of the arm that ends beyond the wrist.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Hand in English
  • Kidney:
    Organs responsible for filtering waste from the blood.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Kidney in English
  • Bladder:
    The organ storing urine before excretion.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Bladder in English
  • Chest:
    The area of the body between the neck and abdomen.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Chest in English
  • Rib:
    Curved bones protecting the chest cavity.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Rib in English
  • Heart:
    The muscular organ pumps blood throughout the body.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Heart in English
  • Lungs:
    Organs facilitating gas exchange.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Lungs in English
  • Spine:
    The backbone protecting the spinal cord.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Spine in English
  • Stomach:
    The organ responsible for digesting food.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Stomach in English
  • Blood:
    The fluid transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Blood in English
  • Thyroid gland:
    The endocrine gland regulating metabolism.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Thyroid gland in English
  • Navel:
    The scar left by the umbilical cord.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Navel in English
  • Leg:
    The lower limb of the body.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Leg in English
  • Thigh:
    The upper part of the leg.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Thigh in English
  • Gallbladder:
    The organ storing bile produced by the liver.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Gallbladder in English
  • Calf:
    The back part of the lower leg.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Calf in English
Body Parts Names of Humans in English

Body Parts Names of Humans in English

Parts of Human Body Name in English

  • Calf
  • Liver
  • Foot
  • Bones
  • Cartilage
  • Brain
  • Nerves
  • Adrenal gland
  • Intestines
  • Hand
  • Wrist
  • Knee
  • Ankle
  • Feet
  • Toe
  • Sole
  • Nail
  • Muscle
  • Finger
  • Thumb

Body Parts Name in English with Pictures

  • Liver:
    The organ performing various metabolic functions.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Liver in English
  • Foot:
    The terminal part of the leg.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Foot in English
  • Bones:
    The rigid organs providing structure and support.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Bones in English
  • Cartilage:
    Flexible connective tissue found in joints.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Cartilage in English
  • Brain:
    The central organ of the nervous system.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Brain in English
  • Nerves:
    Fibers transmit signals throughout the body.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Nerves in English
  • Adrenal gland:
    Endocrine glands producing hormones.
    Adrenal gland in English
  • Intestines:
    Organs responsible for digestion and nutrient absorption.
    Intestines in English
  • Hand:
    The terminal part of the arm.
    Hand in English
  • Wrist:
    The joint connecting the hand to the forearm.
    Wrist in English
  • Knee:
    The joint between the thigh and lower leg.
    Knee in English
  • Ankle:
    The joint connecting the foot to the leg.
    Ankle in English
  • Feet:
    The plural of foot.
    Feet in English
  • Toe:
    One of the digits on the foot.
    Toe in English
  • Sole:
    The underside of the foot.
    Sole in English
  • Nail:
    Hard covering on the tips of fingers and toes.
    Nail in English
  • Muscle:
    Tissue responsible for movement.
    Muscle in English
  • Finger:
    One of the digits on the hand.
    Finger in English
  • Thumb:
    The short, thick digit opposable to the other fingers.
    Thumb in English
  • Artery:
    Blood vessels carrying oxygen-rich blood away from the heart.
    Artery in English
Body Parts Names of Humans

Body Parts Names of Humans in English

What are human body parts name in English?

  • Artery
  • Vein
  • Pancreas
  • Esophagus
  • Trachea
  • Bronchus
  • Diaphragm
  • Tonsil
  • Appendix
  • Uvula
  • Pharynx
  • Spleen
  • Ulna
  • Radius
  • Patella
  • Achilles tendon
  • Clavicle
  • Pelvis
  • Sacrum
  • Coccyx

Some more Interesting Facts About human Body Parts

  • Vein:
    Blood vessels carrying oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart.
    Vein in English
  • Pancreas:
    The organ producing digestive enzymes and insulin.
    Pancreas in English
  • Esophagus:
    The muscular tube connecting the throat to the stomach.
    Esophagus in English
  • Trachea:
    The windpipe carrying air to and from the lungs.
    Trachea in English
  • Bronchus:
    A branch of the trachea leading to the lungs.
    Bronchus in English
  • Diaphragm:
    A muscle separating the chest and abdominal cavities.
    Diaphragm in English
  • Tonsil:
    Lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat.
    Tonsil in English
  • Appendix:
    A small pouch attached to the large intestine.
    Appendix in English
  • Uvula:
    A fleshy extension at the back of the throat.
    Uvula in English
  • Pharynx:
    The part of the throat behind the mouth and nasal cavity.
    Pharynx in English
  • Spleen:
    The organ involved in filtering blood and storing blood cells.
    Spleen in English
  • Ulna:
    One of the two bones in the forearm.
    Ulna in English
  • Radius:
    One of the two bones in the forearm.
    Radius in English
  • Patella:
    The kneecap.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Patella in English
  • Achilles tendon:
    The tendon connecting the calf muscles to the heel bone.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Achilles tendon in English
  • Clavicle:
    A bone connecting the shoulder to the sternum.
    Clavicle in English
  • Pelvis:
    The basin-shaped bony structure supporting the trunk.
    Pelvis in English
  • Sacrum:
    A triangular bone at the base of the spine.
    Body Parts Names of Humans | Sacrum in English
  • Coccyx:
    The small bone at the base of the spine.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Coccyx in English
  • Ankle:
    The joint connecting the foot to the leg, allowing for movement such as flexion and extension.
    Body Parts Names of Humans |Ankle in English
Body Parts Names of Humans

Body Parts Names of Humans in English

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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