English Vocabulary

Humans Body Movements Names Vocabulary and Their Pictures

Humans Body Movements Names Vocabulary and Their Pictures

Humans body movements names are essential for daily activities and maintaining overall health as well as a great way to enhance your English Vocabulary. There are different kinds of body movements Names, for example, Lying, Sitting, Standing, and walking. In this article, we have covered all the Humans body Movements Names, and Their pictures. Let’s explore…

  • Rub palms
  • comb hair
  • Wiggle eyebrows
  • Purse lips
  • Roll eyes
  • Clench fist
  • Bump fits
  • Huff and puff
  • Cover mouth
  • Put hands in pocket
  • Hands on the hip
  • Blow nose
  • Strum fingers
  • File nails
  • Pick nails
  • Squeeze out toothpaste
  • Brush teeth
  • Rub eyes
  • Rub temples
  • wring hands

List of human body movements names with Images

  • Rub palms:
    Moving your hands together to create warmth or comfort.
    Human Body Movements Names| Rub palms
  • Comb hair:
    Use a comb to tidy or style your hair.
    Human Body Movements Names | Comb hair
  • Wiggle eyebrows:
    Moving your eyebrows up and down quickly.
    Human Body Movements Names | Wiggle eyebrows
  • Purse lips:
    Pressing your lips together tightly, often in disapproval.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary | Purse lips name
  • Roll eyes:
    Moving your eyes in a circular motion, usually to show annoyance.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Roll eyes name
  • Clench fist:
    Closing your hand tightly, often because of anger.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Clench fist name
  • Bump fists:
    Tapping fists together as a greeting or sign of agreement.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Bump fists name
  • Huff and puff:
    Breathing heavily, often from exertion or frustration.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Huff and puff name
  • Cover mouth:
    Placing a hand over your mouth, usually to hide a reaction.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary | Cover mouth name
  • Put hands in pockets:
    Placing your hands inside your pockets, often to relax.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Put hands in pockets name
  • Hands on the hip:
    Placing your hands on your hips, usually to show confidence or impatience.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Hands on the hip name
  • Blow nose:
    Expelling air through your nose to clear it.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Blow nose name
  • Strum fingers:
    Tapping your fingers in a rhythm, often out of impatience or boredom.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Strum fingers name
  • File nails:
    Use a file to smooth or shape your nails.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary | File nails name
  • Pick nails:
    Cleaning or fiddling with your nails using your fingers.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Pick nails name
  • Squeeze out toothpaste:
    Pressing a tube to get toothpaste out.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Squeeze out toothpaste name
  • Brush teeth:
    Cleaning your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Brush teeth name
  • Rub eyes:
    Moving your hands over your eyes, often when tired.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Rub eyes name
  • Rub temples:
    Massaging the sides of your forehead to relieve stress or pain.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Rub temples name
  • Wring hands:
    Twisting your hands together, usually because of worry.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Wring hands name

Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary

Human body movements names

  • Lean forward
  • lean back
  • Stand up straight
  • Blink eyes
  • Cup ear
  • Click tongue
  • Bite lip
  • Blow a kiss
  • Raise hands
  • Stroke chin
  • Scratch head
  • Punch palm
  • Bare teeth
  • Pump up shampoo
  • Rinse of shampoo
  • Dry hair
  • Put on sunglasses
  • Pluck eyebrows
  • Blot lipstick
  • Clutch head

Names of Humans body movements and images

  • Lean forward:
    Moving your body toward the front.
    Lean forward name
  • Lean back:
    Moving your body toward the rear.
    Lean back name
  • Stand up straight:
    Holding your body in an upright position.
    Stand up straight name
  • Blink eyes:
    Quickly closing and opening your eyes.
    Blink eyes Vocabulary name
  • Cup ear:
    Placing a hand behind your ear to hear better.
    Cup ear in English
  • Click tongue:
    Making a noise by pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Click tongue name
  • Bite lip:
    Pressing your teeth gently into your lip, often in thought or worry.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Bite lip name
  • Blow a kiss:
    Kissing your hand and then blowing to send the kiss to someone.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Blow a kiss name
  • Raise hands:
    Lifting your hands into the air.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Raise hands name
  • Stroke chin:
    Moving your hand along your chin, often in thought.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Stroke chin name
  • Scratch head:
    Moving your fingers on your head, usually when confused.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Scratch head name
  • Punch palm:
    Hitting your palm with your fist to show determination.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Punch palm name
  • Bare teeth:
    Showing your teeth, often in anger or as a threat.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Bare teeth name
  • Pump up shampoo:
    Pressing a pump to get shampoo out.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Pump up shampoo name
  • Rinse off shampoo:
    Washing away shampoo with water.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Rinse off shampoo name
  • Dry hair:
    Remove water from your hair using a towel or dryer.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary | Dry hair name
  • Put on sunglasses:
    Placing sunglasses over your eyes.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Put on sunglasses name
  • Pluck eyebrows:
    Removing eyebrow hairs with tweezers.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Pluck eyebrows name
  • Blot lipstick:
    Pressing lips on a tissue to remove excess lipstick.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Blot lipstick name
  • Clutch head:
    Holding your head with your hands, often in pain or confusion.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Clutch head name

Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary

Body movements

  • Spritz perfume
  • Close eyes
  • Open eyes
  • Tug earlobe
  • Pick ear wax
  • Floss teeth
  • Open mouth wide
  • Massage face
  • Hang head low
  • Lift toes
  • Lick
  • Chew
  • Blink
  • Sneeze
  • Whistle
  • Point
  • Giggle
  • Whisper
  • Hum
  • Snap finger

20 movements names of the Human Body and Pictures

  • Spritz perfume:
    Spray a small amount of perfume onto your body.
    Spritz perfume in English
  • Close eyes:
    Shut your eyelids.
     Close eyes in English
  • Open eyes:
    Lift your eyelids to see.
    Open eyes in English
  • Tug earlobe:
    Pull gently on the soft part of your ear.
    Tug earlobe in English
  • Pick ear wax:
    Remove wax from your ear using a finger or tool.
    Pick ear wax in English
  • Floss teeth:
    Clean between your teeth with dental floss.
    Floss teeth in English
  • Open mouth wide:
    Stretch your mouth open fully.
     Open mouth wide in English
  • Massage face:
    Rub your face gently to relax muscles.
    Massage face in English
  • Hang head low:
    Lower your head, often in sadness or shame.
    |Hang head low in English
  • Lift toes:
    Raise your toes off the ground.
    |Lift toes in English
  • Lick:
    Pass your tongue over something.
    |Lick in English
  • Chew:
    Use your teeth to break down food.
    Chew in English
  • Blink:
    Close and open your eyes quickly.
    Blink in English
  • Sneeze:
    Force air out through your nose and mouth suddenly.
    Sneeze in English
  • Whistle:
    Make a high-pitched sound by blowing air through your lips.
    Whistle in English
  • Point:
    Extend your finger toward something.
    Point in English
  • Giggle:
    Laugh in a light, silly way.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Giggle name
  • Whisper:
    Speak very softly.
    Whisper in English
  • Hum:
    Make a low, continuous sound with your lips closed.
    Hum in English
  • Snap finger:
    Make a sharp sound by flicking your thumb and middle finger together.
    Snap finger in English

Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary

List of Human Body Movements Names

  • Nod
  • Cough
  • Clap
  • Shake hands
  • Stare
  • Plug eyes
  • Pull ears
  • Slap
  • Yank
  • Poke
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Bump elbows
  • Flick
  • Tickle
  • Shrug
  • Hug
  • Slip
  • Hop
  • Dig
  • Jump

Different Types of Human Body Movements

  • Nod:
    Move your head up and down to show agreement.
     Nod in English
  • Cough:
    Force air out of your lungs suddenly to clear your throat.
    Cough in English
  • Clap:
    Hit your hands together to make a sound.
     Clap in English
  • Shake hands:
    Hold someone’s hand and move it up and down as a greeting.
     Shake hands in English
  • Stare:
    Look at something or someone for a long time without blinking.
     Stare in English
  • Plug ears:
    Cover your ears with your fingers to block out sound.
    Plug ears in English
  • Pull ears:
    Tug gently on your ears.
    Pull ears in English
  • Slap:
    Hit someone or something with your open hand.
    Slap in English
  • Poke:
    Push your finger into someone or something.
    Poke in English
  • Push:
    Apply force to move someone or something away from you.
    Push in English
  • Pull:
    Apply force to draw someone or something towards you.
     Pull in English
  • Bump elbows:
    Touch elbows with someone, often as a greeting.
     Bump elbows in English
  • Flick:
    Snap your finger quickly to make something move.
     Flick in English
  • Tickle:
    Lightly touch someone to make them laugh.
    Tickle in English
  • Shrug:
    Lift your shoulders up and down to show you don’t know or care.
     Shrug in English
  • Hug:
    Wrap your arms around someone to show affection.
    Hug in English
  • Slip:
    Lose your balance and slide unintentionally.
    Human Body Movements Names| Slip
  • Hop:
    Jump on one foot.
    Human Body Movements Names| Hop
  • Dig:
    Break and move the earth with your hands or a tool.
    Human Body Movements Names| Dig
  • Jump:
    Push yourself off the ground with your feet.
    Human Body Movements Names | Jump

Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary

Human Body Movements Names

  • Skip
  • Frown
  • Touch
  • Hold
  • Drop
  • Scratch head
  • Leap
  • Dance
  • Sit
  • Stand
  • Lie down
  • Crawl
  • Kneel
  • Squat
  • Bend
  • Scratch
  • Walk
  • March
  • Jog
  • Run
  • Wave
  • Tiptoe
  • Shout
  • Handstand
  • Kick
  • Catch

Human Body Movements Names with images

  • Skip:
    Move forward with a light, bouncing step.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Skip name
  • Touch:
    Put your hand or finger on something.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary | Touch name
  • Drop:
    Let something fall from your hand.
    Drop in English
  • Scratch head:
    Rub your head with your fingers, often when thinking.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Scratch head name
  • Leap:
    Jump a long distance.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Leap name
  • Dance:
    give movements to your body following a music or song.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Dance name
  • Sit:
    Rest your body on your bottom.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Sit name
  • Stand:
    Be upright on your feet.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Stand name
  • Lie down:
    Rest your body flat on a surface.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary | Lie down name
  • Crawl:
    Move on your hands and knees.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Crawl name
  • Kneel:
    Rest on your knees.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Kneel name
  • Squat:
    Lower your body by bending your knees.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Squat name
  • Bend:
    Move your body so it’s not straight.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Bend name
  • Walk:
    Move your feet to go from one place to another.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Walk name
  • March:
    Walk with a regular, rhythmic step.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |March name
  • Jog:
    Run slowly.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Jog name
  • Tiptoe:
    Walk on the tips of your toes quietly.
    Human Body Movements Names | Tiptoe
  • Shout:
    Speak very loudly.
    Human Body Movements Names | Shout
  • Kick:
    Strike with your foot.
    Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary |Kick name
  • Catch:
    Grab something that is moving through the air.
    Catch in English

Human Body Movements Names Vocabulary

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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