English Vocabulary

Green Vegetables Names in English with Their Pictures

Green Vegetables Names in English

Learning the names of green vegetables names in English is an amazing way to increase your English vocabulary about different vegetables. There are many types of Green Vegetables, for example, Arugula, fennel, snow peas, green cabbage, broccolini, green chili pepper, spring onion, curry leaves, and fenugreek. Looking at their Pictures makes it easier to recognize and remember their names. given below, let’s learn.

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List of Green Vegetables Names in English

  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Asparagus
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cucumber
  • Zucchini
  • Green beans
  • Peas
  • Lettuce
  • Celery
  • Green bell pepper
  • Artichoke
  • Swiss chard
  • Bok choy
  • Watercress
  • Mustard greens
  • Collard greens
  • Okra
  • Green onions
  • Cilantro
  • Dill

Green Vegetables Names in English and pictures

  • Spinach:
    A leafy green vegetable rich in iron and vitamins, often used in salads and cooking.
    Green Vegetables Names | Spinach in English
  • Broccoli:
    A green vegetable with a tree-like shape, packed with nutrients and commonly steamed or roasted.
    Green Vegetables Names |Broccoli in English
  • Kale:
    A dark green leafy vegetable known for its high fiber and vitamin content.
    Green Vegetables Names |Kale in English
  • Asparagus:
    Long green stalks with a tender texture, often grilled or steamed.
    Green Vegetables Names |Asparagus in English
  • Brussels Sprouts:
    Small, round green vegetables that look like mini cabbages, often roasted.
    Green Vegetables Names |Brussels Sprouts in English
  • Cucumber:
    A cool, crisp green vegetable often eaten raw in salads.
    Green Vegetables Names |Cucumber in English
  • Zucchini:
    A soft green squash used in savory dishes, often sautéed or grilled.
    Zucchini in English
  • Green Beans:
    Thin, long green vegetables with small seeds inside, eaten whole.
    Green Beans in English
  • Peas:
    Small, round green seeds that are sweet and grow inside pods.
    Peas in English
  • Lettuce:
    A leafy green used mainly in salads and sandwiches.
    Lettuce in English
  • Celery:
    A long, crunchy green vegetable with a mild flavor, used raw or cooked.
    Green Vegetables Names |Celery in English
  • Green Bell Pepper:
    A crisp, slightly sweet green vegetable often used in salads and cooking.
    Green Bell Pepper in English
  • Artichoke:
    A green vegetable with tough leaves and a tender heart, usually steamed.
    Artichoke in English
  • Swiss Chard:
    A leafy green vegetable with thick stems, often used in cooking.
    Swiss Chard in English
  • Bok Choy:
    A Chinese cabbage with crunchy white stalks and tender green leaves.
    Bok Choy in English
  • Watercress:
    A leafy green with a peppery flavor, often used in fresh salads.
    Watercress in English
  • Mustard Greens:
    Leafy greens with a spicy, mustard-like flavor, used in cooking.
    Mustard Greens in English
  • Collard Greens:
    Large, flat green leaves with a slightly bitter taste, often cooked.
    Collard Greens in English
  • Okra:
    A green pod vegetable with a slimy texture inside, often used in stews.
    Green Vegetables Names |Okra in English
  • Green Onions:
    Long, green vegetables with a mild onion flavor, used raw or cooked.
    Green Onions in English
  • Cilantro:
    A leafy herb with a fresh, tangy flavor, commonly used in many dishes.
    Cilantro in English
  • Dill:
    A feathery green herb with a distinctive flavor, often used to flavor pickles and sauces.
    Green Vegetables Names |Dill in English
Green Vegetables Names in English

Green Vegetables Names in English

20 Names of green vegetables in English

  • Mint
  • Arugula
  • Fennel
  • Snow peas
  • Green cabbage
  • Broccolini
  • Green chili piper
  • Spring Onion
  • Curry Leaves
  • Fenugreek
  • Leek
  • Ridge Gourd
  • Bitter Gourd
  • Bottle Gourd
  • Pointed Gourd
  • Calabash
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Chayote
  • Microgreens
  • Pea
  • Watercress

Names of green vegetables with pictures

  • Mint:
    A fragrant herb with cool, refreshing leaves, often used in drinks and dishes.
    Green Vegetables Names |Mint in English
  • Arugula:
    A leafy green with a peppery flavor, commonly added to salads.
    Arugula in English
  • Fennel:
    A green vegetable with a slight licorice flavor, used in both raw and cooked dishes.
    Green Vegetables Names |Fennel in English
  • Snow Peas:
    Flat green pods with small peas inside, eaten whole and often used in stir-fries.
    Snow Peas in English
  • Green Cabbage:
    A leafy vegetable with tightly packed green leaves, used raw or cooked.
    Green Cabbage in English
  • Broccolini:
    A tender, slender green vegetable that looks like broccoli but has longer stems.
    Green Vegetables Names |Broccoli in English
  • Green Chili Pepper:
    A spicy green pepper used to add heat and flavor to dishes.
    Green Vegetables Names |Green Chili Pepper in English
  • Spring Onion:
    A long, green vegetable with a mild onion flavor, used in salads and cooking.
    Spring Onion in English
  • Curry Leaves:
    Fragrant green leaves used for flavoring in Indian cooking.
    Green Vegetables Names |Curry Leaves in English
  • Fenugreek:
    A green leafy vegetable with a slightly bitter taste, often used in curries.
    Green Vegetables Names |Fenugreek in English
  • Leek:
    A long green vegetable with thick leaves and a mild onion taste, often used in soups.
    Green Vegetables Names |Leek in English
  • Ridge Gourd:
    A ridged green vegetable with a soft texture, commonly used in stews and curries.
    Green Vegetables Names |Ridge Gourd in English
  • Bitter Gourd:
    A bumpy green vegetable with a distinctly bitter taste.
    Green Vegetables Names | Bitter Gourd in English
  • Bottle Gourd:
    A smooth, pale green vegetable, used in soups, stews, and curries.
    Green Vegetables Names |Bottle Gourd in English
  • Pointed Gourd:
    A little green vegetable with pointy ends that’s frequently included to stews and curries.
    Pointed Gourd in English
  • Calabash:
    A light green gourd with a smooth surface, used in cooking and soups.
    Green Vegetables Names |Calabash in English
  • Cabbage:
    A leafy green vegetable used in salads, soups, and various cooked dishes.
    Green Vegetables Names |Cabbage in English
  • Chayote:
    a somewhat sweet green vegetable in the shape of a pear.
    Green Vegetables Names |Chayote in English
  • Microgreens:
    Tiny, young green plants rich in nutrients, often used to garnish dishes.
    Green Vegetables Names |Microgreens in English
  • Pea:
    Sweet, little, round green seeds that develop inside of pods.
    Green Vegetables Names |Pea in English
  • Watercress:
    A leafy green with a peppery flavor, often used fresh in salads.
    Green Vegetables Names | Watercress in English

Green Vegetables Names in English

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