English Grammar

Modal Verbs List from A to Z | 500+ Modal Verbs in English

Modal Verbs List from A to Z | 500+ Modal Verbs in English

Learning The Modal Verbs List from A to Z is a helpful resource for understanding how modal verbs are used in English. Modal verbs, like can, may, will, and must, help express abilities, possibilities, permissions, and obligations. This Article includes all the common modal verbs in English, organized alphabetically, so you can easily find and learn how to use each one. Understanding these verbs and using them in sentences is very beneficial in both spoken and written English.

Modal Verbs List from A to Z

Verbs that start with A

  • Able to
  • About to
  • Accord
  • Allow
  • Assume
  • Ask
  • Aspire to
  • Admit
  • Agree
  • Appear to
  • Aim to
  • Advise
  • Acknowledge
  • Attempt to
  • Affirm
  • Announce
  • Authorize
  • Apply
  • Anticipate
  • Approve

Verbs that start with B

  • Be able to
  • Be bound to
  • Be going to
  • Be likely to
  • Be supposed to
  • Be to
  • Be about to
  • Be meant to
  • Be expected to
  • Be obliged to
  • Be permitted to
  • Be allowed to
  • Be required to
  • Be set to
  • Be willing to
  • Be determined to
  • Be keen to
  • Be eager to
  • Be ready to
  • Be prepared to
Modal Verbs List from A to Z | start with A & B

Modal Verbs start with A & B

Verbs that start with C

  • Can
  • Cannot
  • Could
  • Capable of
  • Commit to
  • Continue to
  • Consent to
  • Choose to
  • Compel to
  • Confess to
  • Cooperate with
  • Confirm
  • Contradict
  • Conclude
  • Command
  • Convince
  • Contribute to
  • Contend to
  • Challenge
  • Consider

Verbs that start with D

  • Dare
  • Decide to
  • Decline to
  • Demand to
  • Deserve to
  • Desire to
  • Determine to
  • Direct to
  • Disallow
  • Dislike
  • Dispute
  • Dismiss
  • Dictate
  • Do
  • Deem
  • Drive to
  • Drop
  • Dedicate to
  • Devote to
  • Develop
Modal Verbs List from A to Z | Modal Verbs start with C & D

Modal Verbs start with C & D

Verbs that start with E

  • Expect
  • Ensure
  • Enable
  • Encourage
  • Empower
  • Endure
  • Engage in
  • Enforce
  • Entitle
  • Exempt
  • Establish
  • Evaluate
  • Express
  • Emphasize
  • Enhance
  • Endorse
  • Employ
  • Elicit
  • Examine
  • Explore

Verbs that start with F

  • Force to
  • Favor
  • Forbid
  • Foresee
  • Forget to
  • Feel like
  • Follow
  • Fight
  • Fulfill
  • Focus on
  • Facilitate
  • Figure out
  • Finish
  • Formulate
  • Foster
  • Frame
  • Function as
  • Form
  • Furnish
  • Finalize
Modal Verbs List from A to Z | Modal Verbs start with E & F

Modal Verbs start with E & F

Verbs that start with G

  • Guarantee
  • Get to
  • Grant
  • Give
  • Guide
  • Go on to
  • Gain
  • Generate
  • Govern
  • Grasp
  • Guess
  • Grow
  • Get back to
  • Gather
  • Guard
  • Grasp
  • Gain insight
  • Get into
  • Go about
  • Gain access to

Verbs that start with H

  • Have to
  • Had better
  • Hope to
  • Hesitate to
  • Help to
  • Hasten
  • Hold
  • Hint
  • Hinder
  • Handle
  • Harsh
  • Heal
  • Hinder
  • Hide
  • Honor
  • Head
  • Hunt
  • Humble
  • Hover
  • Harness
Modal Verbs List from A to Z | Modal Verbs start with G & h

Modal Verbs start with G & h

Verbs that start with I

  • Intend to
  • Insist on
  • Involve
  • Invite
  • Indicate
  • Implement
  • Include
  • Initiate
  • Influence
  • Inhibit
  • Illustrate
  • Imply
  • Inspire
  • Integrate
  • Impose
  • Interfere
  • Invest
  • Instruct
  • Inspect
  • Identify

Verbs that start with I

  • Justify
  • Join
  • Judge
  • Jump to
  • Jeopardize
  • Juggle
  • Jettison
  • Jabber
  • Journey
  • Jostle
  • Jot down
  • Jibe with
  • Jiggle
  • Jitter
  • Journal
  • Jog
  • Jumpstart
  • Joust
  • Juggle
  • Jack up
Modal Verbs start with I& J

Modal Verbs start with I& J

Verbs that start with K

  • Know how to
  • Keep on
  • Knock
  • Kick
  • Keep
  • Kindle
  • Kneel
  • Know
  • Knit
  • Knot
  • Key to
  • Keep at
  • Keep back
  • Kick off
  • Keep up with
  • Keep out
  • Keep off
  • Keep away
  • Knock over
  • Knock off

Verbs that start with L

  • Likely to
  • Let
  • Love to
  • Look to
  • Learn to
  • Long to
  • Lean
  • Lead to
  • Live to
  • Limit
  • Listen to
  • Leave
  • Lend
  • Locate
  • Lock
  • Lose
  • Laugh
  • Lift
  • Lack
  • Light
Modal Verbs List from A to Z | Modal Verbs start with K & L

Modal Verbs start with K & L

Verbs that start with M

  • Must
  • Might
  • May
  • Manage to
  • Mean to
  • Motivate
  • Move to
  • Maintain
  • Mention
  • Merit
  • Make sure
  • Miss
  • Measure
  • Monitor
  • Master
  • Meditate
  • Mobilize
  • Maintain
  • Mutate
  • Modify

Verbs that start with N

  • Need to
  • Neglect
  • Negotiate
  • Note
  • Nominate
  • Nurture
  • Notice
  • Notify
  • Neutralize
  • Navigate
  • Name
  • Narrow
  • Nullify
  • Notify
  • Nudge
  • Negate
  • Narrate
  • Nourish
  • Nibble
  • Nurture

Modal Verbs start with M & N

Verbs that start with O

  • Ought to
  • Offer
  • Object to
  • Oblige to
  • Opt to
  • Overcome
  • Order to
  • Oversee
  • Operate
  • Observe
  • Obliterate
  • Obtain
  • Organize
  • Orient
  • Outline
  • Overrule
  • Overwhelm
  • Oversee
  • Oppose
  • Obscure

Verbs that start with P

  • Permit
  • Prefer to
  • Promise to
  • Plan to
  • Proceed to
  • Propose to
  • Pledge to
  • Predict
  • Prohibit
  • Provide
  • Pursue
  • Persuade
  • Postpone
  • Participate
  • Perform
  • Prevent
  • Prepare to
  • Protect
  • Promote
  • Produce
Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs start with O & P

Verbs that start with Q

  • Qualify
  • Question
  • Quote
  • Quit
  • Quash
  • Quench
  • Quiet
  • Quiver
  • Quantify
  • Query
  • Queue
  • Quip
  • Quibble
  • Quell
  • Quicken
  • Qualify for
  • Quash
  • Quip
  • Quilt
  • Quarantine

Verbs that start with R

  • Request
  • Require
  • Refuse to
  • Resolve to
  • Recommend
  • Remind
  • Regard
  • Restrict
  • Resist
  • Recognize
  • Refrain from
  • Retain
  • Replace
  • Remain
  • Reconcile
  • Reject
  • Respect
  • Represent
  • Restore
  • Reassure

Modal Verbs start with Q & R

S letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Should
  • Shall
  • Suggest
  • Seem to
  • Strive to
  • Start to
  • Stop to
  • Seek to
  • Say to
  • Support
  • Succeed
  • Serve to
  • Suppress
  • Select
  • Save
  • Secure
  • Specify
  • Stabilize
  • Surrender
  • Simplify

T letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Try to
  • Tend to
  • Tell to
  • Trust to
  • Threaten to
  • Teach to
  • Think to
  • Turn to
  • Task to
  • Take care of
  • Target
  • Terminate
  • Translate
  • Testify
  • Tolerate
  • Transfer
  • Travel
  • Trigger
  • Treat
  • Troubleshoot
Modal Verbs start with S & T

Modal Verbs start with S & T

U letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Urge
  • Use to
  • Undergo
  • Undertake
  • Unveil
  • Utilize
  • Uphold
  • Update
  • Understand
  • Uncover
  • Urge
  • Unify
  • Unfold
  • Unleash
  • Utilize
  • Unveil
  • Uplift
  • Undo
  • Uphold
  • Unwind

V letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Venture to
  • Volunteer to
  • Vow to
  • Verify
  • View to
  • Value
  • Vindicate
  • Visualize
  • Validate
  • Vanish
  • Venture into
  • Verify
  • Voice
  • Vary
  • Visit
  • Vindicate
  • Verify
  • Vote
  • Validate
  • Visualize

Modal Verbs start with U & V

W letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Will
  • Would
  • Want to
  • Wish to
  • Would like to
  • Work to
  • Wait to
  • Wonder
  • Warn
  • Weigh
  • Witness
  • Welcome
  • Wrestle
  • Withdraw
  • Worry
  • Welcome
  • Worship
  • Wander
  • Withstand
  • Wrap

X letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Xerox
  • Xenograft
  • Xerostomize
  • X-ray
  • X-out
  • X-initialize
  • Xenitize
  • Xeriscape
  • Xylophonize
  • Xeroxed
  • Xeroxing
  • Xeroxing
  • Xyst
  • Xenolith
  • Xenon
  • Xenonize
  • Xerophyte
  • Xenophilize
  • Xerophytize
  • Xenophile

Modal Verbs start with W & X

Y letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Yearn to
  • Yield to
  • Yell
  • Yawn
  • Yoke
  • Yelp
  • Yonder
  • Yank
  • Yarn
  • Youthen
  • Yellow
  • Yip
  • Yowl
  • Yuppify
  • Yabber
  • Yoke
  • Yard
  • Yearn
  • Yoke up
  • Yaw

Z letter Modal Verbs List from A to Z

  • Zeal
  • Zoom
  • Zap
  • Zigzag
  • Zero in on
  • Zest
  • Zero out
  • Zero in
  • Zip
  • Zone
  • Zest up
  • Zoom up
  • Zonk out
  • Zap up
  • Zing
  • Zoom in
  • Zip up
  • Zap
  • Zigzag
  • Zero
Modal Verbs start with Y & Z

Modal Verbs start with Y & Z

Check also

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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