Adverbs of frequency are words that tell us how often something happens. They help us describe routines, habits, or repeated actions in a sentence. For example, in “She always drinks tea in the morning,” the word “always” shows that it happens every day. Similarly, in “He rarely goes to the park,” the word “rarely” tells us it happens only sometimes. In this article, I have covered Adverbs of Frequency List A to Z can help you to increase your daily use of English vocabulary. All are given below, let’s learn…
Table of Contents
ToggleAdverbs of Frequency List A to Z in English
This A to Z list of adverbs of frequency will help you understand and use them easily in your daily conversations and writing. learn more about Adverbs of Purpose
A words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Always
- Annually
- Almost
- Anytime
- Again
- Automatically
- Occasionally
- Afterward
- Alternately
- As often as
- Anew
- Arguably
- Affectionately
- Assertively
- Additionally
- Anywhere
- Absolutely
- Around
- At times
- Afterwards
B words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Barely
- Briefly
- Biannually
- Bimonthly
- Biennially
- Boldly
- Bluntly
- Busily
- Belatedly
- Blindly
- Beneficially
- By chance
- Blissfully
- Briskly
- Brightly
- By turns
- Backwardly
- Between
- Boastfully
- Begrudgingly
C words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Consistently
- Constantly
- Cyclically
- Commonly
- Carefully
- Casually
- Ceaselessly
- Cheerfully
- Completely
- Cautiously
- Concurrently
- Comfortably
- Certainly
- Creatively
- Critically
- Crossly
- Clumsily
- Customarily
- Closely
- Confidently
D words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Daily
- Definitely
- Doubtfully
- Diligently
- Dramatically
- Directly
- Dreamily
- Distinctly
- Dutifully
- Decisively
- Deeply
- Desperately
- Differently
- Discreetly
- Disjointedly
- Dynamically
- Dependably
- Deliberately
- Disturbingly
- Distinctively
E words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Eventually
- Every day
- Every week
- Every month
- Every year
- Erratically
- Elegantly
- Endlessly
- Enthusiastically
- Equally
- Effectively
- Effortlessly
- Eternally
- Exclusively
- Entirely
- Explicitly
- Evidently
- Exceedingly
- Exceptionally
- Extensively
F words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Frequently
- Fortnightly
- Fully
- Fervently
- Faithfully
- Finally
- Flawlessly
- Frankly
- Faintly
- Fearlessly
- Fiercely
- Forcefully
- Formally
- Fondly
- Freely
- Fantastically
- Favorably
- Forwardly
- Factually
- Fittingly
G words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Generally
- Gradually
- Greatly
- Gently
- Gloriously
- Geometrically
- Gladly
- Globally
- Gorgeously
- Gracefully
- Generously
- Gigantically
- Grandly
- Gravely
- Gorgeously
- Genuinely
- Grudgingly
- Glossily
- Gratefully
- Graciously
H words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Hourly
- Hardly
- Honestly
- Hastily
- Happily
- Harshly
- Hopefully
- Highly
- Haphazardly
- Hurriedly
- Habitually
- Humbly
- Hesitantly
- Harmoniously
- Heavily
- Helplessly
- Hollowly
- Hostilely
- Hotly
- Hugely
I words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Infrequently
- Immediately
- Intermittently
- Instantly
- Increasingly
- Intensely
- Interestingly
- Independently
- Impulsively
- Indifferently
- Informally
- Incessantly
- Impressively
- Individually
- Inclusively
- Incorrectly
- Intelligently
- Intuitively
- Internally
- Invitingly
J words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Justly
- Jarringly
- Jovially
- Jointly
- Jokingly
- Jubilantly
- Joyously
- Jaggedly
- Jestingly
- Judiciously
- Joyfully
- Juvenilely
- Jadedly
- Jerkily
- Jauntily
- Jazzy-like
- Jumpy-like
- Jitteringly
- Jovially
- Judiciously
K words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Keenly
- Kindly
- Knowingly
- Kinetically
- Kickingly
- Knavishly
- Kookily
- Karmically
- Kaleidoscopically
- Kneelingly
- Knottedly
- Knockingly
- Kid-like
- Keyedly
- Knottily
- Kneeling-wise
- Knockingly
- Knackily
- Keenheartedly
- Kindly-heartedly
L words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Likely
- Lazily
- Lightly
- Largely
- Lately
- Longingly
- Lovingly
- Logically
- Loosely
- Lawfully
- Loftily
- Lastingly
- Loyally
- Lamentably
- Lushly
- Lively
- Laterally
- Lingeringly
- Luminously
- Laudably
M words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Mostly
- Monthly
- Mentally
- Mutely
- Methodically
- Momentarily
- Meaningfully
- Merrily
- Morally
- Magically
- Modestly
- Mechanically
- Motivationally
- Masterfully
- Menacingly
- Monumentally
- Magnanimously
- Miserably
- Mystically
- Mindfully
N words list Adverbs of Frequency
- Naturally
- Nearly
- Never
- Normally
- Neatly
- Notably
- Nightly
- Narrowly
- Namely
- Nurturingly
- Neglectfully
- Nervously
- Noticeably
- Nonchalantly
- Nostalgically
- Neutrally
- Nonstop
- Nuancedly
- Nourishingly
- Newly
O words list
- Occasionally
- Often
- Once
- Obediently
- Openly
- Officially
- Optimistically
- Overwhelmingly
- Outwardly
- Obliquely
- Oddly
- Outlandishly
- Orderly
- Opportunely
- Offensively
- Overgenerously
- Observantly
- Obsessively
- Overzealously
- Ornately
p words list
- Periodically
- Permanently
- Practically
- Promptly
- Patiently
- Predictably
- Precisely
- Powerfully
- Persistently
- Peacefully
- Positively
- Playfully
- Politely
- Passionately
- Proactively
- Punctually
- Pleasingly
- Painfully
- Proudly
- Purposefully
Q words list
- Quarterly
- Quietly
- Quickly
- Quaintly
- Questioningly
- Quizzically
- Qualitatively
- Quaintishly
- Quieteningly
- Quarrelsomely
- Queerly
- Quirkily
- Quaintheartedly
- Quick-wittedly
- Quiescently
- Quakingly
- Quotably
- Quiescent-heartedly
- Quaintspiritedly
- Quaking-spiritedly
R words list
- Rarely
- Regularly
- Routinely
- Rapidly
- Reliably
- Respectfully
- Randomly
- Roughly
- Reluctantly
- Restlessly
- Readily
- Rationally
- Realistically
- Repeatedly
- Reasonably
- Reflectively
- Responsibly
- Resolutely
- Remarkably
- Radically
S words list
- Sometimes
- Seldom
- Steadily
- Swiftly
- Smoothly
- Strictly
- Subtly
- Systematically
- Seriously
- Stubbornly
- Surprisingly
- Softly
- Solemnly
- Spontaneously
- Secretly
- Slowly
- Securely
- Sincerely
- Successfully
- Suspiciously
T words list
- Typically
- Thoroughly
- Truthfully
- Temporarily
- Tenderly
- Tactfully
- Timely
- Thoughtfully
- Tremendously
- Tirelessly
- Thankfully
- Totally
- Theoretically
- Trustingly
- Tightly
- Tenaciously
- Technically
- Traditionally
- Tolerantly
- Transparently
U words list
- Usually
- Uncommonly
- Unfailingly
- Unexpectedly
- Uniformly
- Uniquely
- Utterly
- Unchangingly
- Undoubtedly
- Unevenly
- Unceasingly
- Unselfishly
- Unlawfully
- Unwaveringly
- Urgently
- Unquestioningly
- Unhesitatingly
- Unceremoniously
- Unbelievably
- Unmistakably
V words list
- Vividly
- Virtually
- Vaguely
- Visibly
- Victoriously
- Voluntarily
- Vocally
- Vigilantly
- Violently
- Verily
- Vacantly
- Variably
- Vainly
- Vehemently
- Vibrantly
- Vindictively
- Valuably
- Viscerally
- Valiantly
- Vociferously
W words listÂ
- Weekly
- Wisely
- Warmly
- Wildly
- Willingly
- Wonderfully
- Wholeheartedly
- Wrongly
- Weakly
- Wearily
- Watchfully
- Wishfully
- Wrongfully
- Whimsically
- Woefully
- Wordlessly
- Willfully
- Wistfully
- Wickedly
- Withheldly
X words listÂ
- Xerophilously
- Xenophobically
- Xylographically
- Xenogenically
- Xenotropically
- Xerographically
- Xylogenetically
- Xenonatively
- Xerophytically
- Xenogamously
- Xenophilically
- Xylophonically
- Xenotropically
- Xenophilously
- Xerotically
- Xenogenously
- Xylographly
- Xenonically
- Xerogamically
- Xenotropically
Y words listÂ
- Yearly
- Youthfully
- Yearningly
- Yieldingly
- Yawningly
- Yellowly
- Yonder
- Yesternightly
- Yesterday
- Yearnedly
- Youngly
- Yawning-spiritedly
- Yeomanly
- Yonderwise
- Yearnfully
- Year-by-year
- Yield-fully
- Yoke-like
- Young-heartedly
- Yesingly
Z words list
- Zealously
- Zestfully
- Zigzaggingly
- Zoologically
- Zippily
- Zigzagly
- Zero-mindedly
- Zestily
- Zoomingly
- Zest-heartedly
- Zebra-like
- Zipperishly
- Zillion-like
- Zone-wise
- Zest-enthusiastically
- Zonkedly
- Zest-willingly
- Zephyrously
- Zillion-heartedly
- Zoologist-wise
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