Conjunctive adverbs are special words that join two sentences or ideas while showing how they are related. They make sentences more meaningful and easier to understand. For example, in “She was late; however, she finished on time,” the word “however” shows contrast. In “He worked hard; therefore, he succeeded,” the word “therefore” explains the result. Conjunctive adverbs can show contrast, cause, addition, or time. in this article, I have covered Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z that can help you in your daily life in English Speaking. All are given below, let’s learn…
Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z in English
This A to Z list of 500 conjunctive adverbs will help you learn how to use them in your writing and speaking. As an English learner and student, I recommend you learn at least 5 words of the alphabet.
A words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Accordingly
- Additionally
- Afterward
- Almost
- Altogether
- Anyway
- Anywhere
- Anytime
- Also
- Actually
- As a result
- Again
- As well
- Alternatively
- Alike
- Almost always
- And yet
- After all
- As such
- About
B words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Besides
- Briefly
- By comparison
- But then
- By contrast
- Because of this
- Beforehand
- Basically
- Broadly
- Beyond that
- Before long
- By all means
- By no means
- Back then
- Be that as it may
- By the same token
- Backward
- By necessity
- Better yet
- Boldly
C words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Consequently
- Comparatively
- Certainly
- Concurrently
- Chiefly
- Clearly
- Completely
- Constantly
- Contrarily
- Correspondingly
- Customarily
- Curiously
- Completely honestly
- Categorically
- Conversely
- Conclusively
- Continuously
- Concurrently
- Contradictorily
- Consequently always
D words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Definitely
- Decidedly
- Distinctly
- Doubtlessly
- Dramatically
- Despite this
- Directly
- Downward
- Duly
- During this time
- Desirably
- Differently
- Dividedly
- Dangerously
- Delightfully
- Dutifully
- Downright
- Decisively
- Daringly
- Deliberately
E words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Elsewhere
- Equally
- Especially
- Evidently
- Eventually
- Entirely
- Effectively
- Exceptionally
- Endlessly
- Exclusively
- Essentially
- Even so
- Even then
- Exceedingly
- Externally
- Easily
- Explicitly
- Effortlessly
- Exquisitely
- Expressly
F words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Furthermore
- Frequently
- Finally
- For example
- For instance
- Factually
- Farther
- Frankly
- Fully
- Fundamentally
- Forward
- Fortunately
- Further ahead
- For that reason
- Fairly
- Fully intentionally
- Fearlessly
- Fortuitously
- Fittingly
- Flexibly
G words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Generally
- Gradually
- Greatly
- Glaringly
- Genuinely
- Geographically
- Gravely
- Gratefully
- Graciously
- Generously
- Globally
- Grossly
- Gigglingly
- Garishly
- Gladly
- Gloriously
- Glaringly obvious
- Going forward
- Gainfully
- Gaudily
H words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- However
- Hence
- Happily
- Hardly
- Hitherto
- Hereafter
- Henceforth
- Hopefully
- Honestly
- Historically
- Humbly
- Hypothetically
- Hazardously
- Helplessly
- Harrowingly
- Heartily
- Harmfully
- Hastily
- Humorously
- Hostilely
I words list Conjunctive Adverbs
- Incidentally
- In addition
- In fact
- Indeed
- In contrast
- In conclusion
- In other words
- Instead
- In the meantime
- Indisputably
- Intentionally
- Increasingly
- Interestingly
- Ideally
- Immediately
- Importantly
- Inversely
- Ironically
- In essence
- In truth
J words list Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z
- Justly
- Joyfully
- Jokingly
- Judiciously
- Jubilantly
- Jeeringly
- Jovially
- Jovially speaking
- Jarringly
- Just like that
- Joking aside
- Jubilantly forward
- Jestingly
- Joyously
- Just as such
- Jumpingly
- Jauntily
- Jaw-droppingly
- Justifiably
- Jovially positive
K words list Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z
- Keenly
- Kindly
- Knowingly
- Knowledgeably
- Keeningly
- Keyingly
- Kneelingly
- Kick-startedly
- Knockoutedly
- Knowingly truthful
- Kind-heartedly
- Keener still
- Keen-eyed
- Knightly
- Kickingly
- Kindly forwarded
- Knowledgeably yet
- Knowingly deep
- Keen for clarity
- Keyfully
L words list Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z
- Likewise
- Later
- Lastly
- Logically
- Luckily
- Lately
- Lazily
- Loosely
- Legibly
- Literally
- Lovingly
- Laudably
- Lowly
- Longingly
- Loftily
- Lasting forward
- Loftily but firmly
- Lyrically
- Later on
- Long term
M words list Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z
- Meanwhile
- Moreover
- Mostly
- Mutually
- Meaningfully
- Momentarily
- Majestically
- Mildly
- Merely
- Mechanically
- Massively
- Mindfully
- Motivationally
- Methodically
- Masterfully
- Morally
- Meticulously
- Multifariously
- Mainly so
- More precisely
N words list Conjunctive Adverbs list A to Z
- Nonetheless
- Namely
- Naturally
- Neatly
- Notably
- Necessarily
- Nearby
- Normally
- Nearly always
- Neutrally
- No doubt
- Never knowingly
- Noticeably
- Newly arising
- Necessarily again
- Not at all
- Nervously forward
- Normally stated
- Nonchalantly but earnestly
- Naturally clear
O words list
- Otherwise
- Occasionally
- Obviously
- On the contrary
- On the other hand
- Openly
- Overwhelmingly
- Originally
- Outside
- Ostensibly
- Only once
- Onward
- Opportunely
- Openheartedly
- Outwardly
- Overly clear
- Often enough
- Over time
- Overall knowingly
- Opportunistically
P words list
- Perhaps
- Particularly
- Presently
- Previously
- Primarily
- Profoundly
- Positively
- Periodically
- Personally
- Practically
- Powerfully
- Publicly
- Persistently
- Presumably
- Plainly
- Predictably
- Preferably
- Progressively
- Promptly
- Properly
Q words list
- Quite frankly
- Quickly
- Quietly
- Quizzically
- Questionably
- Quaintly
- Quintessentially
- Quarterly
- Quietly honest
- Quirkily forward
- Qualitatively
- Quoting reason
- Quintessentially humble
- Questioningly
- Quickly again
- Quantitatively
- Questionably unique
- Quietly resolute
- Quakingly firm
- Qualitatively true
R words list
- Rather
- Respectfully
- Rightly
- Rarely
- Regularly
- Repeatedly
- Reasonably
- Responsibly
- Rigidly
- Rapidly
- Realistically
- Readily
- Resoundingly
- Right after
- Respectfully addressed
- Rationally forward
- Remorsefully clear
- Recently aware
- Remarkably obvious
- Rightly again
S words list
- Similarly
- Subsequently
- Surprisingly
- Solely
- Specifically
- Significantly
- Secondly
- Separately
- Sincerely
- Shortly after
- Sympathetically
- Subtly
- Securely
- Satisfactorily
- Slowly but surely
- Superbly
- Surely yet softly
- Spontaneously
- Solemnly said
- Soundly stated
T words list
- Therefore
- Thus
- Then
- Thereafter
- Totally
- Temporarily
- Traditionally
- Truthfully
- Thoroughly
- Technically
- To that end
- Timely
- Tentatively
- Transparently
- Truly evident
- Towards clarity
- Tremendously forward
- Thorough yet concise
- Theoretically speaking
- Truthfully stated
U words list
- Ultimately
- Unquestionably
- Understandably
- Universally
- Uniquely
- Undeniably
- Unfailingly
- Unusually
- Unintentionally
- Upward
- Upliftingly
- Undoubtedly
- Utterly honest
- Uprightly stated
- Understandably again
- Unquestionably right
- Universally relevant
- Ultimately firm
- Under the rule
- Unwaveringly
V words list
- Very often
- Virtually
- Vividly
- Valiantly
- Vastly
- Vocally
- Visibly
- Variedly
- Victoriously
- Voluntarily
- Vibrantly
- Verbally clear
- Viably stated
- Victoriously firm
- Vividly apparent
- Voluminously said
- Vast yet focused
- Visibly subtle
- Vehemently addressed
- Vitally included
W words list
- Whereby
- While
- Whereas
- Wholly
- Well
- Widely
- Wisely
- Wonderfully
- Wholeheartedly
- Weakly
- Willingly
- Wistfully
- Wrongly
- Watchfully
- Warmly stated
- Wittingly
- Wonderfully clear
- Well thought-out
- Widely evident
- Worthily embraced
X words list
- Xactly (colloquial)
- Xenophilically
- Xerographically
- Xenobiotically
- Xylophonically
- Xenogenetically
- Xenocratically
- Xylophonically stated
- Xenologically
- Xenographically again
- Xtravagantly (informal)
- Xenophobically contrary
- Xerophytically mentioned
- Xenobiologically seen
- Xenogenically true
- Xenophilically indeed
- Xenogenically viewed
- X-factorishly noted
- Xylophonically specific
- Xenogenetically nuanced
Y words list
- Yet again
- Year-round
- Yieldingly stated
- Yearningly sought
- Yawningly subtle
- Yesterwise phrased
- Youngly observed
- Youthfully forward
- Year after year
- Yes but still
- Yieldingly firm
- Yokingly combined
- Yet despite
- Youthfully thriving
- Yearningly reflective
- Yet quietly
- Youthfully subtle
- Yes wholly
- Yearlingly observed
- Yielding clarity
Z words list
- Zealously observed
- Zestfully addressed
- Zeroed in
- Zephyr-like stated
- Zappily
- Zestily phrased
- Zealfully nuanced
- Zenfully added
- Zippingly covered
- Zealously specific
- Zenith-bound
- Zigzaggedly stated
- Zephyr-softly addressed
- Zestful addition
- Zenith-centered
- Zenful progress
- Zillionfold
- Zealously careful
- Zenlike
- Zero-ready
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