Learning infinitive verbs is important for improving your English grammar and communication skills. Infinitive verbs are the basic form of verbs that start with “to,” such as “to run,” “to write,” or “to sing and to say. In this article, I have covered Infinitive Verbs list A to Z in English. This list of infinitive verbs from A to Z will help you explore different examples, making it easier to understand and use them in daily conversations and writing. All are given below, let’s learn…
Table of Contents
Togglewhat are Infinitive Verbs?
Infinitive verbs are verbs in their most basic form, not showing tense or subject, and often used to express actions, purposes, or states. learn more about verbs and their types
Infinitive Verbs list A to Z in English
These 500 infinitive verbs, arranged from A to Z, help learners expand their daily use of English vocabulary and understand how these verbs are used in sentences for expressing purpose, intention, or possibility.
A words list Infinitive verbs
- To accept
- To achieve
- To add
- To admire
- To admit
- To advise
- To afford
- To agree
- To allow
- To announce
- To answer
- To apologize
- To appear
- To appreciate
- To approach
- To argue
- To arrange
- To ask
- To attach
- To avoid
B words list Infinitive verbs
- To bake
- To balance
- To ban
- To believe
- To belong
- To bend
- To bet
- To blame
- To bless
- To blink
- To boil
- To borrow
- To bother
- To bow
- To break
- To breathe
- To build
- To burn
- To buy
- To buzz
C words list Infinitive verbs
- To call
- To calm
- To capture
- To care
- To carry
- To carve
- To catch
- To celebrate
- To chase
- To chat
- To check
- To cheer
- To chew
- To choose
- To clap
- To clean
- To clear
- To climb
- To close
- To compare
D words list Infinitive verbs
- To damage
- To dance
- To decide
- To defend
- To deliver
- To demand
- To deny
- To depend
- To describe
- To deserve
- To design
- To desire
- To destroy
- To detect
- To develop
- To dig
- To disagree
- To discover
- To dismiss
- To divide
E words list Infinitive verbs
- To earn
- To eat
- To educate
- To elect
- To employ
- To empty
- To encourage
- To end
- To enjoy
- To enter
- To escape
- To establish
- To estimate
- To evaluate
- To examine
- To excite
- To exercise
- To exist
- To expand
- To explain
F words list Infinitive verbs
- To face
- To fail
- To fall
- To fancy
- To fasten
- To favor
- To fear
- To feed
- To feel
- To fight
- To fill
- To find
- To finish
- To fix
- To float
- To fly
- To fold
- To follow
- To forbid
- To forget
G words list Infinitive verbs
- To gain
- To gather
- To gaze
- To generate
- To get
- To give
- To glance
- To go
- To grab
- To greet
- To grill
- To grow
- To guarantee
- To guard
- To guide
- To guess
- To gush
- To giggle
- To glorify
- To gulp
H words list Infinitive verbs
- To handle
- To hang
- To happen
- To hate
- To heal
- To hear
- To help
- To hide
- To hike
- To hire
- To hit
- To hold
- To hop
- To hope
- To hug
- To hum
- To hunt
- To hurry
- To hurt
- To hypnotize
I words list Infinitive verbs
- To identify
- To ignore
- To imagine
- To imitate
- To improve
- To include
- To increase
- To indicate
- To influence
- To inform
- To inhale
- To inherit
- To initiate
- To inject
- To insert
- To inspire
- To install
- To instruct
- To interact
- To interrupt
J words list Infinitive verbs
- To jab
- To jam
- To jeopardize
- To join
- To joke
- To judge
- To juggle
- To jump
- To justify
- To jingle
- To jolt
- To journey
- To jot
- To jabber
- To jostle
- To joke
- To jiggle
- To jinx
- To jog
- To jumpstart
K words list Infinitive verbs
- To keep
- To kick
- To kill
- To kiss
- To knead
- To kneel
- To knit
- To knock
- To know
- To kindle
- To kidnap
- To kickstart
- To kite
- To knockdown
- To kneecap
- To kink
- To kickstart
- To knockoff
- To kick around
- To kiss goodbye
L words list Infinitive verbs
- To label
- To laugh
- To launch
- To lead
- To leap
- To learn
- To leave
- To lend
- To let
- To lift
- To light
- To like
- To limit
- To list
- To listen
- To live
- To load
- To locate
- To lock
- To look
M words list Infinitive verbs
- To maintain
- To make
- To manage
- To mark
- To marry
- To match
- To measure
- To meet
- To mention
- To miss
- To mix
- To modify
- To monitor
- To motivate
- To move
- To multiply
- To mute
- To mow
- To mold
- To mimic
N words list Infinitive verbs
- To name
- To narrate
- To navigate
- To need
- To neglect
- To negotiate
- To nod
- To nominate
- To notice
- To notify
- To nurture
- To nail
- To narrow
- To network
- To neutralize
- To nest
- To nudge
- To note
- To nullify
- To nurse
O words list
- To obey
- To obtain
- To observe
- To occupy
- To offer
- To open
- To operate
- To oppose
- To organize
- To originate
- To overcome
- To overlook
- To own
- To oxidize
- To omit
- To oversee
- To overtake
- To outshine
- To optimize
- To output
P words list
- To paint
- To pack
- To pass
- To pay
- To perform
- To permit
- To persuade
- To plan
- To play
- To please
- To point
- To prepare
- To produce
- To protect
- To prove
- To provide
- To publish
- To pull
- To punish
- To push
Q words list
- To qualify
- To question
- To quarrel
- To quash
- To quit
- To quote
- To quench
- To quicken
- To quiet
- To quantify
- To queue
- To quibble
- To quiz
- To quiver
- To quadruple
- To quarrel with
- To quip
- To query
- To quick-freeze
- To quarantine
R words list
- To race
- To radiate
- To raise
- To reach
- To react
- To read
- To realize
- To rebuild
- To recall
- To receive
- To recognize
- To record
- To reduce
- To reflect
- To refuse
- To regain
- To relax
- To release
- To remain
- To repair
S words list
- To sail
- To satisfy
- To save
- To say
- To scare
- To scatter
- To schedule
- To search
- To secure
- To see
- To select
- To sell
- To send
- To serve
- To set
- To settle
- To shake
- To share
- To shoot
- To shout
T words list
- To take
- To talk
- To teach
- To tell
- To tend
- To test
- To thank
- To think
- To throw
- To tie
- To touch
- To train
- To travel
- To treat
- To try
- To turn
- To type
- To tease
- To testify
- To tolerate
U words list
- To understand
- To undertake
- To undo
- To unfold
- To unlock
- To update
- To upgrade
- To uphold
- To uproot
- To urge
- To use
- To utilize
- To uncover
- To undergo
- To upset
- To unwind
- To upload
- To usher
- To underline
- To unify
V words list
- To value
- To vanish
- To vary
- To verify
- To view
- To visit
- To volunteer
- To vote
- To validate
- To ventilate
- To venture
- To vibrate
- To violate
- To visualize
- To voice
- To vanish away
- To veto
- To victimize
- To vilify
- To varnish
W words list
- To wait
- To wake
- To walk
- To wander
- To want
- To warn
- To wash
- To watch
- To wave
- To weaken
- To wear
- To weave
- To welcome
- To win
- To wish
- To work
- To worry
- To wrap
- To wrestle
- To write
X words list
- To xerox
- To xenialize
- To xeriscape
- To xerox-copy
- To x-ray
- To xerograph
- To xenophobe
- To x-out
- To xerophyte
- To xerostate
- To xerox-print
- To xerolyze
- To xeromorph
- To xerogel
- To xeriscape-plan
- To xerox-mail
- To xenotransplant
- To xerocopy-restore
- To xerox-archive
- To xerox-read
Y words list
- To yawn
- To yell
- To yelp
- To yield
- To yank
- To yearn
- To yellow
- To yoke
- To yodel
- To yank off
- To yaw
- To yank away
- To yammer
- To yank loose
- To yearn for
- To yoke together
- To yield under
- To yell at
- To yank apart
- To yank over
Z words list
- To zap
- To zero
- To zigzag
- To zip
- To zoom
- To zombify
- To zest
- To zero-out
- To zestify
- To zing
- To zero-in
- To zoom-in
- To zoodle
- To zest-up
- To zip-up
- To zombify-liven
- To zing-up
- To zigzag-run
- To zoom-over
- To zipline
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