Learning the adverbs and types as well as their lists is an amazing way to improve your daily use of English Speaking. Adverbs are words that add detail to actions, describing how, when, or where something happens. In this article, I brought 500 common adverbs list from A to Z that will be helpful for daily conversation. Some Common Adverbs are, quickly, always, very, happily, often, soon, here, never, and well. adverbs bring extra meaning to our words, making it easier to express thoughts and actions accurately in English. All are given below, let’s learn…
Table of Contents
ToggleTypes of Adverbs
- Adverbs of Manner
- Adverbs of Time
- Adverbs of Frequency
- Adverbs of Degree
- Interrogative Adverbs
- Relative Adverbs
- Adverbs of Place
What are Adverbs?
Adverbs are words that describe how, when, or where an action happens. They add detail to verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. For example, in “She runs quickly,” quickly is an adverb explaining how she runs. Learn more about Adverbs and its types.
Adverbs list from A to Z
A words list of Adverbs
- Absolutely
- Accurately
- Actively
- Actually
- Adequately
- Adorably
- Aggressively
- Amazingly
- Angrily
- Anxiously
- Apparently
- Appropriately
- Ardently
- Artistically
- Assertively
- Astonishingly
- Attentively
- Attractively
- Automatically
- Awkwardly
B words list of Adverbs
- Badly
- Barely
- Beautifully
- Boldly
- Briefly
- Brightly
- Briskly
- Broadly
- Busily
- Blindly
- Bravely
- Bashfully
- Bitterly
- Blissfully
- Boastfully
- Bravely
- Bumpily
- Bountifully
- Boilingly
- Bashfully
C words list of Adverbs
- Calmly
- Carefully
- Carelessly
- Casually
- Cautiously
- Certainly
- Cheerfully
- Clearly
- Cleverly
- Closely
- Colorfully
- Comfortably
- Commonly
- Completely
- Confidently
- Constantly
- Coolly
- Correctly
- Courageously
- Crossly
D words list of Adverbs
- Daintily
- Dangerously
- Daringly
- Darkly
- Decently
- Deeply
- Defiantly
- Deliberately
- Delightfully
- Densely
- Desperately
- Determinedly
- Devotedly
- Differently
- Diligently
- Dimly
- Directly
- Discreetly
- Distinctly
- Doubtfully
E words list of Adverbs
- Eagerly
- Early
- Easily
- Elegantly
- Energetically
- Entirely
- Equally
- Especially
- Essentially
- Eternally
- Exactly
- Excellently
- Excitedly
- Exclusively
- Expertly
- Explicitly
- Exquisitely
- Extremely
- Effortlessly
- Endlessly
F words list of Adverbs
- Faithfully
- Familiarly
- Fancifully
- Farther
- Fastidiously
- Fatally
- Fervently
- Fiercely
- Finally
- Firmly
- Fluently
- Fondly
- Foolishly
- Formally
- Frankly
- Freely
- Frightfully
- Fully
- Furiously
- Furtively
G words list of Adverbs
- Generally
- Gently
- Gladly
- Gleefully
- Gracefully
- Gratefully
- Greatly
- Greedily
- Grimly
- Grotesquely
- Graciously
- Grudgingly
- Glaringly
- Gloriously
- Grimly
- Groundedly
- Gruffly
- Gullibly
- Gushily
- Glaringly
H words list of Adverbs
- Happily
- Hardly
- Harshly
- Hastily
- Healthily
- Heavily
- Helpfully
- Honestly
- Hopefully
- Hopelessly
- Hourly
- Hugely
- Humbly
- Hurriedly
- Hastily
- Heartily
- Highhandedly
- Hilariously
- Honorably
- Hotly
I words list of Adverbs
- Ideally
- Illegally
- Immediately
- Importantly
- Impressively
- Inadequately
- Incorrectly
- Independently
- Indirectly
- Individually
- Instantly
- Intentionally
- Intensely
- Interestingly
- Intuitively
- Invisibly
- Inwardly
- Irresistibly
- Ironically
- Irritably
J words list of Adverbs
- Jarringly
- Jauntily
- Jovially
- Joyfully
- Jokingly
- Jitteringly
- Jointly
- Joltingly
- Jubilantly
- Judiciously
- Justly
- Jocosely
- Jokingly
- Judicially
- Jealously
- Jaggedly
- Jokingly
- Jadedly
- Jazzily
- Jokingly
K words list of Adverbs
- Keenly
- Kindly
- Knowingly
- Knowledgeably
- Keenly
- Kinetically
- Knittingly
- Knottily
- Kookily
- Kindly
- Kneelingly
- Knavishly
- Knightly
- Knottily
- Keenheartedly
- Kingly
- Kemptly
- Kickingly
- Kissingy
- Karmically
L words list of Adverbs
- Largely
- Lazily
- Legally
- Lightly
- Likely
- Lively
- Loftily
- Longingly
- Loudly
- Lovingly
- Loyally
- Luminously
- Luxuriously
- Laughingly
- Legibly
- Licentiously
- Limply
- Loftily
- Longwindedly
- Luridly
M words list of Adverbs
- Madly
- Magically
- Majestically
- Mainly
- Mannerly
- Markedly
- Massively
- Meanly
- Mechanically
- Memorably
- Mentally
- Merrily
- Mildly
- Mightily
- Minimally
- Mischievously
- Modestly
- Monthly
- Mysteriously
- Musically
N words list of Adverbs
- Naturally
- Neatly
- Negatively
- Nervously
- Never
- Newly
- Nicely
- Nimbly
- Nobly
- Normally
- Notably
- Noticeably
- Nurturingly
- Narrowly
- Neutrally
- Nightly
- Notoriously
- Numbly
- Nurturingly
- Nudgingly
O words list of Adverbs
- Obediently
- Objectively
- Obliging
- Obviously
- Occasionally
- Oddly
- Offensively
- Officially
- Openly
- Optimistically
- Orderly
- Originally
- Outlandishly
- Outwardly
- Overly
- Obsessively
- Observantly
- Outrageously
- Overconfidently
- Overwhelmingly
P words list of Adverbs
- Painfully
- Partially
- Passionately
- Patiently
- Perfectly
- Permanently
- Persistently
- Personally
- Physically
- Playfully
- Politely
- Poorly
- Positively
- Powerfully
- Precisely
- Presently
- Privately
- Properly
- Proudly
- Publicly
Q words list
- Quaintly
- Quarteringly
- Quarrelsomely
- Queasily
- Questionably
- Quickly
- Quietly
- Quintessentially
- Quirkily
- Quizzically
- Quadruply
- Quakingly
- Qualitatively
- Quarrelsomely
- Quaintly
- Quantitatively
- Quarterly
- Quenchingly
- Questioningly
- Quintuply
R words list
- Rapidly
- Rarely
- Rationally
- Readily
- Really
- Reassuringly
- Recently
- Recklessly
- Regularly
- Relatively
- Reliably
- Reluctantly
- Remarkably
- Repeatedly
- Respectfully
- Responsibly
- Restlessly
- Rightfully
- Righteously
- Roughly
S words list
- Safely
- Sadly
- Satisfactorily
- Scarcely
- Seldom
- Selfishly
- Sensibly
- Seriously
- Sharply
- Shortly
- Shyly
- Silently
- Simply
- Sincerely
- Slightly
- Slowly
- Smoothly
- Softly
- Solemnly
- Specifically
T words list
- Tactfully
- Tenderly
- Thankfully
- Thoroughly
- Tightly
- Timely
- Tirelessly
- Tolerantly
- Totally
- Tragically
- Transparently
- Tremendously
- Triumphantly
- Truly
- Trustfully
- Truthfully
- Typically
- Tenderheartedly
- Tenaciously
- Timidly
U words list
- Ultimately
- Unabashedly
- Unbearably
- Unbelievably
- Uncertainly
- Uncommonly
- Undoubtedly
- Unexpectedly
- Unfortunately
- Universally
- Unkindly
- Unknowingly
- Unlikely
- Unselfishly
- Unusually
- Uprightly
- Utterly
- Undetectably
- Unfavorably
- Unforgivingly
V words list
- Vaguely
- Vainly
- Validly
- Valiantly
- Variously
- Vastly
- Verbally
- Very
- Viciously
- Victoriously
- Vigorously
- Violently
- Visibly
- Vivaciously
- Voluntarily
- Vulgarly
- Vacantly
- Vexedly
- Virtually
- Vocally
W words list
- Warmly
- Weakly
- Wearily
- Weekly
- Weepily
- Weirdly
- Well
- Whimsically
- Wholeheartedly
- Widely
- Willingly
- Wisely
- Wistfully
- Wonderfully
- Woefully
- Wildly
- Worthily
- Wrathfully
- Wrongly
- Wrongfully
X words list
- X-Actly
- Xenially
- Xerographically
- Xylophonically
- Xylotomously
- Xenogenetically
- Xeromorphically
- Xenotimously
- Xenophobically
- Xenogenically
- Xerotically
- Xenobiotically
- Xerophytically
- Xenogamously
- Xerothermically
- Xylophonously
- Xenophorically
- Xylologically
- Xerostomically
- Xenobotanically
Y words list
- Yearly
- Yearningly
- Youthfully
- Yieldingly
- Yawningly
- Yonder
- Yarely
- Youthily
- Yawningly
- Yuckily
- Yearningly
- Yestereveningly
- Yellowishly
- Yesternightly
- Yesterly
- Yodelingly
- Yearnedly
- Yodledly
- Yokedly
- Yawnfully
Z words list
- Zealously
- Zestfully
- Zigzagly
- Zipperly
- Zonkily
- Zingily
- Zippily
- Zoomingly
- Zestily
- Zephyrically
- Zoologically
- Zestily
- Zealotically
- Zerily
- Zipperishly
- Zonedly
- Zappyly
- Zombiely
- Zealifiedly
- Zoned
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