English Vocabulary

Animals and Their Babies Names with Pictures in English

Animals and Their Babies Names with Pictures in English

Learning the Animals and their babies names through their pictures is a great way for new learners and kids. In this article, I brought up Animals names with their babies names in English. there are a lot of animals for example, For example, a cat has a baby and we call a kitten, while a dog has a puppy. A cow gives birth to a calf, and a horse has a foal. A lion has a baby called a cub. Seeing these animals and their babies with pictures makes it easier to understand and remember their names. All are given below, let’s learn…

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List of Animals and Their Babies Names in English

  • Hen _ Chick
  • Cow _ Calf
  • Mare _ Foal
  • Sow _ Piglet
  • Duck _ Duckling
  • Ewe _ Lamb
  • Lioness _ Cub
  • Tigress _ Cub
  • Cow Elephant _ Calf
  • Female Gorilla _ Baby Gorilla
  • Peahen _ Peachick
  • Vixen _ Kit
  • Female Kangaroo _ Joey
  • Female Penguin _ Chick
  • Female Wolf _ Pup
  • Female Bear _ Cub
  • Female Owl _ Owlet
  • Female Emperor Penguin _ Chick
  • Hen _ Chick
  • Hen _ Poult

Animals and Their Babies Names with Pictures

    • HenChick:
      A chick is the young of a female bird known as a hen.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Hen — Chick in English
    • CowCalf:
      A cow is a female cattle, and its baby is called a calf.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Cow — Calf in English
    • MareFoal:
      A mare is a female horse, and its baby is called a foal.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Mare — Foal in English
    • SowPiglet:
      A piglet is the offspring of a sow, a female pig.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Sow — Piglet in English
    • DuckDuckling:
      A duck is a female duck, and its baby is called a duckling.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Duck in English
    • EweLamb:
      A lamb is the offspring of a ewe, a female sheep.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Ewe in English
    • LionessCub:
      The young of a female lion, called a lioness, is called a cub.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Lioness _ Cub in English
    • TigressCub:
      A tigress is a female tiger, and its baby is called a cub.
      Animals and Their Babies Names | Tigress _ Cub in English
    • Cow ElephantCalf:
      A cow elephant is a female elephant, and its baby is called a calf.
      Animals and Their Babies Names |Cow Elephant _ Calf in English
  • PeahenPeachick:
    A peahen is a female peacock, and its baby is called a peachick.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Peahen _ Peachick in English
  • VixenKit:
    A kit is the offspring of a vixen, a female fox.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Vixen _ Kit in English
  • Female KangarooJoey:
    A female kangaroo is a female kangaroo, and its baby is called a joey.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Kangaroo _ Joey in English
  • Female PenguinChick:
    A female penguin is a female penguin, and its baby is called a chick.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Penguin _ Chick in English
  • Female WolfPup:
    A female wolf is a female wolf, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Wolf _ Pup in English
  • Female BearCub:
    A female bear is a female bear, and its baby is called a cub.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Bear _ Cub in English
  • Female OwlOwlet:
    A female owl is a female owl, and its baby is called an owlet.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Owl _ Owlet in English
  • Female Emperor PenguinChick:
    A chick is the young of an emperor penguin, whereas a female penguin is a female penguin.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Emperor Penguin in English
  • HenChick:
    A hen is a female bird, and its baby is called a chick.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Hen _ Chick in English
  • HenPoult:
    A hen is a female bird, and its baby is called a poult.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Hen _ Poult in English

Animals and Their Babies Names in English

100 Animals names and Their Babies Names in English

  • Female Duck _ Duckling
  • Bitch _ Puppy
  • Queen _ Kitten
  • Doe _ Fawn
  • Goose _ Gosling
  • Nanny Goat _ Kid
  • Hind _ Calf
  • Female Turkey _ Poult
  • Ewe _ Lamb
  • Female Cheetah _ Cub
  • Female Zebra _ Foal
  • Female Raccoon _ Kit
  • Female Deer _ Fawn
  • Female Antelope _ Calf
  • Female Giraffe _ Calf
  • Female Panda _ Cub
  • Female Swan _ Cygnet
  • Female Koala _ Joey
  • Female Kangaroo _ Joey
  • Female Eagle _ Eaglet

Animals and Their Babies Pictures

  • DuckDuckling:
    A female duck is a female duck, and its baby is called a duckling.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Duck _ Duckling in English
  • BitchPuppy:
    A bitch is a female dog, while a puppy is the offspring.
    Bitch _ Puppy in English
  • QueenKitten:
    A fawn is a female deer’s offspring.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Queen _ Kitten in English
  • DoeFawn:
    A doe is a female deer, and its baby is called a fawn.
    Doe _ Fawn in English
  • GooseGosling:
    A goose is a female goose, and its baby is called a gosling.
    Goose _ Gosling in English
  • Nanny GoatKid:
    A nanny goat is a female goat, and its baby is called a kid.
    Nanny Goat _ Kid in English
  • HindCalf:
    A calf is the offspring of a hind, which is a female deer.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Hind _ Calf in English
  • TurkeyPoult:
    A female turkey is a female turkey, and its baby is called a poult.
    Female Turkey _ Poult in English
  • EweLamb:
    An ewe is a female sheep, and its baby is called a lamb.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Ewe _ Lamb in English
  • CheetahCub:
    A cub is the young of a female cheetah, while a cheetah is a cheetah.
    Female Cheetah _ Cub in English
  • ZebraFoal:
    A female zebra is a female zebra, and its baby is called a foal.
    Female Zebra _ Foal in English
  • RaccoonKit:
    A female raccoon is a female raccoon, and its baby is called a kit.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Raccoon _ Kit in English
  • DeerFawn:
    A female deer is a female deer, and its baby is called a fawn.
    Female Deer _ Fawn in English
  • AntelopeCalf:
    A female antelope is a female antelope, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Antelope _ Calf in English
  • GiraffeCalf:
    A female giraffe is a female giraffe, and its baby is called a calf.
    Female Giraffe _ Calf in English
  • PandaCub:
    A female panda is a female panda, and its baby is called a cub.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Panda _ Cub in English
  • SwanCygnet:
    A female swan is a female swan, and its baby is called a cygnet.
    Female Swan _ Cygnet in English
  • KoalaJoey:
    A female koala is a female koala, and its baby is called a joey.
    Female Koala _ Joey in English
  • EagleEaglet:
    A female eagle is a female eagle, and its baby is called an eaglet.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Eagle _ Eaglet in English
Animals and Their Babies Names in English

Animals and Their Babies Names in English

Names of Animals and Their Babies in English

  • Female Camel _ Calf
  • Female Whale _ Calf
  • Female Dolphin _ Calf
  • Female Sheep _ Lamb
  • Female Donkey _ Foal
  • Female Leopard _ Cub
  • Female Hippopotamus _ Calf
  • Female Rhinoceros _ Calf
  • Female Otter _ Pup
  • Female Bat _ Pup
  • Female Seal _ Pup
  • Female Moose _ Calf
  • Female Elk _ Calf
  • Female Gazelle _ Calf
  • Female Hyena _ Cub
  • Female Ocelot _ Kitten
  • Female Llama _ Cria
  • Female Alpaca _ Cria
  • Female Opossum _ Joey
  • Female Kangaroo Rat _ Pup

All animals and their baby names with Pictures

  • Camel _ Calf
    A female camel is a desert-dwelling animal, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Camel _ Calf in English
  • Whale _ Calf
    A female whale is a large marine mammal, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Whale _ Calf in English
  • Dolphin _ Calf
    A female dolphin is a playful marine mammal, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Dolphin _ Calf in English
  • Sheep _ Lamb
    A female sheep is a wool-producing animal, and its baby is called a lamb.
    Female Sheep _ Lamb in English
  •  Donkey _ Foal
    A female donkey is a sturdy working animal, and its baby is called a foal.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Donkey _ Foal in English
  • Leopard _ Cub
    A female leopard is a wild cat, and its baby is called a cub.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Leopard _ Cub in English
  • Rhinoceros _ Calf
    A female rhinoceros is a large horned mammal, and its baby is called a calf.
    Female Rhinoceros _ Calf in English
  • Otter _ Pup
    A female otter is a playful aquatic animal, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Otter _ Pup in English
  • Bat _ Pup
    A female bat is a flying nocturnal mammal, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Bat _ Pup in English
  • Seal _ Pup
    A female seal is a marine mammal, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Seal _ Pup in English
  • Moose _ Calf
    A female moose is a large forest-dwelling animal, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Moose _ Calf in English
  • Elk _ Calf
    A female elk is a large deer species, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Elk _ Calf in English
  • Gazelle _ Calf
    A female gazelle is a graceful antelope, and its baby is called a calf.
    Female Gazelle _ Calf in English
  • Hyena _ Cub
    A female hyena is a scavenging animal, and its baby is called a cub.
    Female Hyena _ Cub in English
  • Llama _ Cria
    A female llama is a domesticated pack animal, and its baby is called a cria.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Llama _ Cria in English
  • Alpaca _ Cria
    A female alpaca is a wool-producing animal, and its baby is called a cria.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Alpaca _ Cria in English
  • Opossum _ Joey
    A female opossum is a nocturnal marsupial, and its baby is called a joey.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Opossum _ Joey in English
  • Rat _ Pup
    A female kangaroo rat is a small hopping rodent, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Kangaroo Rat _ Pup in English

Animals and Their Babies Names in English

Female animals names in English

  • Female Tapir _ Calf
  • Female Armadillo _ Pup
  • Female Chimpanzee _ Baby
  • Female Hedgehog _ Hoglet
  • Female Hedgehog _ Piglet
  • Female Squirrel _ Kitten
  • Female Platypus _ Puggle
  • Female Wombat _ Joey
  • Female Aardvark _ Cub
  • Female Skunk _ Kit
  • Female Sloth _ Baby
  • Female Porcupine _ Porcupette
  • Female Weasel _ Kit
  • Female Mink _ Kit
  • Female Badger _ Cub
  • Female Beaver _ Kit
  • Female Cougar _ Kitten
  • Female Lynx _ Kitten
  • Female Jaguar _ Cub
  • Female Kudu _ Calf

Masculine Animals with Babies Pictures

  • Tapir _ Calf
    A female tapir is a large, herbivorous mammal, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Tapir _ Calf in English
  • Armadillo _ Pup
    A female armadillo is a small armored mammal, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Armadillo _ Pup in English
  • Chimpanzee _ Baby
    A female chimpanzee is a great ape, and its baby is simply called a baby.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Chimpanzee _ Baby in English
  • Hedgehog _ Hoglet
    A female hedgehog is a small spiny mammal, and its baby is called a hoglet.
    Female Hedgehog _ Hoglet in English
  • Hedgehog _ Piglet
    A female hedgehog is a small spiny mammal, and its baby is sometimes called a piglet.
    Female Hedgehog _ Piglet in English
  • Squirrel _ Kitten
    A female squirrel is a tree-dwelling rodent, and its baby is called a kitten.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Squirrel _ Kitten in English
  • Wombat _ Joey
    A female wombat is a burrowing marsupial, and its baby is called a joey.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Wombat _ Joey in English
  • Skunk _ Kit
    A female skunk is a small mammal known for its defensive spray, and its baby is called a kit.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Skunk _ Kit in English
  • Sloth _ Baby
    A female sloth is a slow-moving tree-dwelling mammal, and its baby is simply called a baby.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Sloth _ Baby in English
  • Weasel _ Kit
    A female weasel is a small carnivorous mammal, and its baby is called a kit.
    Female Weasel _ Kit in English
  • Mink _ Kit
    A female mink is a small semiaquatic mammal, and its baby is called a kit.
    Female Mink _ Kit in English
  • Badger _ Cub
    A female badger is a burrowing mammal, and its baby is called a cub.
    Female Badger _ Cub in English
  • Beaver _ Kit
    A female beaver is a dam-building rodent, and its baby is called a kit.
    Female Beaver _ Kit in English
  • Cougar _ Kitten
    A female cougar is a large wild cat, and its baby is called a kitten.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Cougar _ Kitten in English
  • Lynx _ Kitten
    A female lynx is a wild cat with tufted ears, and its baby is called a kitten.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Lynx _ Kitten in English
  • Jaguar _ Cub
    A female jaguar is a large wild cat, and its baby is called a cub.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Jaguar _ Cub in English
  • Kudu _ Calf
    A female kudu is a large antelope, and its baby is called a calf.
    Female Kudu _ Calf in English

Animals and Their Babies Names in English

50 animals and their Babies Names in English

  • Female Okapi _ Calf
  • Female Ibex _ Kid
  • Female Meerkat _ Pup
  • Female Wallaby _ Joey
  • Female Hare _ Leveret
  • Female Shrew _ Pup
  • Female Gerbil _ Pup
  • Female Mouse _ Pup
  • Female Rat _ Pup
  • Female Hamster _ Pup
  • Female Guinea Pig _ Pup
  • Female Pika _ Kit
  • Female Snow Leopard _ Cub
  • Female Caracal _ Kitten
  • Female Civet _ Kitten
  • Female Polecat _ Kit
  • Female Puma _ Cub
  • Female Raccoon Dog _ Pup
  • Female Margay _ Kitten
  • Female Fennec Fox _ Kit

Animals their Babies names and Pictures

  • Okapi _ Calf
    A female okapi is a forest-dwelling mammal related to the giraffe, and its baby is called a calf.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Okapi _ Calf in English
  • Ibex _ Kid
    A female ibex is a wild mountain goat, and its baby is called a kid.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Ibex _ Kid in English
  • Meerkat _ Pup
    A female meerkat is a small, social mammal, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Meerkat _ Pup in English
  • Wallaby _ Joey
    A female wallaby is a small marsupial similar to a kangaroo, and its baby is called a joey.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Wallaby _ Joey in English
  • Hare _ Leveret
    A female hare is a fast-running mammal, and its baby is called a leveret.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Hare _ Leveret in English
  • Gerbil _ Pup
    A female gerbil is a small desert rodent, and its baby is called a pup.
    Female Gerbil _ Pup in English
  • Female Mouse _ Pup
    A female mouse is a small rodent, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Mouse _ Pup in English
  • Hamster _ Pup
    A female hamster is a small burrowing rodent, and its baby is called a pup.
    Animals and Their Babies Names | Female Hamster _ Pup in English
  • Guinea Pig _ Pup
    A female guinea pig is a small domesticated rodent, and its baby is called a pup.
    Female Guinea Pig _ Pup in English
  • Pika _ Kit
    A female pika is a small mountain-dwelling mammal, and its baby is called a kit.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Pika _ Kit in English
  • Snow Leopard _ Cub
    A female snow leopard is a large wild cat from the mountains, and its baby is called a cub.
    Female Snow Leopard _ Cub in English
  • Caracal _ Kitten
    A female caracal is a wild cat with long ears, and its baby is called a kitten.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Caracal _ Kitten in English
  • Polecat _ Kit
    A female polecat is a small, weasel-like mammal, and its baby is called a kit.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Polecat _ Kit in English
  • Puma _ Cub
    A female puma is a large wild cat, and its baby is called a cub.
    Female Puma _ Cub in English
  • Margay _ Kitten
    A female margay is a small, spotted wild cat, and its baby is called a kitten.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Margay _ Kitten in English
  •  Fennec Fox _ Kit
    A female fennec fox is a small desert fox with large ears, and its baby is called a kit.
    Animals and Their Babies Names |Female Fennec Fox _ Kit in English
Animals and Their Babies Names in English

Animals and Their Babies Names in English

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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