English Vocabulary

Politics Related vocabulary words in English with Images

Politics Related vocabulary words in English

Since politics forms the basis of both the Constitution and human rights, it is a crucial subject. Typically, you might be asked questions about political subjects. Having a large vocabulary will now make your written response appear more professional. You’re going to perform really well here, no doubt. Here are several justifications for learning politics-related vocabulary in English. Having a strong vocabulary will help you produce shorter, more engaging articles rather than ones that are wordy and boring. To answer these questions effectively, you need to have a solid vocabulary pertaining to politics.  Politics-related vocabulary in English

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List of Politics-Related Vocabulary

  • Election
  • Democracy
  • Vote
  • Candidate
  • President
  • Government
  • Policy
  • Legislation
  • Law
  • Congress
  • Parliament
  • Senate
  • House of Representatives
  • Prime Minister
  • Monarchy
  • Dictatorship
  • Republic
  • Constitution
  • Citizen
  • Rights

vocabulary words related politics with images:

  • Election:
    Process where people choose representatives or decide on issues through voting.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Election in English
  • Democracy:
    System of government where power is vested in the people through elected representatives.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Democracy in English
  • Vote:
    Expression of choice or opinion in an election or decision-making process.
    Politics Related vocabulary words Vote| in English
  • Candidate:
    Person running for office or position in an election.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Candidate in English
  • President:
    Head of state or government in a presidential system
    Politics Related vocabulary words | in English.
  • Government:
    Authority or institution responsible for making and enforcing laws and policies.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Government in English
  • Policy:
    Set of principles or guidelines adopted by a government or organization to address issues.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Policy in English
  • Law:
    Rules and regulations enforced by a governing authority.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Law in English
  • Congress:
    Legislative body in some countries, typically consisting of two houses.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Congress in English
  • Parliament:
    Legislative body in a parliamentary system.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Parliament in English
  • Senate:
    Upper house of a bicameral legislature, often with distinct powers or responsibilities.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Senate in English
  • House of Representatives:
    Lower house of a bicameral legislature, representing the people.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | House of Representatives in English
  • Prime Minister:
    Head of government in a parliamentary system.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Prime Minister in English
  • Monarchy:
    System of government where a single ruler, usually a king or queen, holds power.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Monarchy in English
  • Dictatorship:
    System of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or small group.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Dictatorship in English
  • Republic:
    Form of government where power resides in elected representatives and the head of state is not a monarch.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Republic in English
  • Constitution:
    Fundamental principles and laws that govern a nation, often outlining rights and duties of citizens.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Constitution in English
  • Citizen:
    Member of a community or nation with rights and responsibilities under the law.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Citizen in English
  • Rights:
    Legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement granted to individuals or groups.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Rights in English

Politics Related vocabulary words in English

Politics Related vocabulary words:

  • Freedom
  • Justice
  • Equality
  • Political party
  • Campaign
  • Ballot
  • Majority
  • Minority
  • Opposition
  • Coalition
  • Cabinet
  • Diplomacy
  • Ambassador
  • Treaty
  • Negotiation
  • Summit
  • Protest
  • Revolution
  • Rebellion
  • Activist

Politics Related vocabulary words with images:

  • Freedom:
    Ability to act or speak without hindrance.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Freedom in English
  • Justice:
    Fair treatment and application of laws.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Justice in English
  • Equality:
    Everyone treated with the same rights and opportunities.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Equality in English
  • Political party:
    Organized group with common political goals.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Political party in English
  • Campaign:
    Organized effort to promote a candidate or cause.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Campaign in English
  • Ballot:
    Method of voting to make choices in an election.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Ballot in English
  • Majority:
    Larger portion of votes or people.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Majority in English
  • Minority:
    Smaller portion of votes or people.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Minority in English
  • Opposition:
    Individuals or parties with differing views from those in power.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Opposition in English
  • Coalition:
    Alliance of different groups or parties for a common purpose.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Coalition in English
  • Cabinet:
    Group of advisors to the head of government.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Cabinet in English
  • Diplomacy:
    Negotiation and management of international relations.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Diplomacy in English
  • Ambassador:
    Official representing one country in another.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Ambassador in English
  • Treaty:
    Formal agreement between nations.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Treaty in English
  • Negotiation:
    Discussion to reach a compromise or agreement.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Negotiation in English
  • Summit:
    High-level meeting of leaders.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Summit in English
  • Protest:
    Public demonstration expressing objection or disapproval.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Protest in English
  • Revolution:
    Sudden, radical change in political system.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Revolution in English
  • Rebellion:
    Open defiance against authority or government.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Rebellion in English
  • Activist:
    Person advocating for social or political change.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Activist in English

Politics Related vocabulary words in English

vocabulary words related politics:

  • Lobbyist
  • Constituency
  • Referendum
  • Impeachment
  • Judiciary
  • Federalism
  • Autocracy
  • Oligarchy
  • Theocracy
  • Bipartisanship
  • Compromise
  • Public opinion
  • Civil rights
  • Civil liberties
  • Governance
  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Electoral system
  • Political spectrum
  • Separation of powers

list 20 words politics with pictures:

  • Lobbyist:
    A person or group who tries to influence government decisions on behalf of a specific interest or organization.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Lobbyist in English
  • Constituency:
    The area or group of people represented by an elected official.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Constituency in English
  • Referendum:
    A direct vote by the public on a specific issue or proposal.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Referendum in English
  • Impeachment:
    The process of charging and removing a government official from office for misconduct or abuse of power.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Impeachment in English
  • Judiciary:
    The branch of government responsible for interpreting laws and administering justice.
    Judiciary in English
  • Federalism:
    A system of government where power is divided between a central authority and regional governments.
    Federalism in English
  • Autocracy:
    A system of government where one person holds absolute power and authority.
    Autocracy in English
  • Oligarchy:
    A form of government where power is concentrated in the hands of a small group of people.
    Oligarchy in English
  • Theocracy:
    A government ruled by religious leaders or based on religious laws.
    Theocracy in English
  • Bipartisanship:
    Cooperation and agreement between two opposing political parties.
    Bipartisanship in English
  • Compromise:
    Reaching an agreement by making concessions or finding a middle ground.
    Compromise in English
  • Public opinion:
    The collective views and beliefs of the general population on political issues.
    Public opinion in English
  • Civil rights:
    Rights that protect individuals from discrimination based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion.
    Civil rights in English
  • Civil liberties:
    Freedoms and rights guaranteed to individuals by law, such as freedom of speech and religion.
    Civil liberties in English
  • Governance:
    The process of governing or managing the affairs of a state or organization.
    Governance in English
  • Accountability:
    The obligation of individuals or institutions to take responsibility for their actions and decisions.
    Accountability in English
  • Transparency:
    Openness and accessibility of government actions, decisions, and processes to the public.
    Transparency in English
  • Electoral system:
    The rules and procedures used to conduct elections and determine representation.
    Electoral system in English
  • Political spectrum:
    The range of political beliefs and ideologies, from left to right or liberal to conservative.
    Political spectrum in English
  • Separation of powers:
    The division of government responsibilities into distinct branches to prevent the concentration of power in one group or individual.
    Separation of powers in English

Politics Related vocabulary words in English

list of 20 words related politics :

  • Checks and balances
  • Federal government
  • Local government
  • International relations
  • Diplomatic immunity
  • Foreign policy
  • Nationalism
  • Globalization
  • Annexation
  • Secession
  • Human rights
  • Authoritarianism
  • Totalitarianism
  • Militarism
  • Pacifism
  • Arms control
  • Disarmament
  • War crimes
  • Genocide
  • Regime

20 words politics with images:

  • Checks and balances:
    A system where different branches of government limit each other’s power to prevent abuse.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Checks and balances: in English
  • Federal government:
    The central authority in a country sharing power with regional governments.
    Federal government in English
  • Local government:
    Government responsible for managing affairs at the city, town, or county level.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Local government in English
  • International relations:
    Interactions and dealings between countries, including diplomacy and trade.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |International relations in English
  • Diplomatic immunity:
    Legal protection for diplomats from prosecution in a host country.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Diplomatic immunity in English
  • Foreign policy:
    A government’s strategy and actions regarding its interactions with other nations.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Foreign policy in English
  • Nationalism:
    Strong pride and loyalty to one’s own country.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Nationalism in English
  • Globalization:
    Increasing interconnectedness and interdependence among countries and cultures.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Globalization in English
  • Annexation:
    Forcible acquisition of territory by one country from another.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Annexation in English
  • Secession:
    The formal withdrawal of a region from a larger political entity.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Secession in English
  • Human rights:
    Basic rights and freedoms inherent to all humans.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Human rights in English
  • Authoritarianism:
    Government with strong centralized control and limited political freedoms.
    Authoritarianism in English
  • Totalitarianism:
    A form of government with total control over public and private life.
    Totalitarianism in English
  • Militarism:
    A belief in maintaining a strong military and using it aggressively.
    Militarism in English
  • Pacifism:
    Opposition to war and violence as a means of resolving conflicts.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Pacifism in English
  • Arms control:
    Efforts to limit the production and use of weapons.
    Arms control in English
  • Disarmament:
    Reduction or elimination of military weapons and capabilities.
    Disarmament in English
  • War crimes:
    Violations of the laws and customs of war.
    War crimes in English
  • Genocide:
    Deliberate killing of a large group, especially based on ethnicity or nationality.
    Genocide in English
  • Regime:
    A government or system of rule, often with connotations of authoritarianism.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Regime in English

Politics Related vocabulary words in English

100 words related to politics:

  • Coup d’état
  • Gerrymandering
  • Civil disobedience
  • Economic policy
  • Welfare state
  • National security
  • Homeland security
  • Intelligence
  • Surveillance
  • Espionage
  • Propaganda
  • Media censorship
  • Dissent
  • Activism
  • Grassroots movement
  • Political asylum
  • Pardon
  • Sanction
  • Supranationalism
  • Neutrality

100 words related to politics with images:

  • Coup d’état:
    A sudden and illegal takeover of government power by a group.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Coup d'état in English
  • Gerrymandering:
    Manipulating electoral boundaries to benefit a particular political group.
    Politics Related vocabulary words | Gerrymandering in English
  • Civil disobedience:
    Nonviolent protest against certain laws or policies.
    Civil disobedience in English
  • Economic policy:
    Government decisions affecting the economy, like taxes and spending.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Economic policy in English
  • Welfare state:
    A system providing social services like healthcare and education.
    Welfare state in English
  • National security:
    Protection of a nation from external threats.
    National security in English
  • Homeland security:
    Measures to safeguard a country from domestic threats.
    Homeland security in English
  • Intelligence:
    Gathering and analyzing information for national security purposes.
    Intelligence in English
  • Surveillance:
    Monitoring people or places for security reasons.
    Surveillance in English
  • Espionage:
    Secretly gathering information for a government.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Espionage in English
  • Propaganda:
    Information used to influence opinions or beliefs.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Propaganda in English
  • Media censorship:
    Controlling or limiting information by the government.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Media censorship in English
  • Dissent:
    Disagreement or opposition to government actions.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Dissent in English
  • Activism:
    Efforts to promote social or political change.
    Activism in English
  • Grassroots movement:
    Local efforts for social or political change.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Grassroots movement in English
  • Political asylum:
    Protection granted to refugees for political reasons.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Political asylum in English
  • Pardon:
    Official forgiveness for a crime by a government.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Pardon in English
  • Sanction:
    Penalties or restrictions imposed on a country.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Sanction in English
  • Supranationalism:
    Cooperation between multiple countries.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Supranationalism in English
  • Neutrality:
    Avoiding involvement in conflicts between other nations.
    Politics Related vocabulary words |Neutrality in English
Politics Related vocabulary words in English

Politics Related vocabulary words in English

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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