Learning Transitive verbs in English is a great way to increase your daily use of English vocabulary and a part of English Grammar. Transitive verbs are action words that need an object to complete their meaning. These verbs show actions that affect someone or something directly. For example, in the sentence She reads a book, the verb reads is transitive because it has the object book. Some common transitive verbs are, Bring, buy, clean, close, cut, draw, eat, give, hold, invite, know, like, make, and move. Understanding transitive verbs is important for forming clear and meaningful sentences. In this article, I have covered Transitive Verbs list A to Z in English and Images. all are given below, let’s learn…
Table of Contents
ToggleTransitive Verbs list A to Z in English
This list of transitive verbs from A to Z, along with images, is a helpful resource for learners to improve their grammar and vocabulary in English. Learn more about Linking verbs with definitions, types, and Examples
A words list Transitive verbs
- Accept
- Achieve
- Admire
- Advise
- Affect
- Alert
- Allow
- Announce
- Answer
- Approve
- Arrange
- Assist
- Assume
- Attach
- Attack
- Attempt
- Attend
- Attract
- Avoid
- Award
B words list Transitive verbs
- Balance
- Banish
- Beat
- Believe
- Blame
- Block
- Boost
- Borrow
- Break
- Build
- Burn
- Buy
- Borrow
- Bring
- Broadcast
- Brush
- Bury
- Bake
- Bend
- Blind
C words list Transitive verbs
- Call
- Capture
- Carry
- Catch
- Cause
- Challenge
- Change
- Charge
- Chase
- Cheat
- Check
- Choose
- Claim
- Clean
- Clear
- Close
- Collect
- Combine
- Comfort
- Compare
D words list Transitive verbs
- Damage
- Decide
- Defend
- Define
- Delay
- Deliver
- Demand
- Deny
- Depend
- Describe
- Design
- Destroy
- Detect
- Determine
- Develop
- Direct
- Discover
- Divide
- Draft
- Drop
E words list Transitive verbs
- Earn
- Educate
- Elect
- Encourage
- End
- Enforce
- Engage
- Enjoy
- Enter
- Establish
- Estimate
- Evaluate
- Examine
- Exclude
- Expect
- Explain
- Explore
- Extend
- Extract
- Enable
F words list Transitive verbs
- Face
- Facilitate
- Fail
- Favor
- Fear
- Feed
- Feel
- Fight
- Finish
- Fix
- Follow
- Force
- Form
- Frame
- Free
- Fulfill
- Fund
- Furnish
- Find
- Finish
G words list Transitive verbs
- Gain
- Gather
- Generate
- Give
- Guard
- Guide
- Grant
- Guarantee
- Greet
- Grow
- Guess
- Grab
- Govern
- Group
- Glorify
- Grant
- Grind
- Gather
- Gauge
- Ground
H words list Transitive verbs
- Handle
- Harm
- Hate
- Hear
- Help
- Hire
- Hold
- Honor
- Hope
- Host
- Hunt
- Hug
- Hurry
- Hide
- Halt
- Hinder
- Heal
- Harness
- Hang
- Harvest
I words list Transitive verbs
- Identify
- Ignore
- Illustrate
- Imagine
- Implement
- Improve
- Include
- Inform
- Initiate
- Inquire
- Inspect
- Inspire
- Install
- Instruct
- Interpret
- Interview
- Introduce
- Invest
- Invite
- Involve
J words list Transitive verbs
- Jab
- Jail
- Join
- Joke
- Judge
- Justify
- Juggle
- Jam
- Jumpstart
- Jeopardize
- Jolt
- Jot
- Jump
- Jinx
- Jog
- Juice
- Jumble
- Junk
- Jazz up
- Journey
K words list Transitive verbs
- Keep
- Kick
- Kill
- Kiss
- Knead
- Knit
- Knock
- Know
- Keep track
- Kindle
- Kneel
- Knock out
- Key in
- Kick off
- Kid
- Key
- Kite
- Knock back
- Knock over
- Kneecap
L words list Transitive verbs
- Label
- Launch
- Lead
- Lean
- Leave
- Lend
- Let
- Lift
- Light
- Limit
- Link
- List
- Listen
- Live
- Load
- Locate
- Lock
- Love
- Lower
- Lump
M words list Transitive verbs
- Maintain
- Manage
- Manipulate
- Mark
- Match
- Measure
- Meet
- Melt
- Mention
- Mix
- Model
- Modify
- Monitor
- Motivate
- Move
- Multiply
- Mop
- Mix up
- Muzzle
- Mimic
N words list Transitive verbs
- Name
- Navigate
- Neglect
- Negotiate
- Notice
- Notify
- Nurture
- Neutralize
- Number
- Nail
- Nibble
- Nominate
- Note
- Nourish
- Nudge
- Narrow
- Net
- Notice
- Nullify
- Nest
O words list Transitive verbs
- Obey
- Observe
- Obtain
- Offer
- Open
- Operate
- Order
- Organize
- Outrun
- Overcome
- Overlook
- Overtake
- Overwhelm
- Own
- Offset
- Outline
- Overhaul
- Overflow
- Occupy
- Optimize
P words list Transitive verbs
- Pack
- Paint
- Park
- Pass
- Pay
- Perform
- Permit
- Persuade
- Plan
- Plant
- Play
- Point
- Polish
- Possess
- Pour
- Praise
- Prepare
- Present
- Prevent
Q words list Transitive verbs
- Quarantine
- Qualify
- Quantify
- Quench
- Question
- Quicken
- Quiet
- Quit
- Quote
- Quiz
- Quadrate
- Quadrille
- Quarter
- Quell
- Queue
- Qualm
- Quench
- Quip
- Query
- Quarantine
R words list Transitive verbs
- Raise
- Rank
- Reach
- Realize
- Receive
- Recognize
- Recommend
- Record
- Reduce
- Refer
- Reflect
- Refuse
- Regret
- Relate
- Release
- Rely
- Remember
- Remove
- Repair
- Repeat
S words list
- Satisfy
- Save
- Say
- Scan
- Schedule
- Search
- Secure
- Select
- Sell
- Send
- Separate
- Serve
- Set
- Shape
- Share
- Shoot
- Show
- Solve
- Sort
- Support
T words list
- Take
- Talk
- Teach
- Tell
- Test
- Thank
- Threaten
- Touch
- Track
- Train
- Transfer
- Transform
- Translate
- Transport
- Treat
- Try
- Trust
- Turn
- Type
- Tailor
U words list
- Understand
- Undertake
- Undo
- Unfold
- Unify
- Unite
- Update
- Upgrade
- Uphold
- Use
- Utilize
- Uncover
- Unload
- Unmask
- Unpack
- Upset
- Urge
- Unplug
- Unveil
- Unlock
V words list
- Validate
- Value
- Vanquish
- Verify
- View
- Visit
- Visualize
- Voice
- Vote
- Volunteer
- Venture
- Vex
- Vindicate
- Violate
- Vanish
- Vaporize
- Varnish
- Venture
- Vet
- Vie
W words list
- Wait
- Walk
- Want
- Warn
- Wash
- Watch
- Wave
- Wear
- Weigh
- Welcome
- Win
- Wish
- Withdraw
- Witness
- Wonder
- Work
- Worship
- Wound
- Write
- Wrap
X words list
- Xerox
- X-ray
- X-out
- X-cell (as in to excel, metaphorically)
- X-plore
- X-pedite
- X-change
- X-clude
- X-pose
- X-tend
- X-plode
- X-tricate
- X-amine
- X-trapolate
- X-pand
- X-radiate
- X-emplify
- X-aggerate
- X-tirpate
- X-haust
Y words list
- Yank
- Yearn
- Yell
- Yield
- Yoke
- Yank
- Yellow
- Yodel
- Youthify
- Yelp
- Yard
- Yearbook
- Yawp
- Yack
- Yaffle
- Yack up
- Yatter
- Yaw
Z words list
- Zap
- Zeal
- Zero
- Zest
- Zone
- Zoom
- Zigzag
- Zip
- Zestify
- Zing
- Zipper
- Zombie-fy
- Zoodle
- Zoom-in
- Zest-up
- Zero-in
- Zombify
- Zing-up
- Zone-out
- Zipline
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