English Grammar

Adjectives and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

Adjectives and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

Insane, wise, entertaining, and captivating! Is that someone you know or yourself? Are you aware of the definitions of these terms and the parts of speech they belong to? Say “adjectives,” did you? You guessed correctly. Let’s study more about adjectives, including their definition, kinds, and meanings. Let’s jump to our lesson on 12 Adjectives And Their Types, Definitions, and Examples…

What is an Adjective?

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives usually explain or give more details about a noun or pronoun, giving us greater insight into it. For example, everything that makes people laugh or have fun is said to as hilarious.

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12 Adjectives and Their Types:

  • Descriptive adjectives
  • Demonstrative adjectives
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Quantitative adjectives
  • Numerical adjectives
  • Interrogative adjectives
  • Indefinite adjectives
  • Proper adjectives
  • Compound adjectives
  • Comparative adjectives
  • Superlative adjectives
  • Predicate adjectives

Adjectives and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples:

  1. Descriptive Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives that describe the characteristics or qualities of nouns.
    • Adjectives: tall, blue, beautiful, happy, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • The tall tree stood majestically in the park.
      • She wore a blue dress to the party.
      • He admired the beautiful sunset.
  2. Demonstrative Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives used to point out specific nouns.
    • Adjectives: this, that, these, those
    • Example sentences:
      • This book belongs to me.
      • I prefer those shoes over these.
      • That house across the street is for sale.
  3. Possessive Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives that indicate ownership or possession.
    • Adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their
    • Example sentences:
      • My car is parked outside.
      • Their dog is very friendly.
      • She forgot her keys at home.
  4. Quantitative Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives that indicate the quantity or amount of a noun.
    • Adjectives: many, few, several, much, little, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • There are many books on the shelf.
      • She has few friends in this city.
      • He doesn’t have much time to spare.
  5. Numerical Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives that indicate a specific number or order of a noun.
    • Adjectives: one, two, first, second, third, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • He was the first person to arrive at the party.
      • There are three apples on the table.
      • She lives on the fourth floor of the building.
  6. Interrogative Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives used to ask questions about nouns.
    • Adjectives: which, what, whose
    • Example sentences:
      • Which book do you prefer?
      • What color is your car?
      • Whose pen is this?
  7. Indefinite Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives that do not specify a particular noun.
    • Adjectives: some, any, several, few, many, all, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • She bought some flowers for the vase.
      • Do you have any plans for the weekend?
      • Several people attended the meeting.
  8. Proper Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives formed from proper nouns.
    • Adjectives: American, French, Chinese, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • He enjoys American cuisine.
      • She studies French literature.
      • They visited the Chinese restaurant last night.
  9. Compound Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives formed by combining two or more words.
    • Adjectives: well-known, fast-paced, hard-working, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • She lives in a well-known neighborhood.
      • The movie had a fast-paced plot.
      • He is a hard-working student.
  10. Comparative Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives used to compare two nouns.
    • Adjectives: taller, shorter, more beautiful, less intelligent, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • She is taller than her sister.
      • This book is more interesting than the one I read yesterday.
      • He is less patient than his brother.
  11. Superlative Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives used to compare three or more nouns.
    • Adjectives: tallest, shortest, most beautiful, least intelligent, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.
      • She is the most talented musician in the band.
      • This is the least expensive option available.
  12. Predicate Adjectives:

    • Definition: Adjectives that come after linking verbs and describe the subject.
    • Adjectives: happy, sad, tired, excited, etc.
    • Example sentences:
      • She feels happy about her promotion.
      • He seems tired after a long day at work.
      • They are excited about their upcoming vacation.

Adjectives and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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