English Vocabulary

Common Action Verbs in English with Images

Common Action Verbs in English
Written by mrmrsenglish.com

Any language needs verbs, and English is no exception. We have divided the English verbs into more digestible parts as a result. You are going to study verbs that describe actions in this part. verbs of action? Curious as to what it could be? Verbs that describe the action that the subject is performing are called action verbs. You may learn everything there is to know about action verbs from this article. Common Action Verbs in English with Images

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Action Verbs List:

  • Run
  • Jump
  • Walk
  • Eat
  • Sleep
  • Talk
  • Listen
  • Write
  • Read
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Laugh
  • Cry
  • Smile
  • Think
  • Create
  • Build
  • Play
  • Drive
  • Cook

Common Action Verbs in English with Images:

  • Run: Move quickly on foot.
    Run in English
  • Jump: Propel oneself upward or horizontally using legs.
     Jump in English
  • Walk: Move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot.
    Walk in English
  • Eat: Put food into the mouth, chew, and swallow.
    Eat in English
  • Sleep: Rest with eyes closed, body inactive.
     Verbs Sleep in English
  • Talk: Communicate verbally with someone.
    Talk in English
  • Listen: Pay attention with the ear, hear closely.
    Listen in English
  • Write: Mark letters or symbols on a surface with a pen or pencil.
    Write in English
  • Read: Interpret written or printed matter.
    Read in English
  • Sing: Produce musical sounds with the voice.
    Sing in English
  • Dance: Move rhythmically to music.
     Dance in English
  • Laugh: Make spontaneous sounds and movements indicating amusement.
    Laugh in English
  • Cry: Shed tears as an expression of distress or pain.
    Cry in English
  • Smile: Form a pleased or kind expression with the face.
    Smile in English
  • Think: Have opinions, beliefs, or ideas.
     Think in English
  • Create: Bring something into existence.
     Create in English
  • Build: Construct by assembling parts or materials
    Build in English .
  • layP: Engage in activity for enjoyment.
    Play in English
  • Drive: Operate and control a motor vehicle.
    Drive in English
  • Cook: Prepare food by applying heat.
     Cook in English

Common Action Verbs in English

List of Action verbs:

  • Swim
  • Climb
  • Fly
  • Surf
  • Paint
  • Draw
  • Sculpt
  • Invent
  • Innovate
  • Design
  • Develop
  • Implement
  • Solve
  • Fix
  • Repair
  • Construct
  • Analyze
  • Assess
  • Evaluate
  • Plan

List of Action verbs with Images:

  • Swim: Move through water by using arms and legs.
    Swim in English
  • Climb: Ascend or move upward, typically using hands and feet to grip onto surfaces.
     Climb in English
  • Fly: Move through the air, usually with wings or in an aircraft.
    Fly in English
  • Surf: Ride ocean waves, typically on a surfboard.
    Surf in English
  • Paint: Apply color onto a surface using brushes or tools.
    Paint in English
  • Draw: Create pictures or diagrams by making marks on a surface
     Draw in English .
  • Sculpt: Shape materials like clay or stone into art or objects.
    Sculpt in English
  • Invent: Create something entirely new.
    Invent in English
  • Innovate: Introduce new ideas or methods.
    Innovate in English
  • Design: Plan and create the appearance or function of something.
    Design in English
  • Develop: Grow or elaborate on something over time.
    Develop in English
  • Implement: Put a plan or decision into action.
    Implement in English
  • Solve: Find a solution to a problem.
     Solve in English
  • Fix: Repair or mend something.
    Fix in English
  • Repair: Restore something to a good condition after damage.
    Repair in English
  • Construct: Build or put together something.
    Construct in English
  • Analyze: Examine something in detail.
    Analyze in English
  • Assess: Evaluate or judge something.
    Assess in English
  • Evaluate: Form an opinion about something based on careful consideration.
    Evaluate in English
  • Plan: Make decisions about how to achieve a goal.
    Plan in English

Common Action Verbs in English

Common Action Verbs in English:

  • Organize
  • Manage
  • Lead
  • Direct
  • Guide
  • Mentor
  • Coach
  • Teach
  • Learn
  • Study
  • Research
  • Explore
  • Discover
  • Investigate
  • Experiment
  • Test
  • Breathe
  • Smell
  • Touch
  • Feel

Common Action Verbs in English with Images:

  • Organize: Arrange items or tasks in a systematic way.
    Common Action Verbs |Organize in English
  • Manage: Control or oversee the activities or people within a group or organization.
    Common Action Verbs |Manage in English
  • Lead: Guide or direct others towards a common goal.
    Common Action Verbs |Lead in English
  • Direct: Provide instructions or guidance to achieve a specific outcome.
    Common Action Verbs |Direct in English
  • Guide: Assist or lead someone in a particular direction or activity.
    Common Action Verbs |Guide in English
  • Mentor: Offer guidance and support to someone based on your own experience and knowledge.
    Common Action Verbs | Mentor in English
  • Coach: Help individuals improve their skills or performance through training and feedback.
    Common Action Verbs |Coach in English
  • Teach: Share knowledge or skills with others through instruction.
    Common Action Verbs | Teach in English
  • Learn: Acquire knowledge or skills through study, experience, or instruction.
    Common Action Verbs |Learn in English
  • Study: Focus on learning about a particular subject or topic.
    Common Action Verbs |Study in English
  • Research: Investigate a subject or problem to discover new information.
    Common Action Verbs |Research in English
  • Explore: Investigate or travel through unfamiliar places or ideas.
    Common Action Verbs |Explore in English
  • Discover: Find or learn something new or previously unknown.
    Common Action Verbs |Discover in English
  • Investigate: Examine or inquire into a subject or situation thoroughly.
    Common Action Verbs |Investigate in English
  • Experiment: Conduct a test or trial to observe the outcomes and learn new things.
    Common Action Verbs |Experiment in English
  • Test: Assess the performance or characteristics of something through examination or trial.
    Common Action Verbs | Test in English
  • Breathe: Inhale and exhale air to sustain life.
    Common Action Verbs | Breathe in English
  • Smell: Detect odors or scents using the nose.
    Common Action Verbs |Smell in English
  • Touch: Make contact with something using the skin, often to perceive texture or temperature.
    Common Action Verbs |Touch in English
  • Feel: Experience an emotion, sensation, or physical perceptio
    Common Action Verbs |Feel in English

Common Action Verbs in English

List of action verbs in English:

  • Sense
  • Taste
  • Perceive
  • Encounter
  • Experience
  • Live
  • Love
  • Hate
  • Like
  • Dislike
  • Appreciate
  • Admire
  • Respect
  • Desire
  • Crave
  • Want
  • Need
  • Yearn
  • Hope
  • Dream

Action verbs in English with pictures:

  • Sense: Become aware of something through the senses.
    Common Action Verbs | Sense in English
  • Taste: Perceive flavor through the sense of taste.
    Common Action Verbs | Taste in English
  • Perceive: Understand or become aware of something through the senses or intuition.
    Common Action Verbs |Perceive in English
  • Encounter: Come across or meet someone or something unexpectedly.
    Common Action Verbs |Encounter in English
  • Experience: Undergo or live through a particular event or situation.
    Common Action Verbs |Experience in English
  • Live: Be alive and exist in the present moment.
    Common Action Verbs |Live in English
  • Love: Feel deep affection or attachment towards someone or something
    Common Action Verbs |Love in English .
  • Hate: Feel intense dislike or hostility towards someone or something.
    Common Action Verbs |Hate in English
  • Like: Find something enjoyable or agreeable.
    Common Action Verbs |Like in English
  • Dislike: Have an aversion or negative feeling towards someone or something.
    Common Action Verbs |Dislike in English
  • Appreciate: Recognize the value or significance of someone or something.
    Common Action Verbs |Appreciate in English
  • Admire: Regard with respect, approval, or wonder.
    Common Action Verbs | Admire in English
  • Respect: Hold someone or something in high esteem or regard.
    Common Action Verbs |Respect in English
  • Desire: Strongly wish for or want something.
    Common Action Verbs | Desire in English
  • Crave: Have an intense longing or desire for something.
    Common Action Verbs |Crave in English
  • Want: Have a desire or wish for something.
    Common Action Verbs | Want in English
  • Need: Require something essential or necessary for survival or well-being.
    Common Action Verbs |Need in English
  • Need: Have a strong longing or desire, especially for something unattainable.
    Common Action Verbs |Need in English
  • Hope: Feel expectation or desire for a certain thing to happen.
    Common Action Verbs |Hope in English
  • Dream: Envision or imagine something desired or idealized while asleep or awake.
    Common Action Verbs |Dream in English

Common Action Verbs in English

Names of action verbs in English

  • Wish
  • Aspire
  • Strive
  • Pursue
  • Achieve
  • Succeed
  • Help
  • Assist
  • Support
  • Encourage
  • Comfort
  • Console
  • Volunteer
  • Donate
  • Serve
  • Protect
  • Defend
  • Preserve
  • Contribute
  • Participate

Names of action verbs in English with images:

  • Wish: Desire or hope for something to happen.
    Common Action Verbs |Wish in English
  • Aspire: Have a strong ambition or goal to achieve something.
    Common Action Verbs |Aspire in English
  • Strive: Exert effort or work hard towards a goal.
    Common Action Verbs |Strive in English
  • Strive: Actively seek or chase after a goal or dream.
    Common Action Verbs | Strive in English
  • Achieve: Successfully reach or accomplish a desired objective.
    Common Action Verbs | Achieve in English
  • Succeed: Accomplish a desired aim or achieve a positive outcome.
    Common Action Verbs |Succeed in English
  • Help: Provide assistance or support to someone in need.
    Common Action Verbs | Help in English
  • Assist: Aid or lend support to someone in completing a task.
    Common Action Verbs | Assist in English
  • Support: Give encouragement or aid to someone or something.
    Common Action Verbs | Support in English
  • Encourage: Inspire or motivate someone to do something.
    Common Action Verbs | Encourage in English
  • Comfort: Provide solace or alleviate distress to someone.
    Common Action Verbs |Comfort in English
  • Console: Offer sympathy or emotional support to someone in sorrow.
    Common Action Verbs |Console in English
  • Volunteer: Offer one’s time or services willingly without payment.
    Common Action Verbs | Volunteer in English
  • Donate: Give money, goods, or resources to a cause or charity.
    Common Action Verbs | Donate in English
  • Serve: Perform duties or assist others, often in a formal capacity.
    Common Action Verbs |Serve in English
  • Protect: Shield or defend someone or something from harm.
    Common Action Verbs | Protect in English
  • Defend: Safeguard or uphold the rights or interests of someone or something.
    Common Action Verbs | Defend in English
  • Preserve: Maintain or conserve something in its original state.
    Common Action Verbs | Preserve in English
  • Contribute: Give or provide something, such as ideas or resources, towards a common goal.
    Common Action Verbs | Contribute in English
  • Participate: Take part or engage actively in an activity or event.
    Common Action Verbs | Participate in English

Common Action Verbs in English

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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