English Speaking

English Speaking Course Lesson 4 by Structures

English Speaking Course Lesson 4 by Structures

English Speaking Course lesson 4 is going to teach you. In this class, you will learn 3 Basic Structures that we commonly use. The First one is I didn’t mean to + (verb), The Second Structure is “I wanna + verb and the third one is I used to + (verb). So let’s Start the practice for English Speaking Course Lesson 4

Use of I didn’t mean to + (verb):

This structure is used when you regret something you said and want to say that you didn’t mean it. for example, I didn’t mean to ignore you.


  • Negative Sentences: I + didn’t mean to + verb + object.
  • Interrogative Sentences: Did + you + mean to + verb + object +?
Negative Sentences Interrogative Sentences
I didn’t mean to criticize your work. Did you mean to call her?
I didn’t mean to sound rude. Did you mean to send an email?
I didn’t mean to ignore your message. Did you mean to leave your phone at home?
I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Did you mean to arrive late to the meeting?
I didn’t mean to make you confused. Did you mean to order pizza?

English Speaking Course Lesson 4 by Structures | Use of I didn't mean to + (verb)

Use of I wanna +(verb):

This structure is used to show your desire like what you want to do. for example, I wanna go home. for example, I wanna speak English. I wanna join her.


  • Affirmative Sentences: I + “wanna” + verb + object.
  • Negative Sentences: I+ “don’t wanna + verb + object.
  • Interrogative Sentences: Do + you + wanna + verb + object +?
Affirmative Sentences Negative Sentences Interrogative Sentences
I wanna go for a walk. I don’t wanna eat chicken for dinner. Do you wanna join her?
I wanna watch a movie tonight. I don’t wanna buy that expensive shoes. Do you wanna stay up late?
I wanna try that new restaurant downtown. I don’t wanna waste my time. Do you wanna quit your job?
I wanna visit my grandparents this weekend. I don’t wanna go shopping today. Do you wanna go on vacation?
I wanna improve my English speaking. I don’t wanna go to the party. Do you wanna marry her?

Use of I wanna +(verb)

Use of I used to + (verb):

This structure is used to talk about your past habits. for example, I used to live in Lahore. for example, I used to have a car.


  • Affirmative Sentences: I + “used to” + first form of the verb.
  • Interrogative Sentences: I + “didn’t use to” + first form of the verb.
  • Negative Sentences: Did + you + “use to” + first form of the verb +”?
Affirmative Sentences Negative Sentences Interrogative Sentences
I used to wake up late at night. I didn’t use to have a car. Did you use to drink coffee?
I used to live in the city. I didn’t use to enjoy reading. Do you usually wear glasses?
I used to exercise regularly. I didn’t use to watch movies. Did you use to jog to everyday?
I used to use to speak English fluently. I didn’t use to like spicy food. Did you use to watch much TV?
I used to travel a lot. I didn’t use to smoke. Did you use to play basketball?

English Speaking Course Lesson 4 by Structures |

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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