English Grammar

interjections and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

interjections and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

Do You want to study interjections and Their Types? well, Wow! Uhh! Yeah! Hurry! Ouch! Ow! and Many more These types of words are called interjections. This article will help you to know the uses of interjections in your daily life conversation through their Types, Definitions, and Examples as well as example sentences to learn how you could use these interjections in your daily life…

What is an interjection?

Interjections are a type of speech used to express or communicate impulsive sensations and emotions. Although there are no set guidelines for interjection placement, it is common for them to occur at the start of sentences. They are employed in the construction of exclamatory phrases. Look over the definitions of interjections provided by various dictionaries to have a better understanding of what they are.

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8 Parts of Speech

What Are the Types of Interjection?

There Are 14 Types of Interjections in English Grammar which are Given Below…

  • Interjections of Joy or Approval
  • Interjections of Surprise or Shock
  • Interjections of Pain or Displeasure
  • Interjections of Greeting or Farewell
  • Interjections of Agreement or Affirmation
  • Interjections of Disagreement or Disapproval
  • Interjections of Attention or Calling
  • Interjections of Relief or Relaxation
  • Interjections of Excitement or Anticipation
  • Interjections of Confusion or Bewilderment
  • Interjections of Praise or Admiration
  • Interjections of Sarcasm or Mockery
  • Interjections of Gratitude or Thankfulness
  • Interjections of Indifference or Boredom

interjections and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples:

  1. Interjections of Joy or Approval

    • Definition: Expressions of happiness or agreement.
      • Interjections: Yay, Wow, Fantastic
      • Examples:
        • Yay! We won the game!
        • Wow! That’s amazing!
        • Fantastic! You did a great job!
  2. Interjections of Surprise or Shock

    • Definition: Expressions of astonishment or disbelief.
      • Interjections: Oh my goodness, Whoa, Holy cow
      • Examples:
        • Oh my goodness! You got the promotion!
        • Whoa! I can’t believe it!
        • Holy cow! That’s incredible!
  3. Interjections of Pain or Displeasure

    • Definition: Expressions of discomfort or unhappiness.
      • Interjections: Ouch, Ugh, Oh no
      • Examples:
        • Ouch! That hurts!
        • Ugh! I hate doing chores!
        • Oh no! I forgot my keys again!
  4. Interjections of Greeting or Farewell

    • Definition: Expressions used for saying hello or goodbye.
      • Interjections: Hi there, Hello, Goodbye
      • Examples:
        • Hi there! How are you doing?
        • Hello! Nice to see you again!
        • Goodbye! See you later!
  5. Interjections of Agreement or Affirmation

    • Definition: Expressions confirming agreement or approval.
      • Interjections: Yes, Absolutely, Indeed
      • Examples:
        • Yes! I agree with you completely.
        • Absolutely! That’s a great idea!
        • Indeed! You are correct.
  6. Interjections of Disagreement or Disapproval

    • Definition: Expressions indicating disagreement or dislike.
      • Interjections: No way, Oh come on, Hmm
      • Examples:
        • No way! That’s not fair!
        • Oh come on! You must be joking!
        • Hmm, I’m not convinced.
  7. Interjections of Attention or Calling

    • Definition: Expressions used to get someone’s attention.
      • Interjections: Hey, Psst, Yo
      • Examples:
        • Hey! Look at this!
        • Psst! Can you hear me?
        • Yo! Over here!
  8. Interjections of Relief or Relaxation

    • Definition: Expressions of comfort or relaxation.
      • Interjections: Phew, Ah, Thank goodness
      • Examples:
        • Phew! That was a close call!
        • Ah, finally some peace and quiet.
        • Thank goodness! I needed that break.
  9. Interjections of Excitement or Anticipation

    • Definition: Expressions of eagerness or excitement.
      • Interjections: Wow, Oh boy, Yippee
      • Examples:
        • Wow! I can’t wait for the party!
        • Oh boy! It’s my birthday tomorrow!
        • Yippee! The concert is tonight!
  10. Interjections of Confusion or Bewilderment

    • Definition: Expressions of puzzlement or uncertainty.
      • Interjections: Huh, Hmm, Wait
      • Examples:
        • Huh? What just happened?
        • Hmm, I’m not sure I understand.
        • Wait, what did you say?
  11. Interjections of Praise or Admiration

    • Definition: Expressions of admiration or praise.
      • Interjections: Bravo, Well done, Wow
      • Examples:
        • Bravo! That was an amazing performance!
        • Well done! You aced the test!
        • Wow! You’re so talented!
  12. Interjections of Sarcasm or Mockery

    • Definition: Expressions used to mock or convey sarcasm.
      • Interjections: Oh great, Wonderful, Sure
      • Examples:
        • Oh great! Another mess to clean up.
        • Wonderful! Now I’m stuck in traffic.
        • Sure, that’s exactly what I needed.
  13. Interjections of Gratitude or Thankfulness

    • Definition: Expressions of appreciation or thanks.
      • Interjections: Thank you, Thanks a lot, I’m so grateful
      • Examples:
        • Thank you! You’ve been so helpful.
        • Thanks a lot! You’re a lifesaver.
        • I’m so grateful! You’ve done so much for me.
  14. Interjections of Indifference or Boredom

    • Definition: Expressions showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm.
      • Interjections: Meh, Eh, Oh
      • Examples:
        • Meh, I don’t really care.
        • Eh, whatever, it doesn’t matter.
        • Oh, how boring!
interjections and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

interjections and Their Types, Definitions, and Examples

About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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