English Speaking

English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures

English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures
Written by mrmrsenglish.com

This is class of English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures. If you want to speak English, join this course. The first structure is ”use of yet”, the second is ”Can’t help + verb + ing”, and the third is ”Use of would you mind + (verb + ing)”. Let’s get started and improve your English by English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures

Use of Yet:

This structure is used to tell no work has been done yet. For example, I haven’t finished my homework yet. we haven’t made a decision yet.

Structure: Subject + haven’t/hasn’t + past participle + yet

  • I haven’t seen the movie yet.
  • She hasn’t finished her project yet.
  • They haven’t left the house yet.
  • We haven’t decided on a date yet.
  • He hasn’t answered my question yet.
  • The results haven’t been announced yet.
  • I haven’t met her parents yet.
  • The train hasn’t arrived yet.
  • I haven’t had breakfast yet.
  • We haven’t reached our destination yet.
English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures | use of yet

English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures

Can’t help + verb + ing:

You will use this structure to describe when you are not self-sufficient and cannot settle on something. For example, we can’t help feeling excited for the trip. I can’t help wondering.

Structure: Subject + can’t help + verb (ing form)

  • I can’t help feeling sad.
  • She can’t help crying during the movie.
  • He can’t help laughing at the joke.
  • They can’t help worrying about the exam.
  • We can’t help missing our old friends.
  • You can’t help thinking about the future.
  • I can’t help regretting my choice.
  • She can’t help feeling nervous.
  • I can’t help wondering about it.
  • She can’t help loving him.
Can't help + verb + ing

English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures

Use of would you mind + (verb + ing):

You will use this structure to treat someone politely. For example, Would you mind passing the salt, Would you mind showing me the way. Would you mind taking a look at this?

Structure: Would you mind + verb (ing form) + object

  • Would you mind closing the door.
  • Would you mind helping me with this.
  • Would you mind waiting for a moment.
  • Would you mind explaining that again.
  • Would you mind lending me your pen.
  • Would you mind moving your car.
  • Would you mind turning off the lights.
  • Would you mind speaking more slowly.
  • Would you mind opening the window.
  • Would you mind telling me the time.
English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures | would you mind + (verb + ing)

English Speaking Course Lesson 8 by Structures

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About the author


The Author is a Certified TEFL Trainer from Arizona State University having experience of 7 years in teaching English worldwide to the students with diverse culture. He is a passionate English language trainer by both profession and passion.

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